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Rushden Echo, 25th June 1915, transcribed by Gill Hollis
Hundley - Hughes
Military Wedding at Rushden
An Interesting Ceremony at The Baptist Church

A military wedding was solemnized at the Park-road Baptist Church, Rushden, on Saturday by the Rev. H. J. Horn, the contracting parties being Miss Anne Dorothy (Dora) Hughes, only daughter of Mrs. Hughes, Preswylfa, Newtown, Montgomeryshire, and Lance-Corporal Edward Moffat Hundley, of the D Company 1/7th R.W.Fs., second son of Mr. E. Hundley, of Bromsgrove. The bride, who was given away by her mother, was charmingly attired in a dress of white voile trimmed with silk, and white silk hat with white veil and Parisian rose. She carried a lovely bouquet of William Allen Richardson roses.

Two bridesmaids were in attendance – Misses Constance and Peggy Horn, daughters of the Rev. H. J. and Mrs. Horn. Miss Constance Horn was tastefully gowned in pale blue crepe de chine with white hat, and Miss Peggy Horn, who carried a basket of flowers of patriotic colours, looked very pretty in a dress of cream crepe de chine with hat to match.

The duties of the best man were ably discharged by Sapper Stuart Edwards, of Newtown. The hymns “The voice that breathed o’er Eden” and “O Love divine and golden” were sung, Mr. J. Lindsay Clipson, A.R.C.O., presiding at the organ.

As Lce-Corpl and Mrs. Hundley left the church Mr. Clipson ably rendered the Wedding March, and the path from the vestibule to the street was lined by N.C.O.’s and men of the bridegroom’s regiment who formed a guard of honour, the bride and bridegroom passing under an arch of crossed bayonets.

Subsequent to the ceremony a reception was held at the Manse, and later in the day Lance-Corporal and Mrs. Hundley left for Birmingham where the honeymoon was spent. The bride wore for travelling a costume of Wedgwood blue whipcord with Tagel hat trimmed with roses.

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