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Notes for an exhibition at the Heritage Centre in 2000
Rushden Town Band
The band which currently uses the name Rushden Town Band was formed in 1979 as the Windmill 'B' band. The band was first conducted by Peter Berrington and consisted of about 10 juniors and a few interested adults.

The band moved from the Windmill Club to the Working Men's Club in Griffith Street in 1983, and was very grateful for the facilities provided there. They became known as the Working Men's Club Band and Kevin Nichols, who became musical director, encouraged new players to join. By 1986 the band was entering band contests and qualified for the national finals in the fourth section. With Kevin's enthusiasm the band became very busy with concerts and contests. He stayed with them until 1988 and was succeeded by Lloyd Landry.

In 1990 the band appointed the renowned euphonium player, Trevor Groom, as musical director. The following year the Band Club, in Manton Road, offered practice facilities and this led to a change of name to ‘Rushden Town Band’.

Following Trevor's resignation in 1993 the band had a period of instability being unable to find a suitable conductor. Eventually the position was successfully filled by Harold Howarth who was the band's very talented solo cornet player. Harold's health began to fail and the baton was taken over by David Twitchings in 1994. The band was saddened to learn of Harold's death in March 1996. They had lost a much loved and respected bandsman and friend.

A junior band was formed in 1997 by Reg Dilley and Alan Acreman, and aims to encourage young people to get involved in brass banding and all that it offers. The Town Band is very proud of its junior players and is been pleased to see some of them progress into the senior band.

In 1998 the band received a new set of instruments thanks to a National Lottery grant. New jackets had been kindly provided by the Band Club the previous year.

In 1999 the band performed in The Royal Parks in London, and achieved their first contest win after lots of second and third placings over the preceding years.

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