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Rushden Argus, 27th March 1914, transcribed by Kay Collins
Mr. Jonathan Austin
Laid To Rest
Noted Rushden Man Buried at Irchester

The funeral of Mr. Jonathan Austin, of Portland-road, Rushden, took place at Irchester on Thursday amidst many signs of respect and sympathy.

Deceased was aged 84 years, and passed away on Monday last. He had been feeble for some time, but was out in a bath chair about three weeks ago. For many years he was a farmer at Knuston, leaving the farm about three years ago. He was a great authority on organs, and he and his sons built the organ in the Park-road Baptist Chapel, Rushden, in a barn on the farm. This organ was the first in England to be fitted with Austin's universal air chest, and is the only one in England, though extensively used in America. The chest allows anyone to inspect the organ with ease.

Deceased's two sons, John and Basil, are famous organ builders in America. They only recently completed an organ costing £12,000. The deceased wrote articles for the leading musical papers, and was visited by many famous people. He was an extremely well-read man, and had an unfailing fund of humorous stories. Some of his books are in the Rushden Free Library. Some years ago he visited his sons in America, and when he returned he remarked upon the old horse 'bus which used to take passengers from the Irchester Station to Rushden. He was very progressive in his ideas, with an extensive knowledge of mechanics and engineering. His son, Harry, lives at Irchester. His son Basil went to the Klondike at the time of the rush for gold.

Rushden Argus, 27th March 1914, transcribed by Kay Collins

Funeral—The funeral of Mr. Jonathan Austin, formerly a farmer, of Knuston, took places at the churchyard on Thursday. The mourners included Mrs. H. Austin (daughter-in-law), Mrs. Parsons, Mrs. Nichols (deceased's landlady), Mr. T. Saxby, and Mrs. Sharman. There were wreaths from the family and Mr. and Mrs. Saxby. The Rev. W. J. B. Kerr (vicar) officiated. The coffin was of plain oak.

Messrs. Whittington and Tomalin were the undertakers.

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