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Rushden Echo, 6th January 1922, transcribed by Kay Collins
Mr. and Mrs. William Childs
Silver Wedding at Rushden
Congratulations and Presents

Mr. and Mrs. William Childs, 4, Griffith-street, Rushden, celebrated their silver wedding on Tuesday, December 27th, by entertaining over one hundred guests (these being relations and friends) in the main room of the factory of the Rushden Heel Co., of which Mr. Childs is the esteemed managing director, the room having been very prettily decorated for the occasion. At 4 30 p.m. the company sat down to tea, Mr. and Mrs. Childs presiding, being well supported by their two sons and four daughters. Following tea, Mr. Adams, of Ringstead, in a very able speech proposed the health of Mr. and Mrs. Childs and family, humorously remarking that he had known the “bridegroom' since he was a little child.

Mr. Pack, the proprietor of the Central Machinery Co., in a witty speech, seconded, this being supported by Mr. T. Smith, local manager of the British United Shoe Machinery Co., who congratulated Mr. Childs on the great success of the Rushden Heel Co.

Mr. George Bayes, of Griffith-street, in a very happy speech, thanked Mr. and Mrs. Childs on behalf of all present for the splendid way they had been entertained, and expressed a sincere wish that all the company present would live and be able to attend the celebration of the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Childs.

Following the tea and speeches, the room was speedily converted into a concert hall, when a good programme was provided. Mr E Linnett, High-street, Rushden, was the able M.C.

On Wednesday, December 28tb, the whole of the employees of the Rushden Heel Co., together with Mr. and Mrs. Luddington, of the Olney branch, were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Childs to a sumptuous repast, after which Mrs. Green, on behalf of the employees, presented Mr. and Mrs. Childs with a handsome gift in the form of a flower bowl and vase, as a small token of the esteem in which they were held.

This was followed by a programme of music and dancing. Mr. C. Luddington, of the Olney branch of the Rushden Heel was at the piano and Mr. F. Botterill was the M.C., the artistes being Mr. H. Smith, comedian; Mr. R. Cox, descriptive; Miss V. Bayes and Miss Sail, soloists. Mr. and Mrs. G. Botterill and family, Park-road, Rushden, carried out the decorations. Mr. and Mrs. Childs have been the recipients of very choice and useful presents from the following relations and friends:—Mr. and Mrs. H. Adams and family, Ringstead, serviette rings; Mr. and Mrs. F. Oney, Finedon, biscuit bowl; Mr. and Mrs. H. Giddings, Ringstead, candlesticks, Mr. and Mrs. Sibley and family, Ringstead, egg cruet; Mr. and Chapman, Irthlingboro', bread fork; Mrs. W. Robinson, Ringstead, jam spoons; Mr. and Mrs. A. Lawrence and family, egg spoons; Mr and Mrs G Bayes, Rushden, salad bowl; Mr. and Mrs. T. Smith, Rushden, fish carvers; Mr. and Mrs. E. Linnett, Rushden, cake basket; Mr. and Mrs. R. Robinson, Rushden, decanter; Mr. and Mrs. Huke, Rushden, salt holders; Mr. and Mrs. G. Botterill, Rushden, cruet; Messrs. A Bailey & Sons, Finedon, condiment set; Mr. and Mrs. E. Pack, Rushden, hot water jug; Mr. and Mrs. J. Watts, Rushden, sardine dish; Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Newton, breakfast cruet; Miss Evans; Rushden, jam dish; Mr. Hawkins and Miss Watts, butter dish; Mr. and Mrs. H. Phillips, Rushden, jam dish; Dr. and Mrs. Greenfield, Rushden, photo frame; Mr. H. Sharpe and Miss Amy Childs, Rushden, cake basket; Misses Ivy and Nellie Childs, Rushden, cake knife; Mr. and Mrs. Knight, Kettering, brush and comb; Employees, flower bowl and vase.

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