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Rural Sanitary Authority

& Rushden Parochial Sanitary Committee

Wellingborough News, 6th September 1879, transcribed by Kay Collins

Rushden Brook

The following communications were read by the Clerk:—

Rushden Rectory, Higham Ferrers, August 16th, 1879.

DEAR SIR,—I am requested by the Local Sanitary Committee to ask you to lay the enclosed before the Rural Sanitary Authority at your earliest opportunity. I am to add that unless some steps be taken in the matter, the Parochial Committee purpose resigning, as they are unwilling any longer to occupy a position which seems to charge them with the responsibility of a nuisance which they are unable to remove.

I am, dear Sir, yours faithfully,

M. Reid Sharman, Esq.

The Rushden Parochial Sanitary Committee desire to call the attention of the Rural Sanitary Authority to the following particulars relative to the brook running through the village of Rushden. The Medical Officer of Health, in a report upon the parish of Rushden, dated 22nd April, 1879, states— "That part of the brook, which is now used as a thoroughfare for horses and vehicles, should be arched over, and a roadway constructed. The remaining part of the brook should be paved like the upper part for, say, 70 or 80 yards. The brook being a watercourse and not a sewer, these structural works would be, I apprehend, carried out by the Highway Commissioners."

The Parochial Sanitary Committee, under instructions from your Authority, carefully considered the above statements, unanimously agreed to them, and in report to you, dated June 16,1879, urgently requested you to take what steps you deemed advisable for carrying out at once your Medical Officer's suggestions. No further communication on the subject has reached the Parochial Committee. No steps have been taken for abating the admitted nuisance. The hot weather is making the stench from the brook intolerable to inhabitants in its vicinity. Deputations of these inhabitants wait upon the members of the Parochial Committee with earnest and repeated complaints. The Parish of Rushden, in Vestry assembled, decided some time ago that the best method of abating the nuisance complained of was by works similar to those recommended by the Medical Officer. Under these circumstances the Parochial Sanitary Committee appeal to your Authority for counsel and help. On behalf of the Committee,

JOHN T. BARKER, Chairman.
Rushden, August 16th 1879.

To the Rural Sanitary Authority, Wellingborough.

Mr. Siddons : At our last meeting, or meeting before that, we referred this matter to the Highway Authority for them to take such steps with regard to it as they thought proper.

The Clerk: There was a difficulty as to the competency of this Authority to deal with it. The Highway Board declined to consider the matter because the carrying out of the necessary work would throw too great an expense upon the whole district. If it was a highway matter it could be attended to by the Highway Board, but the Highway Board do not think they are called upon to do the work at the expense of the district for the parish of Rushden.

Mr. Watts: I see no way out of the difficulty except by constructing a sewer by the side of the highway, and the expense of that would be very great.

Mr. Denton: We estimate it would cost some £200.

Mr. Siddons: Could this Authority take the matter up legally?

The Clerk: If they deem it necessary to construct a new sewer they have power to do that, but they would be acting illegally if they converted the water course into a sewer.

The Board instructed the Clerk to write to Mr. Barker, the Chairman of the Committee, that this Authority saw no way out of the difficulty except by constructing a public sewer, and that they would be glad to know at their next meeting whether the parish would be willing to go to the expense of having a sewer constructed.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, November 6th, 1880, transcribed by Kay Collins

Rural SanitaryAuthority WEDNESDAY, Nov. 3RD.

Rushden Brook

A deputation, consisting of the Rev. Canon Barker (rector of Rushden), Mr. Wilkins, and Mr. Foskett, waited upon the Board for the purpose of getting the sanction of this Authority to arch over a portion of the brook at Rushden, in order to remedy the nuisance arising from it which has been so frequently complained of.

Mr. Wykes wished it to be understood that whatever work was proposed to be done in connection with the brook at Rushden would have to be done at the expense of the people of that village.

Mr. Wilkins said that was the wish of the people of Rushden; it was the only way in which the proposed work could be carried out.

Canon Barker said the nuisance arising from the Rushden Brook had been very loudly and constantly complained of, and the parochial committee of Rushden felt that it must be dealt with; and if it were dealt with in a satisfactory manner they might postpone the complete drainage of the parish to an indefinite period. The parochial committee advocated no pet scheme of their own; they came forward in order to save a great expense to the parish, which they dreaded very much, and which they saw looming in the distance. They proposed to spend £300 in arching over that portion of the brook through which, at present, vehicles were obliged to pass; the cost would be provided for by a special sanitary rate upon the parish of Rushden, and they were anxious to borrow the money of the Loan Commissioners, the repayment to extend over a a period of 7, 8, or, if possible, 10 years.

