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Rushden Mission Amateur Operatic Society
Student Love

The Rushden Echo and Argus, 15th February, 1952, transcribed by Jim Hollis

Gipsy Note in Gay Romance
Rushden Mission Amateur Operatic Society is scoring another success in “Student Love,” which was presented on Wednesday and Thursday evenings and will be performed again to-morrow afternoon and evening.

This romantic musical play has a lively plot and incorporates some of the lighter music of Brahms. An able cast is led on the romantic side by Helen Clark, Cyril Copperwheat, Vera Clark and Eric Mackness.

The show gains added sparkle from a gay band of gipsies, the leaders of which are played with vigour by Don Binder and Shirley Tilley. Mr. Binder’s excellent voice is well employed in attractive songs, and the impetuous dance numbers are executed with a freedom and spirit that defy the limitations of the stage.

The show reflects great credit on Mrs. May Knight, who has once again been in charge of the production.

Mr. Maurice Clark is musical director and has the assistance of a small orchestra.

The cast
The majority of the cast on stage for a scene featuring a dancing bear

It is an additional credit to the company that they have made their own effective scenery.

The cast was as follows: principal roles, Eric Mackness, Vera Clark, Stan Stenson, Joan Desborough, Brian Rigby, Margaret Spencer, Brian Lack, Madge Ette, Frank Eyre, Madge Thompson, Mabel Stenson, Rodney Allen, George Kee, Cyril Copperwheat, Helen Clark, Ray Clarke, Harry Jones, Terry Rice, Don Binder, David Hartwell, Shirley Tilley, Don Sturgess, David Trussler, Betty Lack, Ella Tassell.

Chorus: Rosemary Mackness, Mabel Jones, Doris Brown, Mary Mackness, Olive Desborough, Sheila Lack, Margaret Cooling, Sylvia Gilbert, Madge Smith, Joyce Jackson, Ray Clark, George Kee, Rodney Allen, Brian Rigby, Brian Lack, Don Sturgess and Harry Jones.

Dancers: Thelma Ramsden, Joan Desborough, Rosina Scholes, Irene Rankin, Marion Ward, Joan Onley and Marjorie Denny.

Orchestra: piano, Winifred Caswell; violin, S. Seamarks; 'cello, Olive Lamb; cornet, G. Rice, trombone, E. Butler; drums, B. Allen.

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