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C.W.S. - Cycling

Rushden Echo, 21st May 1909, transcribed by Kay Collins

C.W.S. Finishing Department—A number of employees engaged in the finishing department of the C.W.S. Works, Rushden, decided their first cycle run on Saturday to St. Neots. A start was made from the works at 2p.m. and the route taken was Newton, Yelden, Staughton. At the latter place a halt was made for refreshments. The party then proceeded on their journey, St. Neots being safely reached about 4.30, and the cycles were then put up at the Royal Oak Hotel. The hostess provided an excellent tea, to which the party did justice. After tea, among other places of interest visited at St. Neots was the parish church. The party left St. Neots about 7.30, returning via Bedford, Rushden being safely reached at 10.30p.m.

Rushden Echo, 21st May 1909, transcribed by Kay Collins

Outing—A very enjoyable afternoon was spent at Sywell on Saturday last by a party of cyclists, numbering about 25, from the C.W.S. shoe works. The party, starting about 2.15 from the Oakley, arrived about 3.15 at Sywell, where they were met by one of the engineers who conducted them round the waterworks. Great interest was displayed by the party throughout the visit, especially in the engine-room, where the engineer held the attention of the party for over half-an-hour explaining the workings of the giant machines. Mr. Giles, speaking on behalf of the party, thanked the engineer for the very interesting and pleasant way in which he had conducted them round the works, after which the visitors adjourned to a tea at the Griffin Inn, Mears Ashby. The return journey was started about 6.30, Rushden being reached about 8p.m. Mr. W. Neville officiated as captain of the cyclists, and Mr. F. Geary made all the necessary arrangements.

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