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Operatic Society - Officers

This list of Officers is taken from the Programme.

The Student Prince - 1964

President: W. J. A. Peck, Esq., C.C.

Capt. C.E.Abbott
D.E.Abbott, Esq.
A.B.Abington, Esq.
Alan Allebone, Esq.
W.J.Anker, Esq.
S.T.Bayes, Esq.
D.E.Braybrook, Esq., DFC
Roy Brown, Esq.
P.Bugby, Esq.
J.R.Campion, Esq.
A.F.Carter, Esq.
H.W.Catlin, Esq., DFC, BA
F.L.Caswell, Esq.
J.F.Chambers, Esq.
W.A.Clarke, Esq.
A.C.A.Colton, Esq., CC
H.W.Cox, Esq.
Peter Crisp, Esq.
A.G.Crowdy, Esq.
F.G.Deane, Esq.
J.W.Dennis, Esq.
Lt.-Col. D.M.Dorr, TD, FCI
Mrs. L.V.Elliott
F.Eady, Esq.
R.A.Evans, Esq., TD, BA
Frank Felce, Esq.
C.Freeman, Esq.
B.W.Garley, Esq.
D.F.Gibson, Esq.
W.S.Gilbert, Esq.
A.E.Goulsbra, Esq.
B.Gramshaw, Esq.
G.F.Gray, Esq.
D.F.A.Green, Esq.
D.H.Hale, Esq.
E.T.Harris, Esq.
W.V.Hawkes, Esq.
A.W.Head, Esq.
A.E.Hill, Esq.
H.F.Hooton, Esq.
Mrs. B.Horrell
B.Huckle, Esq.
F.J.W.Humphrey, Esq.
A.W.A.Ilett, Esq.
W.Keller, Esq.
A.E.Kilsby, Esq.
A.W.C.Knight, Esq.
G.Knight, Esq.
H.C.C.Knight, Esq.
B.H.Ladds, Esq.
Dr. O.B.Lean
R.J.Lett, Esq.
Art Lewis, Esq.
D.H.Mackness, Esq.
G.B.Mackness, Esq.
G.W.Marriott, Esq.
D.Marriott, Esq.
Mrs. Jose Marsh
A.W.Martin, Esq.
A.F.Mills, Esq.
H.S.Mitchell, Esq.
G.Morrice, Esq.
E.E.Newell, Esq.
G.S.North, Esq.
W.F.Oatridge, Esq.
J.E.Oberman, Esq.
M.P.O'Connor, Esq.
G.S.Osborne, Esq.
R.W.E.Paragreen, Esq.
E.D.Peck, Esq.
L.Phillips, Esq.
Dr. A.Dorothy Pickard
G.P.Robinson, Esq.
A.L.Sanders, Esq.
C.A.Sanders, Esq.
Mrs. E.M.Sanders
R.Sanders, Esq.
T.Sanders, Esq.
C.S.Sawford, Esq.
H.B.Selwood, Esq.
W.K.S.Smith, Esq.
J.Southam, Esq.
J.G.Spencer, Esq.
D.C.Summerfield, Esq.
J.G.Swart, Esq.
A.E.Tear, Esq.
F.A.Thornton, Esq.
A.E.Tilley, Esq.
W.C.Timpson, Esq.
L.A.Walton, Esq.
John White, Esq., HF
C.R.Wildman, Esq.
D.H.Wills, Esq.
P.W.Wills, Esq.
J.L.Wilson, Esq., MC
P.T.M.Wilson, Esq.
J.W.Woodley, Esq.
G.F.Wright, Esq.

Honorary Life Members:
B.R.Palmer, Esq. E.J.Rowlett, Esq. E.Wadsworth, Esq.

Chairman: William A. Clarke
H. W. Catlin
A. E. Goulsbra
Messrs. Hopps and Bankart
Musical Director:

Joint Secretaries:
Oswald L. Lawrence,
Roland A. Evans,
Christine Carter

Eva Bryant
Colin Clarke

Pauline Huckle
Phyllis Clarke

Ian Mclaughlan


Chief Steward:

Dancing Instructor:

Make-up Assistants:
Stage Manager:

Margaret Boyle

Joan Hart & Harold James
Edward Wadsworth

Mrs. Jules Marten
Jose Marsh

Michael & Judith Eady
Bernard Palmer

Phyllis Evans
Wardrobe Mistress:
assisted by


Stage Electricians:

Call Boy:
assisted by
Nellie Hart
Dorothy Lawrence, Peggy
Coles & Pat Catlin
Rosemary Hall, Janet
Holloman, Roger Hulbert,
David Evans, Peter Smith,
Stuart Mitchell
Bob Tysoe, Pete Sturgess,
Alan Mayes & Arthur
Keith Robinson
Elizabeth Betts

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