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The Rushden Echo and Argus, 15th December, 1933
Mr. and Mrs. A. Hester - in Good Health
Rushden Golden Wedding

  Many old friends in Rushden, Wellingborough and Higham Ferrers will be happy to toast the health of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hester, of 151, Wellingborough-road, Rushden, whose Golden Wedding Anniversary occurred on Sunday.

  Mr. Hester, who is 72, was born in London, and the boot work brought him to Rushden in 1880.  He married a Rushden girl (Miss Martin) at Northampton on December 10th, 1883, and the next month saw them established in the licensed trade at Wellingborough.

  Mr. and Mrs. Hester kept the “Star of the West,” in Oxford-street, Wellingborough, for eight years, then moving back to Rushden, where for about 14 years they held off-licensed premises in Alfred-street.  Their next move was to the “Queen’s Head,” Higham Ferrers, and in 1915 they were able to retire.  From that time they have lived at their present residence.

  Of the children of the marriage, a son and two daughters survive.  Mr. Ernest Hester continues to live at Rushden, Mrs. Phil Bradnam is at Chelmsford, and Mrs. Hansford lives in Birmingham.  A full family gathering is planned for Christmas, and Sunday’s celebration party was limited to a few friends.

  “I am as good a man as when I was forty,” Mr. Hester declared on Monday.  “I can do any mortal thing; in fact, they all say I’m a marvel.”

  Mrs. Hester, who is 70, is equally fortunate in her health.

  “There were only about 3,500 people in Rushden when I first came here,” Mr. Hester said, “but at the next census there was over 10,000.  It was a wonderful time for trade, and nobody need have been out of work.”

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