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Operatic Society - Officers

This list of Officers is taken from the Programme.

The Sound of Music - 1977

President: R. A. Evans, Esq., TD, BA

D. E. Abbott, Esq.
D. Abbott, Jnr.
A. B. Abington, Esq.
R. E. Allen, Esq.
J. M. Allison, Esq.
R. Benning, Esq.
P. A. Bugby, Esq.
Miss P. Bryant
Mrs. C. Carter
Mrs. J. Case
J. Cave, Esq.
J. F. Chambers, Esq.
Mrs. P. Coles
A. Corby, Esq.
Peter Crisp, Esq.
Mrs. O. Desborough
Mrs. R. Drage
F. Eady, Esq.
Mrs. A. D. Fairey
G. A. Finch, Esq.
C. Freeman, Esq.
R. B. Freeman, Esq.
D. F. Gibson, Esq.
L. Gomm, Esq.
A. E. Goulsbra, Esq.
G. F. Gray, Esq.
R. N. B. Hagar, Esq.
D. H. Hale, Esq.
Mrs. N. Hart
W. V. Hawkes, Esq.
C. Hobbs, Esq.
B. Huckle, Esq.
J. G. Humphrey, Esq.
C. F. Jefferies, Esq.
E. J. Jones, Esq.
D.Liggins, Esq.
Mrs. P. Longland
G. B. Mackness, Esq.
G. W. Marriott, Esq.
D. Marriott, Esq.
A. W. Martin, Esq.
E. E. Newell, Esq.
G. S. Osborne, Esq.
D. Paragreen, Esq.
C. Peacock, Esq.
L. Phillips, Esq.
G. P. Robinson, Esq.
M. J. Rye, Esq.
C. J. Sinfield, Esq.
J. G. Spencer, Esq., OBE
D. C. Summerfield, Esq.
A. E. Tear, Esq.
S. D. Uttley, Esq.
A. Warner, Esq.
A. G. Watkins, Esq.
Mrs. R. Welsford
R. J. Welsford, Esq.
C. R. Wildman, Esq.
Mrs. P. Wildman
D. H. Wills, Esq.
P. T. M. Wilson, Esq.
J. W. Woodley, Esq.

Honorary Life Members:
Miss Eva Bryant Miss Phyllis Bryant
B. R. Palmer, Esq. **
Oswald L. Lawrence, Esq.

Mrs. M. Ambury
R. Annis, Esq.
J. Annis
Mrs. E. B. Beckton
Mrs. J. Boyce
E. A. Clark, Esq.
Mrs. J. King
G. N. D. Moss, Esq.
Miss J. Mould
Miss J. M. Mould
T. G. Mould, Esq.
J. Rochester, Esq.
M. Shuker, Esq.
R. Warwick, Esq.

Our Secretary - John Jones - or any Officer or Committee Member, will be delighted to welcome YOU as a Vice-President or Patron of this Society and advise you of the subscription and entitlements.

Sadly, Bernard is no longer with us. A Founder member, past Stage Manager and Chairman and Honorary Life Member, he was a tower of strength to us all and his passing will leave a great gap.

Chairman: Peter Carpenter Musical Director: Joan Hart, ALCM
Vice-Chairman: Sam Houghton Asst. Musical Director: Pauline Longland
Treasurer: John Curson, ACA Accompanists: Joan Hart, Pauline Longland and Janet Wood
Secretary: John Jones Wardrobe Mistress: Ena Carpenter
Business Manager: Allen Goulsbra, AIB Publicity Officer: Roger Clarke
Stage Manager: Len Gomm Press Officer: Mary Boyfield

Margaret Coleman
Jeannette King
Mike Neville
Phil Smith
Keith Vaughan
Mike Walker

Social Committee:
Mike Neville
Mike Walker
Pauline Longland, Connie Holt,
Keith Vaughan, Keith Green

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