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Sales 1898

The Rushden Echo, 18th March 1898, transcribed by Jim Hollis

Property Sale at Rushden

Mr. J. J. Coulbeck, of Wellingborough, offered by auction at the Public-hall, on Tuesday, 50 dwelling-houses and 17 plots of building land in Rushden. The solicitors concerned were Mr. F. Newman (Rushden), Messrs. Simpson and Mason (Rushden and Higham), and Messrs. Morgan and Duke (Wellingborough).
Lot 1, consisting of two freehold dwelling-houses, situated on the Oliver Cromwell Road, Rushden, with the outbuildings, in the occupations of Messrs. J. A. Underwood and Geo. Butt, at an annual rental of £28 12s 0d., were first put up. Bidding commenced at £300, and the lot was sold to Mr. John Claridge for £380.
For Lot 2, comprising four freehold dwelling-houses, situated on the Sartoris Road, Rushden, in the occupations of Messrs. Abbott, Joyce, Stafford and Parbury, and let at the gross annual rental of £59 16s 0d., the bids began at £500 and proceeded to £800, at which the lot was passed.
Lot 3, four freehold dwelling-houses, adjoining Lot 2, in the occupations of Messrs. Trusler, Newsum, Barnes and another, and let at the gross annual rental of £59 16s 0d., was passed at £800.
For Lot 4, consisting of six freehold dwelling-houses, situated on the Sartoris Road, in the occupations of Messrs. Wright, Harrison, King, Gaunt, Labrum and Sturgess, and let at the gross annual rental of £89 14s 0d., the first bid was £800, and the property was withdrawn at £1,200.
The next lot, comprising six freehold dwelling-houses, situated on the Sartoris Road, in the occupations of Messrs. Battams, Harris, Afford, Howes, Dran and Bradshaw, and let at the gross annual rental of £89 14s 0d., was withdrawn.
Biddings commenced at £500 for Lot 6, consisting of four freehold dwelling-houses, on the Sartoris-road, in the occupation of Messrs. Neal, Richardson, Smith and Abbott, and let at a gross annual rental of £57 17s 0d., but the lot was withdrawn at £810.
Lot 7 elicited no bid.
For Lot 8, a plot of freehold building land in the Sartoris-road, with a frontage of 33feet and an area of 256 square yards, bidding commenced at 3s per yard, and withdrawn at 4s 1d.
Bids for Lot 9, a plot of building land in Glassbrook-road, began at 3s a yard, and the property was bought in at 3s 11d a yard.
Lots 10 to 16 drew no bids.
Lot 17, six freehold dwelling-houses, situated on the Glassbrook Road, in the occupations of Messrs. Harborn, Attley, Clayton, Green, Cheeny and Bryant, and let at the gross annual rental of £85 16s 0d., was started at £800, and passed at £1,100.
No bids were made for Lots 18, 19, and 20.
For Lot 21, a plot of freehold building land, situated on the Wellingborough-road, having a frontage of 50 feet and an area of 1001 square yards, bids started at 5s a yard, and the lot was passed at 6s.
No offers were made for the remaining lots.
Several lots had been disposed of privately.

Sale of the land in 1898

Rushden Argus, Friday 22nd April 1898, transcribed by Kay Collins


Building Land as shown below, and which formed part of the portion of the above salubrious Estate, are

Offered for Sale

Undoubtedly this is the finest and most superb position for Residential purposes available in Rushden, being surrounded on all hands by first-class property. No expense of Roads or paving, and the Land, being as level as a table, the cost of Building is reduced to a minimum.

For Particulars, apply to

The Rushden Echo, Friday May 27, 1898 transcribed Sue Manton

Property sale:- Yesterday Messrs. Stafford and Rogers offered by auction at the Waggon and Horses Inn, Rushden, 7,820 square yards of building land forming part of the Fitzwilliam estate, near the Railway Station, High Street and Wellingborough Road. The property was offered in 38 plots, none of which were sold publicly.

The Rushden Echo, 1st July 1898, transcribed by Kay Collins



Auctioneer, Valuer, House & Estate Agent



Is instructed by
Mr. S. G. Askew
who is leaving he town, to
on Monday, July 4th,
at 3 o'clock, his

and Effects, recently purchased new.

Particulars in bills.

For Sale

Or to be Let as a Whole

Three-Storied Shoe Factory


Dwelling-House Adjoining

Situate in the centre of Crabb-street, Rushden

The Factory

Which is just being vacated by Mr Wm Hewitt,
Shoe Manufacturer, is capable of an output of
1,000 pairs per week, and could be
occupied immediately.

For Particulars and to View, Apply to

Ebenezer Wrighton, Rushden.

Rushden Echo, Friday July 15, 1898 transcribed Sue Manton

The Property Market:- Mr. J. J. Coulbeck held a property sale at the Coffee Tavern, Rushden, on Monday evening, when there was a fair attendance. Lot 1 – a boot factory in Crabb Street, lately in the occupation of Mr. Ebenezer Wrighton, was withdrawn at £580. The bid for lot 2, a couple of plots of freehold building land in Essex Road, with a frontage of 18 feet each and an area of about 197 square yards, reached 4s 3d per yard, at which he property was withdrawn. For two similar plots the bids advanced to 4s 5d a yard, at which they were passed. There was no offer for a plot of freehold building land on the Hayway. A building site on Sartoris Road, with an area of 271 square yards was passed at 3s 2d a yard. For lots 6,7, and 8, building plots in Queen Street and Blinco Road, there were no offers. Messrs. Burnham, Son and Lewin of Wellingborouugh and Messrs. Simpson and Mason, of Higham and Rushden were the solicitors concerned.

The Rushden Echo, 16th September 1898, transcribed by Kay Collins

THE BOOTHS AND STALLAGE at the forthcoming pony and galloway races at Rushden were offered by auction by Mr. J. J. Coulbeck at the Waggon and Horses Inn on Wednesday night. The first and second-class licensed refreshment booths were offered in one lot and sold to Mr. W. H. Lovell, of the Oakley, for £10; the tea booth was sold to Mr. Jack Green for £1 10s.; and the stallage was bought by Mr. Jack Green for £4 10s.

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