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The Rushden Argus December 20th 1922, transcribed by Susan Manton
Miss Gent
Rushden Ambulance
Presentations to a Popular Nursing Sister

Miss Gent
Miss Gent
The presentation of a travelling bag and a fountain pen to Miss Gent on her leaving the Division to take up nursing professionally was the feature of a social gathering at the St. John Ambulance Brigade Headquarters, Station Road, Rushden, on Tuesday evening. Supt. T. Swindall presided supported by Mrs. Tomlinson (late Lady Superintendent), Mr. B. Ladds, Mr. J. Claridge J.P., C.C. (vice presidents) Dr. D.G. Greenfield, Sergt. H. Grey and others.

The chairman said they all were aware that Miss Gent was leaving Rushden and therefore severing her connection with the division. They would miss her greatly but were pleased that she was taking up the nursing profession. She had rendered great service to the Nursing Class since joining 10 years ago. He wished her all success in this venture.

In making the presentation Mrs. Tomlinson said she was very pleased to do so. Miss Gent had been her right hand when she held office, and had been a great help in the class.

Miss Gent replied in a few suitable words, thanking them for their splendid presents and kind wishes.

Mr. John Claridge then presented to the lady a certificate from the Northants Red Cross Committee in conjunction with the St. John Ambulance Brigade, for valuable service rendered to the sick and wounded during the Great War. He wished her every success, and said she could not have done better than choose the nursing profession.

Dr. Greenfield, in a happy speech, said Miss Gent had made every effort to render the Nursing Class a success, and had been a great service. He was assured of her competence as a nurse and was sure she would never regret her step in taking up the profession. He extended very hearty wishes to her, on behalf of Mrs. Greenfield and himself.

Another interesting ceremony was the presenting of medallions, for passing three successive examinations in first aid to members of the Division. Mr. B. Ladds handed these medallions to Messrs. H. Deighton, C. Boyce, A Drage, A.G. Smith, E. Hobbs, G. Linger, H.C. Chattell and W. Chattel, all of whom have been on active service with the Royal Naval Sick Berth Reserve. A capital programme of vocal items was rendered by Miss D. Stringer, Miss Prigmore and Mr. Francis, with Mrs. Francis and Mr. J.L. Clipson A.R.C.O. as accompanists. The Chairman voiced thanks to the artistes, and then called on Mr. George Bozeat, an old member to say a few words. They were, he added, glad to see an old comrade again, who had been one of the mainstays of the Division years ago. Mr. Bozeat said he was glad to be back among old friends and new, and was very pleased to see the division making progress. A social followed, the refreshments being under the supervision of Lady Superintendent Miss Cave. The president, Mr. W.B. Sanders, was unavoidably absent being away on his holidays.

Other Presentations

In recognition of Miss Gent'€™s services as a teacher in St. Peter'€™s Sunday School, Rushden, a presentation took place in the Church Rooms on Monday evening. The Rev. Ion Carroll voiced regard and esteem in which Miss Gent was held, both by teachers and scholars alike, wishing her every success in her new sphere of labour. The presentation took the form of a Morocco leather handbag.

Another token of the esteem in which Miss Gent was held was evidenced on Wednesday when her fellow workers in the closing room of Messrs. F. Knight, Ltd., presented her with a brush and comb and hairpin case.

Rushden Echo, 3rd December 1920, transcribed by Kay Collins

Miss G. GENT, of Rushden, having nominated by the Northants District Nursing Association for a nursing scholarship, the Northants Education Committee have agreed to contribute £32 10s. 0.d. to the Association towards the cost of her training.

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