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Northamptonshire Advertiser, 20th August 1965, Rushden, transcribed by Kay Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Houghton
Golden Wedding

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Houghton, 14 Crabb Street, Rushden, celebrate their golden wedding anniversary tonight with a party for family and friends at the Westward Hotel, Rushden.

Mr. Houghton, who is 71, and his wife, Mrs. C. E. Houghton, were married fifty years ago at Rushden Parish Church.

Mr. Houghton came originally from Higham Ferrers and his wife from Rushden, and they have lived for most of their married life in Rushden.

During the First World War Mr. Houghton was a soldier with the 6th Northamptonshires and was wounded in France and discharged. He is a member of the British Legion and also of the Rushden Working Men's Club.

The couple have a son, Mr. Donald Houghton, and two grandsons Roger and Jonathan.

Mr. Houghton worked in the press room of John White's factory in Lime Street, Rushden for 35 years.

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