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Cubs Flag

Rushden Echo, 29th July 1921

Presentation of a Wolf Cub Flag
“Training for Citizenship”

A special parade of the Rushden Troop of Boy Scouts and Wolf Cubs was held at the Scout Headquarters on Saturday evening for the presentation of a Cub flag. District Scoutmaster F E Preston and Scoutmaster G N Fountain were in charge.

Mr. A. H. Sartoris, J.P., attended to make the presentation in the unavoidable absence of Mrs. Sartoris, who was detained at the Hall on other business. The flag, a very worthy addition to the equipment and decorations, has a yellow background, on which is the figure of a wolf-cub’s head, and the motto “Do your best.” It is on a brass-mounted pole on the top of which is an appropriate emblem in brass. The flag was purchased by subscriptions kindly given by Mesdames A. H. Sartoris, F. L. Heygate, Walter Robinson, J. F. Knight, D. G. Greenfield, and H. S. Baker, who with parents of the Cubs were present at the parade.

In handing the flag to Wolf Cub F. Desborough, Mr. Sartoris commended the Scout and Wolf Cub movement to the parents. All that the lads were taught by their officers was for their good in training for citizenship, and he hoped that other parents would encourage their boys to join. He was pleased to see so many parents present.

The flag was received with suitable acknowledgement.

A demonstration of the “ground howl” was given by the Cubs, which consist of the members forming a circle, stooping and rising suddenly to salute, giving their call. The demonstration finished with the sounding of the general salute by the bugle band.

The Scouts and Cubs afterwards marched with the new flag to the Hall grounds, where they were inspected by Mrs. Sartoris.

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