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Presented by Karon Watson
Roy and Jean Blenco
Roy and Jean had a double wedding with Jean's sister
The wedding took place at Rushden Mission Church on
January 28th, 1950
Roy and Jean's Wedding 1950
L-R : Avis Parker, George Smith, Roy , Jean Marriot, Frederick Marriot,
Bruce Vendy, Betty Vendy, Derek Austin, Molly Vendy.
Front: Pamela Blenco, Margaret Hill.

Evening Telegraph, January 2010

First love is lasting love for couple

A COUPLE who were each other's first love are celebrating their diamond wedding anniversary today. Roy and Jean Blenco were married in Rushden Mission Church on January 28, 1950.

The couple from Montague Street met as teenagers and fell head over heels for each other. Mr Blinco, 83, said: "My best friend introduced me to his sister and that was it. "She was 14 at the time and I was 15 and I just fell in love with her. We had never been out with anyone else so she was my first and last love. "We are still in love after 60 years because I love everything about her." Mr and Mrs Blinco will be celebrating today with a romantic meal, with members of their church on Friday and with family on Saturday.

They have two daughters and three grandchildren.
Photo of Roy & Jean Blenco's Diamond Wedding
LOVE FOREVER - Jean and Roy Blinco today
and, inset, on their wedding day

Roy and Jean's 65th Wedding Anniversary
at John White's Golf Complex, January 31st, 2015

The Happy Couple

Roy and Jeans Bridesmaids2015
Bridesmaids 2015

Avis Sping, Pamela Houghton, Margaret Parkinson, Molly Fuller.

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