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Rushden Echo, 22nd December 1905, transcribed by Greville Watson
Rushden Free Library
Contractors and Men at Supper

By the invitation of Mr John Claridge, chairman of the Free Library Committee, and contractors, all the men who had taken part in the erection of the Free Library were entertained to supper at the Public Hall, on Tuesday. The Waaverley Hotel Company served an excellent repast and about 70 sat down. Mr Claridge presided, and was supported by the chief contractor, Mr W Packwood, and the architect (Mr Madin).

After supper, the loyal toast was honoured on the motion of the Chairman.

The health of the architect was next proposed by the Chairman, who spoke in the highest terms of the design and structure of the library, and dwelt on the admirable way in which Mr Madin had made the internal arrangements.

Mr Madin suitably replied, and in proposing "The contractor" congratulated all those responsible for the actual work on the building on the way in which that work had been done. He said it reflected the greatest credit on both contractor and men.

Mr Packwood suitably responded.

Mr G H Skinner proposed "The sub-contractors," and the toast was acknowledged by Messrs Tomlin, Whittington, Walker, and Higgins.

Mr Geo. Miller proposed the health of the Chairman in eulogistic terms and attributed to the enthusiastic work of Mr Claridge a very large share in the successful establishment of the Library.

The toast was very cordially received and Mr Claridge responded.

The remainder of the evening was devoted to harmony. Mr T Fuller sang "The deathless army," "A soldier's song," and "Star of Bethlehem." Mr W Ginns sang "The horse the missus dries the clothes on" and other songs, and contributions to the programme were also made by Messrs Stevenson, T Packwood, Norman, Britchford, and Jones. Miss Fuller was the accompanist.

At the conclusion of the programme the Chairman expressed the hope that all had spent a very pleasant evening, and voiced the thanks of those present to Mr Fuller, Mr Ginns, Miss Fuller, and the others who had contributed to the general enjoyment.

The singing a verse of the National Anthem closed the proceedings.

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