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Rushden Argus, 14th August, 1914, transcribed by John Collins
Mr and Mrs J Mepham
Silver Wedding

On Saturday last Mr and Mrs J Mepham, of the Rushden Steam Laundry, celebrated their 25th anniversary of matrimonial life. About fifty employees and friends assembled in the large room of the laundry, which had been transformed into a drawing room for the occasion. Supper was served, after which hearty congratulations were extended to Mr and Mrs Mepham. The tables were then cleared, and and enjoyable time was spent in song and dance. Mr and Mrs Mepham were the recipients of a number of handsome presents.

Rushden Echo, 14th August 1914, transcribed by Gill Hollis

Silver Wedding – A party of about 50 employees of the Rushden Steam Laundry, with friends, were entertained on Saturday in the large room of the laundry by the proprietor and proprietress, Mr. and Mrs. Mepham, on the occasion of their silver wedding. After a capital tea, complimentary speeches were made.

Mr. and Mrs. Mepham were congratulated on having attained their silver wedding, and wishes were expressed for their future happiness and prosperity. The evening was spent very pleasantly in singing, dancing and games. The hosts were the recipients of some very nice presents.

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