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The Rushden Echo, 17th October 1947, transcribed by Kay Collins
Mrs. Martha Ann Hollis
Rushden Woman’s Funeral

The funeral of Mrs. Martha Ann Hollis, of 42, Oval Road, Rushden, took place on Saturday. The service was conducted by the Rev. R. Percival Jones at the Park Road Baptist Church, and the mourners were: Mr. A. E. Hollis (widower), Mr. and Mrs. S. Smith (son-in-law and daughter), Mr. and Mrs. A. E. J. Hollis, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hollis and Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Hollis (sons and daughters-in-law), Mrs. W. Dickens, Mrs. M. Groom, Miss I. Sharp and Mrs. I. Simms (nieces), Mr. A. Wilmott (nephew), Mrs. V. Tite and Mrs. C. Sharp (sisters-in-law), Mrs. A. Ingram (cousin), Mrs. F. Tyler, Mrs B. Ambridge and Mrs. L. Sears (friends).

Wreaths included those from the Women’s Section of the British Legion, the maintenance staff of Nene Valley Shoes Ltd., Higham Ferrers, and friends and neighbours of Oval Road.

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