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Rushden Echo, 20th July 1917, transcribed by Gill Hollis

Master Fred Allen

A narrow escape from drowning was experienced by Master Fred Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Allen, of Park-road, Rushden, last night, at Ditchford.  It appears that Master Fred was trying to swim across the river, and when about half-way across, found himself in difficulties, and shouted for help.  Two or three lads who were bathing with him made an attempt at rescue, but failed, and a soldier who had been bathing, and was partially dressed, made a further attempt to get Master Allen to the bank, but he also had to relinquish his efforts.  One of the Baptist Boy Scouts (Master Fred Mobbs) however succeeded in getting hold of the struggling boy, but, owing to Allen’s struggles, Master Mobbs was also compelled to relinquish his hold, and Allen went down and commenced to float downstream, carried by the strong current.  Mr. Harold Sharwood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sharwood, of Farningham House, Rushden, then pluckily plunged in to the rescue and succeeded in securing Master Allen, who had gone under for the third time, and brought him to the bank, with the assistance of Mr. R. Roberts.  Master Allen was subsequently able to return home little the worse for his alarming experience.  Mr. and Mrs. Allen wish us to state how very thankful they are to all who went to the assistance of their son.

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