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From the archive of Rowan Flack
Former Clinical Nurse Officer, Rushden Hospital, 1966-1990.
Transcribed by Greville Watson, November 2009

The Rushden Tuberculosis After Care Committee

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 1979

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held in the Health Clinic, Rectory Road, Rushden on Wednesday, March 14th, 1979.  Dr O.E. Fisher presided and was supported by Mr T.R. Thacker, Dr S.U. Shahid and the Secretaries, Miss A.M. Sharwood and Mrs H. Wood.  There was an attendance of 36.

Apologies. Councillor G. Osborne, Canon M. Wilson, Rev. R. Taylor, Miss M. Sharwood, Mrs M. Bass, Mrs P. Sturgess, Mr D. Reeves, Mrs M. Webb, Mrs D. Tompkins, Mr E. Cox, Mr Parrish and Mr F. Eady.

Tributes. Before the commencement of business tributes were paid to the late Mr G.W. Eason and Mr F.L. Robinson.  Mr Eason joined the Committee in 1944 and in 1966 followed Mr E. Randall as Treasurer, and in spite of failing health gave devoted service until his death.  Mr F.L. Robinson joined the Executive Committee in 1959, representing the Rushden branch of the Shoe Operatives Union.  He was a valued member of the Visiting Committee and the Seal Sale Committee, also helping financially with the “At Home”.  In 1971 he succeeded Mr G. Knight as Vice-Chairman of the Executive Committee which office he relinquished in 1978 for health reasons.  Until his death he continued to take an active interest in the work of the Committee.

Visitors.  Dr Fisher extended a welcome to Councillor E. Carmichael, Councillor Mrs A. Perkins, Mr C. Thacker, Mrs Edge, Mrs E. Randall and other visitors.

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on the 8th March 1978 having been circulated were taken as read upon the proposition of Mrs M. Cox, seconder Mr C. Jones.

Report.  The Secretary’s report, prepared by Miss Sharwood and read by Mrs Wood, noted that the Executive Committee (consisting of 46 members) had held 10 meetings during the year, at which the average attendance had been 27, and had been carried out in a businesslike manner under the able chairmanship of Mr T.R. Thacker.  The resignation of Mrs B. Rowley had been received with regret and the death of Mrs E. Bradley in December had been mourned.  New members welcomed to the Committee included Mrs B. Holmes, Mr M.R. Parrish and Mr H.G. Perkins.  The care of sufferers from T.B., asthma, bronchitis, lung cancer etc., has again been the chief concern of the Committee.  The increase in the number of T.B. cases in the County during recent months has caused concern.  The Visiting Committee – Chairman Dr S.U. Shahid, Secretary Mr P. White, has met before the Executive Committee each month.  This Committee is responsible for an important part of care work.  They make monthly visits to patients in their homes and assess the help required.  The weekly grant to patients has been 7 pints milk, 6 eggs and £2 grocery voucher, which during the year amounted to 5,705 pints milk, 4881 eggs and 815 grocery vouchers.  Each patient has also received a holiday grant of £10 and £15 Christmas gift.  To replace the annual coach ride and supper, patients and their wives were guests of the Committee for tea and entertainment in the Day Centre of the Hospital on Saturday, September 10th.  Rushden people receiving treatment in the Wymington Road Hospital have received visits and a cash grant each month from Autumn Conference of the County Care Committee.  Members had attended the Alfred Street Junior School Harvest Festival and had provided transport for the scholars to deliver the produce to After Care patients.  Fund raising efforts had included the “At Home” with a record result of £1515.50p from which £600 had been donated to the Friends of Rushden Hospital.  The Bowls Competition had been another success, thanks to the efforts of Mr C. Thacker and the Bowls Committee.  Mrs B. Knight had organised the Seal Sale and achieved a record of £1005.  Mrs H. Wood moved the adoption of the report, seconder Mr J. Hearn, who thanked the Secretaries.

Mr T.R. Thacker presented the Financial Statement for the year which was accepted upon the proposition of Mr Thacker, seconder Mr E. Randall.  Income had included balance from 1977 - £1197.37p, Donations £597.84p, Seal  Sale £972.95p, At Home £1611.50p.  Expenditure was £2921.16p on Grants to patients, £12.34p Patients party, £600 Friends of Rushden Hospital, other expenses £493.14p, leaving a balance in hand of £343.02p.  Trustees Savings Deposit Account £2450.07p.

