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The Rushden Echo & Argus, 27th December 1929, transcribed by Gill Hollis.
Golden Wedding at Rushden

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Green, of 152, Queen-street, Rushden, celebrate their golden wedding to-morrow. They were married on Christmas Day 50 years ago at St. Mary’s Parish Church, Rushden, by the Rev. Canon Barker, and have lived in the town ever since.

Mr. Green was born at Rothwell. After living the early part of his life in London, he came to Rushden nearly 54 years ago. He commenced work as a clicker and for a number of years was in the employ of Mr. Fred Knight. He has always taken a keen interest in sport, especially in racing. His wife was the daughter of Mr. Wm. Bollard, of Rushden, and was born in a house in what is now High-street south. Mr. Green is 75 to-day (Tuesday). The only child, a daughter, died when quite young.

Our readers will doubtless wish us to extend our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Green.

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