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The Rushden Echo, 7th January, 1910, transcribed by Gill Hollis
Unexpected Death of Mrs. James Bugby

Painful Event at Rushden

The Funeral Yesterday

With very deep regret we have to chronicle the death, which took place very suddenly and unexpectedly on Tuesday morning, of Mrs. Bugby, wife of Mr. James Bugby, fish merchant and dealer in poultry and game, of High-street, Rushden.

The deceased lady, who was 35 years of age, was a native of Earls Barton, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. White. About 12 years ago she came to reside at Rushden, taking up a position as teacher at the National Schools. About 10 years ago she was married to Mr. Bugby. There are four children. The youngest was born only five weeks ago. Mrs. Bugby made excellent progress until Saturday last when somewhat unfavourable symptoms manifested themselves, though no danger was anticipated. On Monday she appeared to be going on nicely, but on Tuesday morning she was not so well, and Mr. Bugby sent for the doctor, who, when he saw Mrs. Bugby, feared that blood-poisoning had set in. Mr. Bugby at once telegraphed for Dr. Milligan, of Northampton, but, before his arrival, Mrs. Bugby had passed away, death taking place shortly before 10 a.m.

The sad event, so sudden and unexpected, caused a feeling of profound sorrow throughout the town, and the deepest sympathy is felt for Mr. Bugby and the four little ones in the great bereavement which has befallen them.

The Funeral

took place at Rushden yesterday. A brief and impressive service was held in the Parish Church, and the interment took place at the Cemetery.

The Rev. E. G. Betenson (Curate-in-charge of St. Peter’s) officiated.

The inscription on the coffin was as follows :-


Died January 4, 1910

Aged 35 years.

The following were the principal mourners : Mr. James Bugby (husband), Mr. and Mrs. A. Bugby, Mr. and Mrs. F. Bugby, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bugby, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gray, Mrs. Sharpe, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. White, Mr. and Mrs. W. White, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. White, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. J. White.

The following also attended the service and joined in the funeral cortege :- Messrs. H. Staniland, C. Cross, J. Robshaw Brooke, H. O. Robinson, W. Abrahams, Alfred Gray, Ernest Freeman, Fred Mayo, Mr. and Mrs. H. Seckington, Mrs. Joseph Green (Mr. Green being absent, having been summoned on the jury at Northampton), Mrs. R. Hooper, Mrs. G. Barnes, Mrs. Topham, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Webb.

There was a large congregation in the Parish Church, also at the graveside. Messrs. Whittington and Tomlin were the undertakers.

The Wreaths

bore the following inscriptions :- To a devoted wife, from a loving husband and family. Peace, perfect peace. To dear Lizzie, from Rose and Walter. In loving remembrance, from Mrs. and Alice Cartwright and Mrs. Brooke. To dear Lizzie, from Annie and Charlie. In deepest sympathy to our dear Aunt Lizzie, from nieces and nephews, Earls Barton. With fondest love, to our dear sister Lizzie, from sister and brothers, Earls Barton. A tribute of love and respect from Mr. and Mrs. G. Barnes. With Mr. and Mrs. Staniland’s deepest sympathy. From May. R.A.O.B. with deepest sympathy from the Queen Victoria Lodge, No. 663. In sorrowful sympathy from Chas. Cross

Mr. James Bugby desires to express his sincere thanks to the numerous kind friends for their expressions of sympathy with him in his very heavy bereavement.

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