Mr T.R. Thacker gave details of the Christmas Seal Account which showed a record income of £1005.20p, Expenditure £311.52p, net balance £693.68p.  Mr Thacker moved the acceptance of the Statement and thanked Mrs Knight and helpers for the tremendous amount of work put into the effort.

Chairman’s Remarks.  Dr Fisher congratulated the Committee on a successful year, largely due to the co‑operation and work of all members and to the solid foundations on which the Committee had been formed.  He felt that younger organisations of the town should be invited to serve on the Committee.

Councillors E. Carmichael and Mrs A Perkins thanked the Committee for the help given to the townspeople of Rushden.

Election of Officers.  Dr O.E. Fisher was unanimously elected President.  Vice Presidents re‑elected Mrs E. Hensman, Miss M. Millgate, Mrs V. Thornton, Mr G. Knight, Mr E. Randall, and Mr E. Cox.

Chairman Executive Committee – Mr T.R.Thacker.  Vice Chairmen: Mrs M. Cox and Mr F. Eady.
Treasurer: Mr B.S. Scott.
Joint Secretaries Executive Committee: Miss A.M. Sharwood and Mrs H. Wood.
Auditor: Mr D. Reeves.
Chairman Visiting Committee: Dr S.U. Shahid, Secretary: Mr P. White.
Seal Sale Committee – Chairman: Mr T.R. Thacker, Secretary: Mrs B. Knight.

Executive Committee.  The Executive Committee was re‑elected with the addition of Mrs E. Cox, Mrs D. Reeves, Mrs K. Fisher and Mr R.A. Reeson.

Visiting Committee.  Dr S.U. Shahid moved the re‑election of the Visiting Committee.

Seal Sale Committee was re‑elected en‑bloc.

Mrs M. Cox moved a vote of thanks to Dr Fisher for presiding, to Councillors E. Carmichael and Mrs A. Perkins, the Health Clinic and the Press.

Following the meeting refreshments were served by the ladies.


The Executive and sub-Committees present a report of activities during the year 1979.

1979 marks the 50th anniversary of the Rushden Tuberculosis After Care Committee.  It was formed at a public meeting convened by the Rushden Urban District Council, sponsored by the Northamptonshire Public Health Department on the 29th December 1929, for the purpose of caring for persons suffering from Tuberculosis following treatment in the Rushden Sanatorium.  Dr D.G. Greenfield was nominated Chairman of the Executive Committee, Dr J.H. Crane Chairman of the Visiting Committee with Mr W.E. Capon Treasurer and Miss A.M. Sharwood Secretary.  Organisations of the town were asked to appoint one representative to form the Executive Committee.  The response was most encouraging and this is a practice continued ever since, and has proved to be well worth while.

The last Annual General Meeting was held in the Health Clinic, Rectory Road on the 8th March 1979, chaired by the President Dr O.E. Fisher.  The Secretaries report and the Financial Statement for 1978 were presented and officers Executive Committee and sub-committees for the year 1979 were appointed.

During the year the Committee has held 10 meetings at which the average attendance was 28.  The executive Committee has 45 members, 30 of these being nominated by organisations of the town.

At the beginning of the year two of our most valued members died, Mr G.W. Eason and Mr F.L. Robinson.  Tributes were paid to them at the Annual Meeting.  It was the unanimous wish of the Committee that Mr B.A. Scott be invited to take over the duty of Treasurer, succeeding Mr Eason, a position he has filled most efficiently during the year.  In July Mrs H. Wood became ill and was unable to attend the monthly meetings.  Mrs Wood has worked with Miss Sharwood as co‑secretary for over 30 years and is greatly missed.  The Committee is most grateful to Mrs J. Holloway for taking over her duties.

We were sorry to learn of the illness of Dr S.U. Shahid (Chairman of the Visiting Committee), Miss M. Sharwood and Mrs A. York and wish them a speedy recovery to health.  At the March meeting Mrs E. Cox (Free Gardeners Friendly Society), Mrs D. Reeves (Inner Wheel) and Mr R.A. Reeson (Round Table) were welcomed as members of the Committee.

