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Higham Park - Notes

16 November 1867 - Northampton Mercury

Petty Sessions

William Jarkins, a youth, was summoned by Mr. John Dearlove, of Higham Park, for unlawfully leaving his service on 19th October. – Complainant deposed that he hired the defendant at Kimbolton Statute for a year. He came to his place on the 13th October, and left on the 19th without telling anyone......[more]

Wellingborough News, 25th February 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins

The monthly of this Authority was held in the Board-room at the Workhouse on Wednesday last, when there were present Mr. J. W. Watts (in the chair), Rev. T. Richards, and Messrs. J. Siddons, T. H. Wykes, R. Pell, J. H. Coales, G. Denton, T. Parsons, J. Austin, J. Parker, G. Parsons, S. Knight, J. Earl, and S. Parsons.

HIGHAM PARK—I visited two hovels here. I found them quite unfit for human habitation. They had no windows, boards being used instead, consequently the rooms were in darkness. In the first hovel two rooms were inhabited. When the door was shut they were in darkness. Three people lived here, a mother and two sons, aged 13 and 15 respectively. They all three slept in the same room, which on being measured was found large enough for one only. The mother stated they had lived here for six months. In the other hovel three rooms were inhabited. They were in the same state of darkness. Three people were said to live here, but there was evidence that in reality more lived there. The floors of both hovels were damp. One of the inmates was suffering from rheumatism, and they all complained of being unwell. The beds were made upon the floors. A severe winter could hardly have failed to have proved fatal to some of these people. I was assured that rent was paid for these miserable hovels. You, as a Sanitary Authority, have ample power under the 91st clause of the Public Health Act to deal with these places. [further on in the article] The Board decided to take the necessary steps for closing the hovels at Higham Park.

Wellingborough News, 2nd February 1884, transcribed by Kay Collins

VEALE—DEARLOVE—On the 17th Dec., at Port Elizabeth, South Africa, W. E. Veale, M.R.C.S., F.S.A., of Ladybrand, Orange Free State, to Sarah Frances, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Ralph Dearlove, of Higham Park, Norths.

Wellingborough News, 16th February 1884, transcribed by Kay Collins

Friday, Feb. 8.—Before Mr. Spencer Pratt (in the chair), Mr. N. P. Sharman, and Col. Rawlins.

Game Tresspass at HIGHAM PARK—Thomas Denton, Charles Dickens, Wm. Dickens, and John Cox, all of Rushden, were charged with a game trespass in Higham Park on Sunday afternoon, Feb. 3rd, on land in the occupation of Mr. J. Strachan. The defendants were seen by Fred Whittemore and William Streeton going on the farm and on other adjoining land, Denton had a gun and the others were with him.—There were several previous convictions against all the defendants, and they were fined 10s. and 19s. 6d. costs.

The Rushden Echo, 7th Oct 1898, transcribed by Kay Collins

Higham Park - A Parish with only Two Voters
The Barrister said the list for the parish had been sent to him. There were only two names on it.

Mr. J. Sargent (Rushden): That is quite right. There are only two occupiers.

Rushden Echo, 17th August 1900, transcribed by Kay Collins

Mr. Lovell, of Raunds, and Mr. Hartopp Burns, of Higham Park, were among the purchasers at Mr. G. S. Fisher’s ram sale at Kettering on Friday.

Rushden Echo, 1st January 1909, transcribed by Kay Collins

The 177 Pensioners in the Rushden Old Age Pension District, including Rushden, Irchester, Wollaston, Newton Bromswold, and Higham Park, will receive pensions amounting to £2,262 4s a year.

Rushden Echo, 18th August 1916, transcribed by Kay Collins

Newton Bromswold
At Kettering on Wednesday, Stanley Montague Holt, Higham Park, was fined £3 for allowing a locomotive to remain stationary on the bridge at Burton Latimer on August 2nd, and £1 for not having the weight of a wagon affixed thereon.

Rushden Echo, 2nd August 1918, transcribed by Kay Collins

Newton Bromswold
An aeroplane descended at Higham Park on Wednesday night. After a short period the aviator again ascended with his machine.

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