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Rushden Echo, 22nd October 1915, transcribed by Gill Hollis
Death of Mr. Arthur H. Dickens
A Respected Resident of Rushden
A Loss to The Baptist Cause

It is with deep regret that we have to record the death of Mr. Arthur H. Dickens, of Wellingborough-road, Rushden, which took place on Sunday morning at the Northampton General Hospital. Deceased who was 56 years of age, leaves a widow and two daughters.

Born at Ravensthorpe, the deceased has spent the greater part of his life at Rushden, and he had by his consistent life and high-toned character, gained the respect of a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. In business he was a draper, and, in addition to his shop in Wellingborough-road, he travelled through a wide district, embracing many parts of Northants, Bedfordshire, and the adjoining counties.

Mr. Dickens had been ill for some months, and was removed six or seven weeks ago to the Northampton Hospital, suffering from an internal complaint. Several serious operations were performed, but without avail, and the patient gradually became weaker, passing away as stated, last Sunday morning. Through the courtesy of the authorities at the hospital, Mrs. Dickens was able to be with her husband for a week or so before the end, and she and her daughters were present when Mr. Dickens passed away.

In politics Mr. Dickens was a consistent Progressive, but it was as a worker in connection with the Baptist cause that he was most widely known. He was a lay preacher of considerable ability and preached in many Baptist Chapels in Northamptonshire, Bedfordshire, and the district, his services being in great demand. He was a member of the Park-road Baptist Church, Rushden, and was a deacon of that place of worship. He was one of the founders of the Baptist Mission at Higham Ferrers a few years ago, and was the superintendent of the cause.

The Funeral

took place yesterday afternoon amidst many signs of sympathy. A service was conducted by the Rev. H. J. Horn in the Park-road Baptist Church. As the coffin was borne into the Church the organist (Mr. J. Lindsay Clipson, A.R.C.O.) played the air “O rest in the Lord.”

The chief mourners were: Mrs. Dickens (widow), Miss Dickens and Miss Marie Dickens (daughters), Mr. Dickens (brother), Miss E. Dickens (niece), Mr. Ray Dickens (nephew), Mrs. Marlow (niece), Mrs. Rhodes (niece), Mrs. Allison (cousin), Mr. J. Dickens (cousin) and Mrs. Dickens, Mr. and Mrs. Wamsley (brother and sister-in-law).

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