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Rushden Echo, 15th February 1918
Mr. Harry Abbott

A SERIOUS ACCIDENT occurred at 76 Higham-road, on Wednesday, about 8p.m., to Mr. Harry Abbott, eldest son of Mr. Geo. Abbott, dairyman.  It appears that the unfortunate victim had gone to an outhouse with a candle, and by some means or other his clothing became ignited.  In his alarm, Mr. Abbott rushed into the yard, and the ignited clothing being caught by the wind at once began to burn more fiercely.  He shouted for help, and his father and mother, the latter having just got up from a sick bed, at once ran to his assistance.  An attempt was made to extinguish the flames by wrapping a great coat round the sufferer, but the fire had obtained too great a hold for much to be done, and Mrs. Abbott’s hands were badly burned in her brave attempts to save her son.  Mr. Harry Abbott’s jersey, waistcoat, and underclothing were absolutely calcined.  The only thing that was found possible was to tear the clothing from the sufferer’s body, and it was in this attempt that Mrs. Abbott sustained her burns.  As soon as possible the poor fellow, who was in great agony, was got to bed, and Master Willie Tassell, who happened to be passing the house at the time of the accident, ran for Dr. Greenfield, who came immediately and dressed the injuries.  It was found that Mr. Abbott had sustained severe burns from head to foot.  Inquiries made on Thursday morning elicited the information that the sufferer had passed as comfortable a night as could be expected, and had borne his pain with exceptional patience.  He is naturally suffering severely from shock as well as from his burns, and now lies in a very critical condition.  Mr. George Abbott informed a representative of the “Rushden Echo” this (Friday) morning that his son had passed a restless night and that his condition remained much about the same.

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