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Rushden Echo, 28th December 1928, transcribed by Kay Collins

Mr. Thomas Holt

Rushden Family in British Columbia
Scene of the Founders of the Local Primitive Methodist Cause
A Worshipper at the Glory Shop – Four Generations

The Gapp family
The Gapp, Banff
A typical scene in the Rockies, British Columbia
Four Generations of Holts

Many old residents will remember Mr. Thomas Holt, one of the founders of Primitive Methodism at Rushden. He now resides with his son, Mr. Jesse J. Holt, in Birch Island, British Columbia, Canada. The Editor of “The Rushden Echo” who knew both Mr. Thomas Holt and Mr. J. J. Holt intimately, regrets that during his tour in Canada last year he had not time to visit Birch Island and call and see the former Rushdenites there, but he has pleasure in reproducing a photograph if the old Methodist worthy, with his son, a grandson, and his great-grandchild. The photograph was sent by Mr. J. J. Holt to Mr. Moon, of Queen-street, Rushden.

Mr. Thomas Holt, who is now about 86 years of age, used to worship, half-acentury ago or more, in what was then the Primitive Methodist Chapel, popularly known as “The Glory Shop,” adjoining the Green, Rushden, on or near the site of what are now the Y.M.C.A. buildings. He and Mr. George Wooding, of Midland-road, Rushden, about 40 years ago started the present Primitive Methodist Chapel in Fitzwilliam-street, and later they were joined by Mr. Alfred Moon. These three are probably the only surviving male members of those early days. Besides being a local preacher and a class leader, Tom Holt was the chapel keeper and acted in any other way possible in his efforts to promote the prosperity of the cause to which he was devoted. He oput his heart and soul into all he did, and he made a profound impression upon the people with whom he came into association. It was perhaps the proudest moment of his life when he was able to see the opening of the Fitzwilliam-street Chapel which superseded the old “Glory Shop.”

His son Jesse, who in the photograph is standing up, was the organist and choirmaster at the chapel for a considerable period, and Mrs. Jesse Holt was also an active worker in the cause.

Mr. Frank Holt, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Holt’s eldest son, who also figures in the photograph, was a scholar in the Primitive Methodist Sunday School at Rushden, and he was a very useful member of the cause. Frank is seen proudly nursing his offspring, who, it is to be hoped, will prove as useful a member of society as his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather have been and are. At the back of the snapshot Mr. Jesse Holt writes: “The four generations of Holts. I think you will say that none of us looks very bad, Dad especially.” The original photograph shows the mountains of British Columbia rising up at the back of the trees.

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