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Loyal Oakley Lodge and Rose Leaf Lodge
Rushden Echo, 29th April 1898, transcribed by Kay Collins

Oddfellowship— A surprise visit was paid to the Rushden (Loyal Oakley) Lodge on Monday by the D.G.M., Bro. Traynar, of Islip, who made a capital speech on matters of interest to the members.

19 September 1902 - Northampton Mercury

A meat tea and dance were held the Bede House, for the benefit the juveniles of the Oddfellows' Lodges of Higham Ferrers and Rushden. A good number sat down to tea, after which sports were held the Castle Field followed by a dance, which was largely attended.

Rushden Echo, 12th April 1912

A Wonderful Record—Though the Rose Leaf (Rushden) Lodge of Oddfellows, K.U., has been established 31 years, it was not until last year that the death of any member’s wife had to be recorded. The gain on the year was £37/2/10.

Rushden Echo, 25th February 1916, transcribed by Kay Collins

Rushden Lodge of Oddfellows – The Coming-of-Age – Satisfactory Finances

The 21st annual balance sheet of the Loyal Oakley Lodge (Rushden) of the Independent Order of Oddfellows shows that during the year sick pay absorbed £77/1/0 and funeral claims £25.

The total funds stand at £1,054, a gain on the year of £78. The average worth per member is £6/17/6.

The year’s report is as follows:

In presenting the balance sheet and 21st annual report of the Oakley Lodge, we desire to take this opportunity of offering out heartiest good wishes for the new year to all our members.

We are glad to be able to report that our sickness has not been quite so heavy as the previous year, and we have made a very substantial gain on the funds of the Lodge, which, as you will see, is now over the thousand pound mark. This is mainly due to the sound investments made by our trustees. As you will see, we have invested £500 in the War Loan 4½ per cent stock, and, whilst helping our country financially, we are proud to know that we have 51 members helping to fight her battles. We very much regret the loss of two of our members by death, viz., Bro. Harry Knight, died from wounds, and Bro. Frederick Copson, and the sife of Bro. H. G. Pratt. To all their relations and friends we offer our sincere condolences.

We also regret to announce a deficiency in our management fund, but hope to be able to put it right by our next report. As you know, with so many members away we are bound to be deficient until we get their contributions returned by the Unity.

We are still enveloped in the shadow of this terrible war, but it is with a sense of deep gratification that we all must feel, that, in the face of so great a calamity, we are a loyal and united people.

We have compiled a Roll of Honour of our members. If any members have enlisted whose names are not included, we shall be glad if their friends will notify the secretary. May they all speedily return safe and sound to their friends and families.

postcard address
Postcard to Miss Line - announcing the 'Female Section' of the Oakley Lodge in 1912

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