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Rushden United Football Team

The Rushden Echo, Friday May 27, 1898 transcribed Sue Manton

Rushden United Football Club - Presentation to Mr. G. Denton, Junr.

The annual dinner of the club was held on Friday Evening at the Restaurant, about 30 members partaking of an excellent repast, provided by Host Walker. Mr. Geo. Denton, junr. presided and Mr. Jesse Cunnington was in the vice-chair.

After the dinner a very pleasant evening was spent in harmony, songs being contributed by Messrs. S. Shorley, C. Taylor, W. Knight, D. Baldrey, A. Soly, C. White, G. Denton, E. Nobles, H. Bollard, S. Robinson and H. Hodgkins. Mr. F. Bollard accompanied on the mandolin, and Mr. E. Nobles played the pianoforte accompaniments. Mr. Ernest Knight took the chair.

During the evening the secretary (Mr. J. Adams), on behalf of the club, presented Mr. G. Denton, junr., with a handsome ebony walking stick, silver mounted with the following inscription:- "Presented to Mr. G. Denton, junr., by the members of the R.U.F.C., May 1898". Mr. Adams said he was sure all the members of the club would agree with him when he said there were few gentlemen in any part of Northamptonshire who had done the amount of work for football that had been accomplished by their chairman that evening. (Cheers) They were all very much obliged to Mr. Denton for his kindness in lending them the field and they hoped he would be able to see his way clear to let them have it another season. (Hear, hear)

In acknowledging the compliment, Mr. Denton said that what he had done for he club had been done most heartily and willingly. (Hear, hear)

Rushden United 1955-6
Rushden United 1956-7 - Cup Winners and League Winners

l-r back row: Jack Tobin, P Barford, A Fowler, P Trott, M Dilley, J Burt, J Hooton, K Hill (trainer)
l-r front row: J Mepham, ?, A Parker, J Buckby, M Forrest, R Green

If you can tell us the names of these men, please contact us.

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