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Eveing Telegraph, January 1932
Thomas Benning

Funeral of the late Mr. T. Benning, Rushden

  The funeral took place at Rushden cemetery on Wednesday, of the late Mr. Thomas Benning, of 52, Crabb-street, Rushden, who passed away on Monday, at the age of 73 years.  The Rev. T. W. Gill, Pastor of the Park-road Baptist Church officiated.  The mourners were: Mr. J. Benning and Mrs. A. Harvey (son and daughter), Mr. H. Benning and Mrs. F. Partridge (son and daughter), Mr. F. Benning and Mrs. S. Cox (son and daughter), Mr. F. Partridge and Mrs. J. Benning (son-in-law and daughter-in-law), Mr. A. Hill and Mrs. H. Benning (grandson and daughter-in-law), Mr. S. Cox and Mrs. F. Benning (son-in-law and daughter-in-law), Mr. H. Partridge and Mrs. J. Bates (grandson and granddaughter), Mr. R. Benning and Miss M. Benning (grandson and granddaughter),  Mr. J. Bates and Miss D. Benning (grandson and granddaughter).  Representatives of the Working men’s Club were also present.

  The wreaths were: To dear father, from Jack, Liz, and family, “After long suffering, ‘Peace’”;  In loving memory of dear Dad, from Bert and Family, Sarah and Alf;  In loving memory of dear Dad, from Fred, Polly and family, “Through waves and clouds and storms He gently leads the way, Wait thou His time So shall the night soon end in joyous day”;  In loving remembrance of Dad, from Will and Family, Melbourne, Australia; “Now the day of toil is done, Now the race of life is run, Father grant Thy wearied one Rest for evermore,” from Harry, Nell, May and Ron;  In loving memory of our dear Dad, Kate and Sid, “Until the day breaks and shadows flee”;  With deepest sympathy to dear Dad, from Fred, Mary and Mrs. Kennell, “At Rest”;  To dear Dad, with deepest sympathy from Alf and Janet, of Chesham. “Peace, Perfect Peace”;  In deepest sympathy, from Eddie and Rose, Harry and Mabel, “Thy will be done”;  With deepest sympathy, from Mr. and Mrs. Maddams and family;  With deepest sympathy, from the friends of Crabb-street.

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