Mr. Sanders thought it would be wiser to spend £300 in improving the foundation of the brook than in covering it over.

Mr. Wykes said the covering in of the brook at Bozeat had not been attended with beneficial results.

The Authority, after the question had been fully discussed, gave their sanction to the carrying out of the proposed work, on condition that a certain number of the inhabitants of the village jointly and severally guaranteed the cost; and it was further resolved that the parish should be allowed to spend £30 upon work at the reservoir for the purpose of flushing the brook.

There was no other business before the meeting.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, November 26th, 1881, transcribed by Kay Collins

Letters to The Editor
Sanitary Affairs at Rushden SIR,—"Economy" says truly that Rushden needs better sanitary measures than it has at the present time. It is disgraceful to think that the sewage of 500 houses should have no other channel than the open watercourse, which has been used for cleansing purposes from time immemorial, and which the inhabitants are compelled to forego the use of on account of the filth that is run into it. There has been much improvement the village the last few years, but the greatest and most beneficent change for the health of the people has been left undone. Large schools have been built for the moral training of the children of the inhabitants; places of worship lave been added thereto for their spiritual advancement; a large coffee palace is being constructed, to stem the torrent of drink; but the torrent of filth still runs on, to contaminate the life blood of the people. "Economy" says, Would it not be wise to take the money that is paid for vaccination to help to defray the expenses of covering over the disgrace? I think that would be putting the money to a much better use than breeding disease, which is the outgrowth of vaccination, and which no doctor in the world can avoid.

Yours truly,

November 15th, 1881.

Wellingborough News, 2nd September 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins

RUSHDEN - SANITARY—A notice has been posted by the Rural Sanitary Authority, stating that a sanitary scavenging cart has been provided for the parish, and will go round and collect all nightsoil and other refuse. It is to be hoped it will prove beneficial.

Wellingborough News, 9th September 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins

Wellingborough Rural Sanitary Authority
The monthly meeting of this Authority was held on Wednesday last at the Board room at the Union Workhouse, when there were present Mr. J. W. Watts, in the chair, and Messrs. J. Siddons, W. J. Gross, S. Sharman, J. H. Coales, G. Wyman, J. Parker, S. Knight, and C. S. Groome.

The Medical Officer

The minutes having been read and confirmed, the Clerk mentioned that the term of office for which the medical officer was appointed would expire in November, and it would be necessary that notice should be given at this meeting of a motion for his re-appointment. Mr. Siddons gave notice that at the next meeting of the Authority he would propose Dr. Thomas's re-appointment. Several of the Guardians expressed their opinion that Dr.Thomas had discharged his duties very efficiently.

The Estimates

The Clerk presented the estimate for contributions, to meet the general expenses of the authority to Lady Day next. There has been no call upon the parishes since Lady Day, 1881, when a precept was issued for ½d. in the £, this yielding £275. The general expenses of the authority since that date have, however, exceeded the amount then obtained, the sum of £197 being required to effect a balance. In addition to this the Clerk estimated that an extra ¼d. in the £ will be required to meet the general expenses up to Lady Day next. A levy of ¼d. in the £ is estimated to produce £131, and this with the £197 at present in arrears makes the total sum required from the parishes £328. It will thus be seen that the general expenses of the authority from Lady Day, 1881, to Lady Day, 1883, will amount to a total of £603, or in round figures £300 per annum. The sum of £328 for which a call is now issued will be payable on or before October 4th prox.

Mr. Siddons suggested whether the date of payment could not in future cases be made a fortnight later. There were frequent changes in tenancies at Michaelmas, and almost before the new tenant had entered upon his premises a demand was made upon him. This caused a good deal of difficulty in the collection. The first week in April was also inconvenient as the new overseers had scarcely entered upon their duties. He thought it would be much more convenient if the calls were payable at the end of October and the end of April.

The Clerk promised to give the suggestion his consideration.

The Clerk then presented the following estimate of the amounts required for special expenses:—

Higham Ferrers: Balance against the parish, £5; half-year's interest of loan for sewer expenses due in December, £20; instalment of principal, £25; estimated, expenditure to be incurred, £20; total, £70.

Wollaston: Balance against parish (including cost of sanitary cart, £22) £78; cemetery expenses, say £10; loan on cemetery, due in October, £30; sewers at Duck-end—estimated outlay in ventilation, &c., £12; total, £130.

