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Rushden Argus, 27th March 1914, transcribed by Kay Collins
New South Wales and Victoria

AUSTRALIA—More than ordinary interest centred in Mr. H. Raby's lecture on New South Wales and Victoria on Monday evening, when the large hall of the Working Men's Club was filed. The president, Mr. W. Hind, occupied the chair, and introduced the speaker.—Mr. Raby expressed his great pleasure in being at Rushden, from whence a good many people had gone out to Australia through him. He had seen a good number of them during his visit, and would be very pleased to tell his audience all about them. As typical instances, he mentioned Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ingram and family. They were happily settled down in Melbourne and in perfect health and happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Cheney and family, late of Duck-street, were doing wonderfully well. All were in good work, and each one had a banking account. He had also visited Mr. and Mrs. Fowler on a farm in Gippsland, Victoria, where they had been located since they went out. Mrs. Fowler was a "help" in the house and Mr. Fowler worked on the farm. They were regarded quite as members of the household and were getting on well. Coming to the subject of his lecture, Mr. Raby spoke of the many interesting features of Australia, its wonderfully rapid growth, and its agricultural and mineral resources, which afforded a scope for a steady and industrious man which he could not expect in England. The lecturer explained Australia's vast proportions and its consequent, varieties of climate, and physical conditions. Victoria and New .South Wales were the busiest Colonies, the best situated, the most thickly populated; and the coolest. Victoria numbered 14 to the square mile, compared with 563 to the like area in the United Kingdom. The climate of those Colonies was ideal. As a health resort Australia was invaluable—the air was dry and clear, and he never met or heard of anyone suffering from chest infections. The lecturer gave special attention to the farming industry and the irrigated areas, which he fully described. Dealing with emigrants, he explained that the Governments were assisting farmhands, lads (16 to 20 years of age), and domestics, and he (Mr. Raby) had abundant evidence whilst in Australia that the assisted emigrants had every attention and assistance. The domestic had an assisted passage of £3, the farmhands £8, and the lad £7; but he was now authorised to submit applications for the two latter classes for £2 only.—The lecture was illustrated by beautiful limelight views, the lantern being worked by Mr. Marriott.—At the close a hearty vote of thanks, proposed by Mr. Hind, and seconded by Mr. Frisby, was accorded to Mr. Raby for his interesting lecture.

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