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Rushden British Legion - Women's Section
Letter head

Rushden Echo & Argus, 6th January 1939, transcribed by Kay Collins

Women's Work for British Legion - New Hall Pleases Visitors at Rushden Supper Party
The loyal way in which women of the British Legion co-operated with the men was mentioned at the 10th annual supper of the Rushden British Legion Women's Section, held in the Legion Hall on Tuesday evening.

Mrs O A H Muxlow, chairman of the Section, presided, and with her were Mrs A G Bagshaw, of Finedon (chairman of the Midland area), Mrs Walter Robinson (president), Mrs F J Sharwood and Mrs R Marriott (vice-presidents), Mrs S Cox (secretary), Mrs A J Tomkins (chairman Wellingborough branch) and Mrs E M Collins (secretary), Mrs F Sudborough (chairman, Higham Ferrers branch) and Mrs S Hartwell (secretary), Mr R Denton (chairman Rushden Men's Section), Mr E Bennett (secretary), Mr H Letts (treasurer), and members of the men's committee.

About 200 members and friends sat down in a hall decorated with the Legion colours and mistletoe.

Following the toast of "The King", Mrs Walter Robinson extended a welcome to the visitors and recalled the first annual supper that the Women's Section had held. In those days, she said, their numbers were very small, but now they were very pleased indeed to notice how these numbers had improved.

Envious Neighbours
Mrs J A Tomkins, of Wellingborough, replied on behalf of the visitors and said that they all envied the Rushden legion's beautiful hall many of the neighbouring branches were wishing for one like it.

Mr Robert Denton proposed the toast of "The Women's Section" and said the Men's Section realised what a lot the women were doing, especially locally. The visitors would no doubt realise that the local section had pulled their weight in providing the new hall. Without the co-operation of the ladies the Rushden branch would not be in so happy a position as it was.

They had occupied their new building for just over twelve months and in the beginning it had cost them about £1,740. They did wonder then whether the Legion in Rushden would sink under the burden of that debt, but he was pleased to say that thanks to the work of the Men's and Women's Sections, and other people in the town, they owed at the present time only £870.

Members' Duty
Mrs A G Bagshaw replied and said that it was a great pleasure to hear from Mr Denton how well they worked together. She would like to congratulate themas others had done on their beautiful hall. Other branches admired them for the way in which they had acquired, built and kept it.

Urging the members to continue with their good work of the previous year, Mrs Bagshaw said that it was no use merely attending branch meetings and dinners; she would like all members to take an interest in the Legion's work and not to leave it to the officials.

Mrs Bagshaw concluded with a survey of the charitable work done by the many women's branches of the British Legion.

A happy evening of games and dancing followed, the music being played by J W Randall's Trio. Mr H Letts carried out the duties of M.C. A prize for the oldest member present was won by Mrs Clark.

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