Rushden: Balance against parish (including sanitary cart £22) £42; new sewers, £80; scavenging, &c., £8; total, £130.

Irchester: Balance against parish (including sanitary cart £22) £29; sewers, £71; total, £100.

Ecton: Balance against parish £30; half-yearly instalment on loan, due in February, £15; repairs to pipes, £2; sewers, £3; total, £50.

Earl's Barton: Balance against parish (including sanitary cart £22) £29; scavenging, &c., £11; total, £40.

Grendon: Balance against parish, £39; sewers, £1; total, £40.

A short conversation arose respecting the estimate for Ecton. The Clerk stated that there was at present a balance of £30 due from the parish to the Authority, the water rate having proved inadequate to meet the instalments repayable on the loan. A 6d. rate on those using the water only brought in £10, so that on this basis a 2s. 6d. rate would be necessary to cover the £50 required. It was practically impossible to levy such a rate as this. People objected to pay 6d, in the £ and were in consequence discontinuing the water supply, and it was obvious that a rate of 2s. 6d. in the £ would result in a general discontinuance. In his (the Clerk's) opinion the special water rate was a failure, and he suggested that in future the amount required should be levied as a special expense upon the whole parish. It would then have to be paid in the proportion of ¾d. on houses and ¼d. on land. This alteration would also save £2 now paid for collecting the water rate.

Mr. Coales enquired whether the land got any benefit from the water supply?

Mr. S. Sharman said that he used the water supply, and he believed one other farmer, but the rest of the farmers lived at a distance, and did not use it.

The Clerk said that although the land obtained little direct benefit, the farmers obtained the indirect advantage resulting from the improved health of the village.

Mr. Siddons said that formerly Ecton used to have an outbreak of fever twice a year, and on an investigation taking place they found the sanitary condition of the village, particularly as regarded the water supply, very bad. As a result of the investigation the present supply of water was obtained.

The Clerk said that the pariah had simply placed itself in a proper sanitary condition, and the water rate having failed it would be better for the whole parish to undertake the expenses and for the water to be free to all.

Mr. Siddons enquired whether the supply would be adequate for a largely increased demand?

Mr. S. Sharman thought it very doubtful whether there would be sufficient water if no charge were made for it.

Mr. Siddons suggested that the charge of 6d., should still be made, and that the balance be borne by the whole parish.

The Clerk did not think this practicable. It must either be one thing or the other, and as the water rate had failed he saw no alternative except to levy the amount upon the, parish.

After some further conversation, it was proposed by Mr. Coales, seconded by Mr.Wyman, and carried that the matter be referred to the parochial committee for consideration, a report to be presented at the next meeting.

It was also resolved that in future the Inspector consult the parochial Committees before handing in his estimate of expenses likely to be incurred to the Clerk.

The Medical Officers Report

The Medical Officer submitted the following report:—

Rushden—There have been five fresh cases of typhoid fever in Cave's-row, making fourteen in all. I am pleased to report that twelve are convalescent and the remaining two are doing well. In addition to the above there have been six other cases in various parts of the village. These cases were all in children and in young people. Five of the cases were, I consider, due to the miasma arising from the watercourse during the dry weather in the first weeks of August. In addition to this, in three cases the water drank was unfit for drinking. The remaining case was probably caused by defective house drainage and a cesspool nuisance. Of these six cases four are convalescent, and the two others are making some progress towards recovery. The last case reported to me was on Aug. 25th. The water in the following wells is unfit for drinking: Public well in Duck-street, contaminated with gas; public well near Higgen's, cause of pollution unknown; Warren's well, cause of pollution, percolation from the watercourse which runs close by. This well water is no doubt better in rainy weather. Cunnington and Margett's wells, cause of pollution unknown, probably a cesspool or a drain lying near. There are only four public wells in this village, of these two are unfit for drinking and in one of the other two there is very little water in dry weather. As new houses are continually being built in this village, I may mention that according to the Water Act, 1878, groups of houses may combine to have their water supply from one source, the cost of which could be charged upon the houses directly benefited, and not upon the rates as hitherto. The condition of the watercourse in Duck-street was complained of; it undoubtedly is a nuisance in dry weather. I consider if the bottom of the watercourse was made of bricks, there would not be so much stagnant water lying about. If a more efficient method of flushing this watercourse could be devised for the dry weather it would be a benefit to the village, as in that state of the weather it is a source of danger to health.

