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Rushden Argus, 29th May 1903, transcribed by Greville Watson
Motor Accident
Narrow Escape of Two Rushden Gentlemen

On Friday afternoon an accident happened hear Rushden, fortunately resulting in nothing worse that severe shakings and bruises, but of so serious a character as to raise wonder that the injuries sustained were so slight.

It appears that Mr. Fred Knight, J.P., who had in the morning attended the sitting of the Police Court at Wellingborough, had occasion to go to Riseley in the afternoon. He was accompanied by his son, Mr. J. Oswald Knight. On the return journey, when about two and a half miles out of Rushden, the motor car of the Lightstrung Cycle Company was encountered. The cob Mr. Knight was driving usually takes but little notice of motors, but a number of bicycles were fastened across the car on this occasion, and their appearance seems to have startled the horse. Probably, too, the sun shining upon the bright parts of the machines contributed to the result. At any rate, the cob came all right till just opposite the machine, which had been slowed down by the driver. It then suddenly jumped round on to the grass by the side of the road and attempted to turn in the opposite direction.

The result was that on the raised grass the trap was at once thrown on its side, and both the occupants were thrown out heavily. Mr. Knight fell upon his head, fortunately for him upon the grass, and was pinned to the ground by the trap. Mr. Oswald Knight was thrown clear into the ditch, which at this point was deep and contained a quantity of water, lying there half-stunned for the time. The horse continued to struggle, and the trap was dragged quite round over the body of Mr. Knight, the horse’s hoofs beating wildly in close proximity to Mr. Oswald Knight’s head.

Ultimately the cob struggled right into the ditch, with the trap fixed across it and in the hedge. In the course of its struggles the animal appears to have turned completely round. Mr. Newman, milkman, who lives in a lodge close by, witnessed the accident, and at once went to render assistance, and together with the driver of the motor car, quickly extricated the two men from their perilous positions. Mr. and Mrs. Lack, of Harborough-road, drove up immediately afterwards, and at once placed their conveyance at the disposal of Mr. Knight.

It was found that Mr. Oswald Knight had escaped with a severe shaking and drenching, and this morning he feels as well as ever. Mr. Knight, however, was not so fortunate, though, considering the circumstances, his injuries were not by any means severe. He was attended to by Dr. Baker, being badly bruised down both sides of the body, especially on the thighs. The left ankle was also badly bruised and sprained. Naturally also he sustained a severe shaking. The horse was not injured, and the chief injury to the trap was the breaking of the splash-board.

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