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Landlords' Socials for their Tenants

Wellingborough News, 1st November 1879, transcribed by Kay Collins

RENT SUPPER On Saturday evening, the tenants of Mr. Joseph, and the executors of the late Mr. J. Gross sat down to a capital supper, served up in Mrs. Wood's best style, at the Waggon and Horses Inn, Rushden. The room was prettily decorated. Mr. W. Gross, who presided, proposed the health of the tenants, after which the health of the landlord was duly honoured, and the evening was spent in a convivial manner, some amusing harmony being contributed by several of the company. The health of the host and hostess was cordially drunk. Their catering for the occasion was much admired.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, October 23rd, 1880, transcribed by Kay Collins

MR. SHERWOOD AND HIS TENANTSOn Monday evening Mr. Sherwood, as is his custom once a year, entertained his tenants and friends, to the number of about 50, to supper at the Wagon and Horses Inn, a very excellent repast being provided by Mrs. Wood, the estimable landlady. Mr. Sherwood proposed the health of his tenants, and observed, in the course of his remarks, that this was the sixteenth time he had had the pleasure of entertaining them. His property was now the cheapest in Rushden, and it had become necessary for him to raise the rent of his houses; and for the future his tenants would pay their rent quarterly instead of yearly. Mr. Sherwood also proposed the health of his friends.—Mr. S. Knight, sen., responded, and regretted that their old friend, Mr. J. Goss was prevented by indisposition from being present.—Mr. Sherwood proposed the health of his agent, (Mr. J. Packwood,) and expressed a hope that next year each of his tenants would have a Parliamentary vote, and exercise it according to their honest convictions.—The remainder of the evening was spent in an entertaining manner.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, November 6th, 1880, transcribed by Kay Collins

SUPPER—On Wednesday evening the tenants of Messrs. W. & J. Gross were entertained to a sumptuous supper, served by Mrs. Wood, at the Wagon and Horses Inn. Mr. W. Gross presided, and, in a few happy words, proposed the health of his tenants. He next proposed the health of Mr. J. Gross, whom he was pleased to see present. Mr. Gross responded, and hoped he might live to meet the company on a similar occasion another year. The health of the Host and Hostess was proposed by Mr. Gross, sen., who spoke very highly of Mrs. Wood's catering.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, October 22nd, 1881, transcribed by Kay Collins

TENANTS' SUPPEROn Monday evening the tenants and a few personal friends of Mr. Sherwood, of London, had their annual supper at the Waggon and Horses, Rushden. The room was very nicely ornamented with ferns and flowers, and the supper was served in the excellent style for which Mrs. Wood is so famous in the neighbourhood. After supper the donor of the feast, Mr. Sherwood, presided, and in a few well chosen remarks proposed the health of the tenants, as but for them he said they would not have been there. He was pleased to meet them on such friendly terms, as all had paid up and no one had any complaints to make. Their gathering, however, was not one of unmixed pleasure to him as he was forcibly reminded they were one year nearer their journeys end. There were two missing that they had been in the habit of meeting on these occasions, the one Wm. Betson had been taken by death, the other Mr. J. Gross, 85 years of age, was unable to attend by reason of the infirmities of age. The health of the visitors was next given from the chair coupled with the name of Mr. S. Knight, sen., and having been duly honoured was responded to by that gentleman. The health of Mr. Dykes was then proposed, the chairman remarking that until Mr. Dykes came to Rushden there was not a good drapery establishment in the village. Mr. Dykes responded. The health of the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Wood, was then given in very flattering terms for the excellent spread they had placed on the tables, and this was very heartily received. The rest of the evening was spent in a convivial manner, songs, &c., being given by Messrs. Stokes, Lack, Betts, Ellis, &c. Among the visitors were Messrs. S. Knight, W. Foskett, W. Ruddle, and Mr. Sanders, of Kettering.

Wellingborough News, 22nd July 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins

RENT AUDIT—On the 11th inst. an excellent spread was provided in the New Hall (served by the Coffee Tavern Company), for each man who rents an allotment of the land of the Rev. Canon Barker. It is the custom for the rector to provide an annual supper, and to give prizes to six of the best husbandmen. The following obtained the prizes: first field, 1 Mr. G. Garley, 2 Mr. W. Burge, 3 Mr. J. Denton; second field, 1 Mr. J. Warren, 2 Mr. W. Watts, 3, Mr. C. Bollard. About 70 sat down and spent a very pleasant evening.

Wellingborough News, 21st October 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins

RENT SUPPER—On Monday evening the tenants and friends of Mr. Sherwood, of London, had their supper, according to custom, at the Wagon and Horses Inn, Mr. Wood, having obtained an hour's extension of time. At eight o'clock, an excellent supper was served by Mrs. Wood, and between 30 and 40 were present to discuss the choice viands provided. Supper over, Mr. Sherwood gave the company carte blanche to order what they would at his expense, and he then proposed the health of his tenants. He was pleased to say that as on all former occasions, there was a clean bill presented, no tenant owing anything for rent. He then noticed the probable extension of the franchise, and said in all probability during the next year or two they would have a vote conferred upon them, and without wishing in the least to interfere with them in the use of it, or with their opinions in political matters, yet he would advise them to prepare themselves to use the vote wisely when it was conferred upon them. The next toast was that of their old friend, Mr. Knight, which was heartily honoured. In responding, Mr. Knight said he was very glad to meet them, and to hear they had all paid their rent, as it showed trade was good, and he was pleased there was plenty of work for all and good wages. He was pleased to welcome Mr. Heald for the first time among them. A song followed by Mr. T. Lack. The Chairman then gave the health of Mr. Packwood, the steward, who they were all pleased to see at all times. (Laughter) Mr. Packwood, in responding, said he did not remember any tenant ever being kept away through ill-health, or their rent not being paid, and he thought that was cause for thankfulness. He could not but remark that they had some vacant chairs. Among those who used to meet them was Mr. John Gross, but, alas, he was no more, and now they missed Mr. Joseph Gross, who was kept away by infirmity. The next toast was that of Mr. Heald, who, in responding, said he had often, when at the Antipodes, wished to be present at one of these meetings with his father-in-law, the donor of the feast. Relating his experience of that far-off land, he said people had to work harder there than here, and there was more competition than in England, and if there was an opening there was a rush for it. In the little town where he lived there were sixteen drapery establishments, and many young gentlemen had gone there from England, some with money and some without, and they had to work very hard, and many of them were barefoot, but all of them, whether old or new colonists, looked upon the old country as home. Songs and good fellowship followed, and the usual hearty vote of thanks to Mrs. Wood concluded the reunion.

Wellingborough News, 19th July 1884, transcribed by Kay Collins

RENT SUPPER—On Monday evening the tenants of the Rectory Allotments were entertained to a capital supper on the Rectory Lawn. After supper prizes were given for the best-cultivated plots, and a few words of praise to those who had done well, and of exhortation to those whose farming was not up to the standard. A very pleasant and social evening was spent. The supper was capitally served by Mr. Martin, of the Coffee Tavern.

Wellingborough News, 25th October 1884, transcribed by Kay Collins

RENT SUPPER—On Monday evening the tenants of Mr. Sherwood, of London, had their annual supper. The usual complimentary toasts were duly honoured. One source of regret was the death of an old friend who usually joined them on such occasions (Mr. J. Gross), whose death we recorded recently. A pleasant evening was spent, and a good feeling prevailed.

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