Finedon—There have been seven cases of typhoid fever in this village, four of children and three of grown-up persons. The four children were in one house. The cause of the fever in this case was the cesspool, which is touching the wall of the cottage. The wall of the living room is damp from the contents of the cesspool having soaked through. There is, of course, frequently a smell. The people from the other cottages in this yard use the same closet and cesspool. If there had been children living in these cottages, I am certain they would have caught the fever. There are twelve persons living in these three cottages. By the 36th clause of the Public Health Act (1875), you can order the owner to provide proper closet accommodation at a sufficient distance from the cottages as to cause no nuisance. The other three cases were due to miasmatic causes, in two cases arising from crowded cesspools and ashpits. Four of these cases are now convalescent, and the remaining three are making some progress. The last fresh case reported to me was on August ..........effectually than either for the village authorities to undertake the scavenging, as has been done in Irchester, or for this Authority to apply to the Local Government Board for powers to pass bye-laws compelling the owners of houses to do the scavenging themselves regularly once a week. This latter course would, I consider, be a more expensive one to adopt, and would not answer so well as for the Parochial Committee to undertake it.

On the motion of Mr. Siddons, seconded by Mr. Coales, the report was referred to the parochial Committees of Rushden and Finedon. An opinion was expressed that in the latter village a sanitary cart would have to be provided. Orders were also made for the abatement of the nuisances complained of.

The Clerk read a letter from the Local Government Board enquiring what steps had been taken in remedying the sanitary defects to which the medical officer attributed the recent outbreaks of fever at Rushden and Wollaston. The Clerk was instructed to reply informing the Board what action had been decided upon in consequence of the medical officer's repdft.

Wollaston Cemetery
Mr. Gross proposed, and Mr. Siddons seconded, that George Jones, of Wollaston, be appointed registrar for the Wollaston Cemetery, the question of salary to stand over. —The motion was carried unanimously.

Wellingborough News, 4th November 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins

The monthly meeting of this Authority was held on Wednesday in the Board-room, at the Workhouse, when there were present Mr. J. W. Watts (in the chair), and Messrs. J. H. Coales, W. J. Gross, S. Knight, C. S. Groome, J. Siddons, J. Allibone, G. Wyman, J. Burr, J. Walker, J. Ward, and J. Parker.

MEDICAL OFFICER'S REPORTThe Medical Officer of Health reported that there had been a case of typhoid fever at the huts at the Midland Railway widening. He found the sanitary conditions fairly satisfactory, and was of opinion that the disease had been contracted elsewhere, possibly by sleeping near a cesspool. The case was going on satisfactorily, and there had been no further outbreak. If, however, the disease had been of a more infectious nature, such as scarlet-fever or small-pox, the results might have been very serious, as there was no place in which a patient could be isolated. He was strongly of opinion that there should be a hut specially set apart as a hospital. A case of typhoid fever had also occurred at Rushden, from miasmatic causes, in a yard near the Church. He found on enquiry that the pails were emptied on the gardens, and there were also pig-styes connected with the cottages that were not very clean. The Medical Officer urged the importance of regular scavenging and said that the excreta from the houses in question should no longer be thrown upon the gardens. The only remaining subject dealt with in the report was an impure well upon land in the occupation of Mr. Dawes, at Little Harrowden.—Respecting the case of fever at the huts, Mr. Austin bore out the doctor's report, and as no new case had arisen it was considered unnecessary to take action. The Inspector reported that the scavenging was now being carried out systematically at Rushden. Instructions were given to him to take the necessary steps for the abatement of the nuisances reported by the doctor. In the case of the impure well at Little Harrowden Mr. Groome said he thought the pollution could only be of a temporary character, and it was decided to write to Mr. Dawes to ask him to remedy it.

THE ESTIMATE FOR IRCHESTER PARISH—It will be remembered that at the last meeting of the Authority, the precept for £100 upon the overseers for the parish of Irchester was cancelled, as the Parochial Committee did not consider so large a contribution necessary, and the issue of the new precept was deferred till this meeting.—The Clerk said that the parish was £29 in arrears, so that a precept for £30 would cover the deficit. It would however, leave nothing in hand.—Mr. Austin suggested £35 or £40 as the amount of the precept, but the Clerk said that it would either have to be fixed at £30 or £45. The former would be realised by a rate of 2d. on houses and ½d. on land, and the latter by 3d. on houses and ¾d. on land, but any sum between these two amounts could not very well be raised.—The Inspector mentioned that there would be a small charge at the end of the year for scavenging, and the Clerk pointed out that probably there would be other small expenses during the year.—On the motion of Mr. Austin, seconded by Mr. Coales, a precept was ordered for £45.

