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Rushden Echo & Argus, 16th March 1945
Mr. W. S. Ladds, Rushden

A member of the Rushden Independent Wesleyan Church for over 80 years, Mr. William Sanders Ladds, passed away on Tuesday morning, at his home, 65, Queen-street, Rushden, at the age of 93.

Mr. Ladds held a certificate for 80 years' service to the Church at which he was a teacher on various occasions. He had never missed one anniversary service during that time and last year was wheeled there in his chair.

In failing health for some years he had been blind for the last 3 years and had kept to his bed since before Christmas.

A native of Rushden, he had lived in Queen-street for 50 years, and at his present home for 30. He had been a boot maker by trade, but had retired over 20 years ago. From 1882 until 1898 Mr. Ladds served on the management committee of the Rushden Co-operative Society and always kept up his interest in the society to the end of his active life.

His wife died 33 years ago, and two daughters are left, Mrs. J. T. Woolley, of Pytchley and Miss M. A. Ladds who resided with him.

The funeral was arranged to take place on Friday.

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