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Old Men's Club

Wellingborough News, 15th June 1878, transcribed by Kay Collins

OLD MEN'S CLUBThe members of this club celebrated its anniversary on Monday, the club being now 101 years old. The 24 members are aged men, and were nearly all present. The Rector presided at the dinner, and the proceedings were thoroughly enjoyable.
The thanks of the meeting were passed to Mr. Sartoris, Mr. Currie, Mr. S. Mason, Mr. W. Colson, Mr. T. Sanders, Mr. G. Denton, Mr. G. Skinner, senr., Mr. J. Cave, Mr. H. Skinner, Mr. Radburne, and the Rev. J. T. Barker, who very generously support the club. The two latter gentlemen are honorary members, the Rector being also secretary and treasurer.
Wellingborough News, 7th June 1879, transcribed by Kay Collins

WHITSUNTIDE—There was only one club feast in this village, viz., the "Old Men's Club," which was held at the Coach and Horses Inn, and a capital spread was served up by Mrs. Wilmott; the whole of the members, 25 in number, dined, and according to custom, the rector, the Rev. J. T. Barker, dined with them. The society lost one member by death during the year, viz., Mr. J. Radburne. The funds of the club amount to £95, or about £3 16s. per member. The following gentlemen subscribed to the funds this Whitsuntide: the Rev. J. T. Barker, Messrs. F. U. Sartoris, C. Praed, H. Currie, Colson, H. Skinner, S. Mason, J. Claridge, W. Claridge, jun., Butcher, J. Sanders, and G. Denton, making a total of £6 17s. 6d.—The Rushden Tradesmens' Benefit Society's balance sheet shows they have 100 members on the books, and a capital of £1036 4s. 3d., or an average of £10 7s. 3d. per member.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, May 22nd, 1880, transcribed by Kay Collins

OLD MEN'S CLUB —The members of this society held their annual dinner this week, at the Coach and Horses Inn. This club is assisted by most of the gentry and tradespeople of the village, who subscribe liberally towards its funds. A capital dinner was served up by Mrs. Hulatt. The company included the Rector, who is always very active in the promotion of good work. The society has increased in numbers, and the state of its funds is satisfactory.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, June 11th, 1881, transcribed by Kay Collins

CLUB FEASTOn Monday afternoon the "Old Gents Club" held their feast at the Coach and Horses Inn, where a capital dinner was served by Mrs. Hulatt. The Rev. Canon Barker presided, and dined with the members of the club, and with his usual liberality gave them financial assistance, as did most of the gentry and tradesmen of the village, according to custom, and a happier party was not to be found keeping Whitsuntide in Rushden.

Wellingborough News, 10th June 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins

CLUB FEAST—On Whit-Monday the members of the Old Men's Club, established 1797, partook of a first-class dinner and supper, and on Tuesday of lunch at the Wagon and Horses Inn. The Rev. Canon Barker presided at the table, and complimented the host and hostess on the excellent spread and the way it was served. The society is in a prosperous condition as regards members, several having joined the last few years and now it has been considered practicable to raise the funeral allowance. The holiday was passed in the style of the club feast of former years under the presidency of Old Master Lovell. The following gentlemen contributed toward the feast, Rev. Canon Barker, Messrs. Sartoris, Currie, Mason, Cave, Skinner, Sanders, Packwood, Colson, &c.

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