THE ELECTRIC LIGHT—Further conversation took place respecting the notice served upon the Authority by one of the Electric Light Companies. The Clerk explained the provisions of the new Act, and it was ultimately decided to let the Company take its own course.

Wellingborough News, 27th January 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins

Wellingborough Rural Sanitary Authority

The monthly meeting of this Authority was held on Wednesday last, when there were present Mr. J. W. Watts (in the chair), Rev. T. Richards, and Messrs. T. S. Curtis, J. Siddons, G. Denton, J. H. Coales, G. Wyman, W. J. Gross, J. Walker, and S. Parsons.

THE MEDICAL REPORT—Dr. Thomas, the medical officer, reported that two cases of typhoid fever had arisen in the villages, the disease being contracted in each case in Wellingborough. It was decided to communicate with Dr. Clark, the medical officer of the Local Board of Health, on the subject. The epidemic of measles at Higham Ferrers and Earls Barton was abating.

THE POWERS OF THE BOARD—Pursuant to notice, Mr. Curtis brought before the Board the desirability, if practicable, of obtaining powers of control over the erection of new houses, with, special reference to their sanitary condition. He referred especially to Rushden, and other populous places, such as Earls Barton, Irthlingborough, and Finedon, where a good deal of building had been done. He thought the Board ought to have power to insist upon plans being submitted, so that a proper water supply and drainage might be insisted on. Mr. Curtis quoted figures showing the close connection between insanitary conditions and disease, and cited the improved health of Ecton as an illustration of what had been gained by providing a good supply of pure water. After a few words from Mr. Siddons and Mr. Coales, Mr. Denton said that formerly Rushden was in favour of having urban powers, but there were difficulties in the way in relation to the highways, and the state of things had got so bad in the village, that he thought they had either better wait to see what Government proposed in the way of county government, or apply their present powers as the first step to applying urban powers by and by.—The Clerk explained that the Board could apply to the Local Government Board for an order clothing the Authority with urban powers in reference to certain portions of their district. An order to this effect had been granted in reference to Earls Barton in 1877, but the model bye-laws sent down appearing rather formidable no action had been taken under the order. The Board could if it pleased, draw up bye-laws under the powers already possessed but this would not meet the points raised by Mr. Curtis.—In reply to a question, the Inspector said that he had to give a certificate for all new houses, but he could withhold it on the ground of a defective water supply.—A lengthy discussion ensued in which the Rev. T. Richards, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Denton, Mr. Gross, the Chairman, Mr. S. Parsons, and Mr. Wyman took part, and it was ultimately decided to appoint a sub-committee, consisting of Messrs. Richards, Denton, Curtis, Wyman, and Gross, to draw up a code of bye-laws under the powers already possessed by the Board.

SANITARY AFFAIRS AT RUSHDEN—A report was read from the Parochial Committee of Rushden, in which they agreed to carry out the recommendations of the inspector, respecting the watercourse, Messrs. Bayes, Margetts, Knight, and Foskett, being a sub-committee appointed for that purpose.

Wellingborough News, 24th February 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins

SANITARY AFFAIRS AT RUSHDEN—The Clerk read a report from the Rushden Parochial Committee, stating that they had met and agreed to carry out the recommendations of the Medical Officer, and proposed in accordance therewith to lay out about £100 in improving and ventilating the brook, which is the main sewer of the village. Of this sum £20 will be met by the balance in hand from the last estimate, and the remaining £80 remains to be raised. The proposals of the Parochial Committee were approved.

MEDICAL OFFICER'S REPORT—The Clerk read the annual report of the Medical Officer, which we give in another column. Mr. Curtis proposed a vote of thanks to the Medical Officer for his services during the year. Mr. Coales cordially seconded the proposal. The resolution was unanimously adopted. Mr. Wyman mentioned a slight inaccuracy in the report in reference to Higham, and this was rectified. Mr. Curtis enquired whether the new houses being built at Higham were being properly connected with the sewer. Mr. Wyman said it was found very difficult to induce persons erecting buildings to give notice to the Parochial Committee before the connections were made. Everyone seemed to think he had the right to make the connection himself, the result being that they were often made in a very unsatisfactory manner. The Inspector remarked that any person making a connection was liable to a penalty, and if any case was reported to him he would take the necessary steps.

