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Rushden Echo, 13th October 1916, transcribed by Kay Collins
Mr John Lilley, of Rushden
Local Postman’s Death
Formerly of Higham Ferrers and Raunds – A Native of Stanwick

John Lilley, postmanWithin two days of his 67th birthday, the death took place on Tuesday night, at 10.45, of Mr John Lilley, a well-known local postman. Since his retirement from the postal service eight years ago last March, Mr Lilley had resided with his son-in-law, Mr Edgar Linnitt, photographer, of 140, High-street, Rushden, and it was there that death took place.

A native of Stanwick, the late Mr Lilley worked as a best army shoe-hand, and he was a proficient craftsman. He then became a postman at Higham Ferrers and for a quarter-of-a-century he did the Stanwick round.

Twelve or thirteen years ago he was removed by the postal authorities to Raunds, and there he remained for 4½ years, until ill-health necessitated his retirement. He received his full number of stripes, and gained the good will not only of the members of the postal staff but of the general public.

Deceased leaves a widow, a son (Mr John Richard Lilley, “Jack”, as he used to be called, a former Rushden Town footballer, now living in York-road, Rushden), and one daughter (Mrs E Linnitt).

Rushden Echo, 20th October 1916, transcribed by Gill Hollis

The funeral of the late Mr. John Lilley, who died on October 10th, at his house, 140, High-street, Rushden, near the residence of his son-in-law and daughter (Mr. & Mrs. E. Linnitt) took place on Saturday last at the Cemetery, Rushden, the Rev. H. S. Southall officiating.  The coffin bore the inscription:

Died October 10th, 1916
Aged 66 years

The mourners were: Mrs. Lilley (widow) and Mr. J. R. Lilley (son), Mr. and Mrs. E. Linnitt (son-in-law and daughter), Mrs. J. R. Lilley (daughter-in-law) and Mrs. Britchford, Stanwick (sister).  There were a number of beautiful wreaths.

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