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Mr. F. M. Sartoris

Wellingborough News, 13th January 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins

WE record with deep regret, in another column, the death of Mr. F. M. Sartoris, the eldest son of Mr. F. U. Sartoris, J.P., of Rushden-hall. We understand that Mr. Herbert Sartoris and Miss Effie Sartoris went to Constantinople in consequence of their brother's illness, and were there at the time of his death. The late Mr. Sartoris was unmarried. The news of his comparatively early death has called forth general expressions of regret in this neighbourhood, and by a large circle of friends in other parts of the country. Strong sympathy is also felt with Mr. Sartoris and his family in the severe bereavement they have sustained.

Wellingborough News, 13th January 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins

Death of Mr. Frederick Maitland Sartoris
We regret to announce the death of Mr. Fredk. Sartoris, which occurred some days since at Constantinople. He was the son of Mr. F. U. Sartoris, J.P., of Rushden Hall, in this county. He was educated at Eton, and entered the diplomatic service in 1865. He served first at Munich and Buenos Ayres. After being promoted to be a third secretary of Embassy, he was appointed to Paris in 1871, and remained there until 1873, when he went to Copenhagen as second secretary. He was transferred to Madrid in 1875, and went back to Paris in 1876, where he remained until 1879, when he was appointed to Constantinople.

The Daily News Constantinople telegraphed on Sunday:—The funeral of Mr. Sartoris took place this afternoon. I have never seen in Constantinople a more distinguished gathering of mourners. All the Ambassadors and Ministers and most of the Secretaries and Consuls were present, all in uniform. The Porte sent a guard of honour and various official representatives. After the service in the Embassy chapel, the cortege proceeded to Scutari Cemetery, and, notwithstanding that the weather is the coldest we have yet had this winter, the following was still large. In the diplomatic service Mr. Sartoris was regarded as one of the most promising diplomatists and had secured in this capital the respect of the British community and of foreigners alike.

The Daily News, in an article on the death of Mr. Sartoris says:—His death is a great loss to the diplomatic service. Mr. Sartoris was indeed a man of signal ability and great industry. He was one of the ablest men in the diplomatic service of this country in the East. He spoke many languages; he thought it worth his while to endeavour to understand the tongue and the ways of the people among whom his duties sent him to live. He loved reading, and knew well the literatures of modern Europe. He had a mind remarkably free from prejudice, and was always anxious to get at and comprehend other people's point of view. His varied and extensive reading and his keen observation made him a charming companion. For some time Mr. Sartoris had been in a condition of health anything but satisfactory. About a year ago he was attacked by a severe gastric fever in Constantinople. After his recovery he took a little rest, and went for a short trip to Egypt. The change of scene and climate did him much good, and when he returned to Constantinople he seemed to his friends to have taken a new lease of life. Nature would appear to have made him a man qualified to get the best out of life every way. He had a handsome face and a commanding presence, and looked as if he might have been meant to personify strength and energy But he was a hard worker and a hard student, and he threw his whole soul into any work he had to do. He died before he had quite attained what we now regard as the prime of life; he was probably under forty years of age. The first Lord Lytton has somewhere observed that if you study the intellectual character of the men of recognised ability and fame whom you know, you are always struck by the fact that some men, who have not made any name, of which the outer public take account, seem much more deserving of celebrity and success. Those who knew the late Mr. Sartoris must have had some such reflection brought to their minds very often. He might, perhaps, have made a fame, if he had lived.

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