The Wellingborough News, 25th April 1885, transcribed by Gill Hollis

Sanitary Arrangements at Rushden

SIR, -- Would you kindly allow me through the medium of your valuable paper to draw the attention of the local sanitary authorities to a dangerous nuisance, which to a large extent is carried on in this flourishing village, viz, the emptying of the contents of cesspools and privies into the public thoroughfare, where they are allowed in some cases to remain until 11 and 12 o’clock midday. Such a case as this occurred this morning, in a place called the Orchard, and for some distance around the air was poisoned by the horrible stench which arose.

The sanitary authorities cannot be too vigilant in these cases. Typhoid fever is already in the village, and this is just the way to increase it. This is not the first time by many that this nuisance has occurred in this particular place, and it has often seemed strange to me that the inspector has not made some stir in it before. Such a state of things as this, Sir, is a thorough disgrace to the village, or rather to those whose duty it is to see that these things do not occur. If it were necessary I could name many other instances where the sanitary laws are openly and publicly violated, and no notice is taken of it.

Hoping that the proper authorities will prevent a repetition of these proceedings,

I beg to remain, yours sincerely,

Roseberry Terrace, Rushden, April 18, 1885.

[We have omitted two sentences from our correspondent’s letter on the ground that they are libellous. We may also point out to our correspondent that the Sanitary Inspector, although he happens to live at Rushden, is not able to confine his attention to that parish. His district consists of the whole of the rural portion of the Wellingborough Union, and the fact that last year he dealt with 1,500 complaints is conclusive proof that the office is not a sinecure. The specific complaint made by our correspondent appears to be that the scavenger’s cart does not go round early enough in the day. This is, no doubt, a matter of great importance, especially at this season of the year, and our correspondent would do well to lodge a formal complaint with the Inspector, or with the Rev. Canon Barker, who is, we believe, the Chairman of the Parochial Sanitary Committee.]

Wellingborough News, 24th October 1890, transcribed by Kay Collins

Wellingborough Rural Sanitary Authority
At the ordinary meeting held on Wednesday there were present:—Rev. T. Richards (in the chair), Messrs. J. Eady, C. Dunkley, G. Randall, E. Parsons, J. Parker, C, Bayes, S. Knight, W. H. Drage, J. Brown, H. Hutchinson, J. Drage, W. S. Gibbard, A. Dunmore, J. Keech, and M. R. Sharman (clerk).

MEDICAL OFFICER'S REPORT—The medical officer presented the following report:-
"AN outbreak of measles has occurred during the present month in the district, viz., at Bozeat, Grendon, and Finedon. Six cases have been reported from Bozeat, one from Grendon, and five from Finedon. I have given instructions prohibiting any inmate of an infected family attending school for at least 16 days after all trace of the disease has disappeared, as also the disinfection of the houses, clothing, and bedding, and thus as far as possible prevent further spread of the disease. A case of enteric fever was reported to me on Oct. 13th, at Wollaston, which I investigated on Oct. 14th. The patient is a young man 19 years of age, was taken ill Oct. 2nd, and at the time of my visit his mother informed me he was getting better. I examined the water and found it good, the drains and closet were in good condition, and there was nothing to account for the cause of the disease. There is a sewer grating almost close to the house, which is said to be offensive at times, and which might be moved a few yards farther off with advantage. At the same time I do not think it could have produced the disease in this instance. I have this day received notice of two cases of erysipelas—one at Ecton in a woman 60 years of age, in the head and face, and, I was informed, was so susceptible that merely hanging the head down would produce it. The water was taken from the village tap, which is good, and the drains in good order; the closet is about 40 feet from the house, and in a satisfactory condition, and I failed to detect any thing likely to cause the disease. The other case is that of an infant a month old, on the legs. The house and surroundings were perfectly satisfactory, and it is impossible to account for the origin."

Mr. Parker said there was a great number of cases of measles at Finedon. He believed it was brought from Northampton at Finedon feast.—The Clerk said he had received a notice that morning of a case of scarlet fever at Earls Barton, the patient being a visitor from Kettering. —The report was adopted.

RUSHDEN WATER SUPPLY—Mr. Knight said they had sunk their trial well to the depth of 110 or 112 feet, and did not get quite so much water. They had now got to a stratum of blue clay. Mr. Bayes said there was some compressed sand in the clay, and that was a good sign.

RUSHDEN CEMETERY—The Clerk reported the cemetery regulations had been revised by the Parochial Committee, and they presented them to the Authority for approval.—Mr. Parker proposed, and Mr. Knight seconded the passing of the regulations, and this was carried.

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