When the Committee was formed in 1929 its aim was the care of tuberculosis patients.  With the passing years the introduction of mass radiography, up-to-date drugs and treatment saw a marked decline in tuberculosis and enabled the Committee to extend its sphere to include sufferers from asthma, bronchitis, lung cancer etc.  This service has been the main concern of the Committee during the past year.  Help is both social and financial.  In February notification was received from Mr H. Baker (Secretary of the County Care Committee) of the increase in tuberculosis, notably amongst the white population.  This was confirmed by Dr Fisher and Mr P. White.  As however there had been no increase in Rushden, it was felt that drastic action was not needed in the town, but the Committee would be willing to co‑operate with the County Committee.  The close association we have enjoyed with the Wymington Road Hospital has continued and is appreciated.  At the April meeting we were disturbed to learn of plans to re‑organise the hospital, whereby the Crane Ward would be used for skin patients and the medical cases transferred to the Hensman and Sharwood wards.  This would mean a reduction of beds for chest cases from 38 to 24 and was deplored by both Dr Shahid and Dr Fisher.  It was the wish of the Committee that Dr Fisher put the views of the meeting to Mr J. Ruch, District Administrative Officer.  Mr Ruch replied that the change over had been made and was the result of plans made in 1977.  It was a temporary measure and would be reviewed at a later date.

The Visiting Committee (11 members), Chairman Dr S.U. Shahid, Secretary Mr P. White, has again given excellent service by carrying on with this most important part of After Care work.  An average of 17 patients have received monthly visits in their homes and this is much appreciated.  In these days of heavy inflation, the weekly grant of £2 grocery voucher, 6 eggs and 7 pints milk help financially.  In addition a holiday grant of £10 and Christmas Gift of £10 was given to each patient.  September 22nd was an enjoyable one with tea and entertainment for patients and their wives, held in the Day Centre of the hospital.  It was a special occasion celebrating the 50th anniversary of the formation of the After Care Committee and of Miss Sharwood’s term of office as Secretary.  The presentation of a quartz carriage clock made by Dr Fisher was a complete surprise, and in accepting the gift Miss Sharwood thanked the Committee, present and past, for the splendid help given to her by all members.  An excellent tea was provided by the Ladies, a concert arranged by Mr C. Jones and transport provided by members of the Committee.

Members of the Executive Committee have continued the monthly visits to Rushden people in the Wymington Road Hospital and cash grants of £1 given to chest, general and skin unit cases.  The list of hospital patients provided by the clerical staff is most helpful.

The Committee was well represented at the Autumn Conference of the County Care Committee, held at Oundle on the 20th October.  Matters discussed included Grants to Committees, B.C.G. Vaccination and the care of patients in isolated areas.  The future of the Committee was of concern as the Secretary, Mr Baker, pointed out the difficulty of running it without a permanent chairman.  It was decided that an advisory committee be set up consisting of a member from each Care Committee.  Mrs J. Holloway was elected to represent Rushden.

The Harvest Festival Service at the Alfred Street Junior School was again a happy occasion attended by several members of the Committee, who also provided transport of harvest gifts to 18 patients which were delivered by the scholars.

At the October meeting we were pleased to welcome representatives of the Bowls Committee.  On behalf of the lady bowlers Mrs M. Edge presented a cheque for £75 and Mr C. Thacker one for £100 from the Men’s section.  They were thanked by the Chairman for the continued interest and financial help.

The Committee is grateful for the financial help received from other organisations, i.e. The Rotary Club, the Lions Club, The Round Table, Ladies Circle (through Mrs Sturgess), Inner Wheel, the Factory Darts League, the Licensed Victuallers Darts League and other friends.

Fund Raising Efforts

The “At Home” arranged by the After Care Committee, the Hospital Staff and help from organisations on the 25th June was again successful socially and financially.  The attendance of the Carnival Queen and Princesses, music provided by the Mission Band, a fine evening and the support of the public contributed to the enjoyment.  The result was a record £1644.59p, from which donations were made to the Friends of Rushden Hospital £600 and to the Mission Band £20.

Mrs Betty Knight again organised the Seal Sale.  She and her helpers put in a tremendous amount of work and with the co‑operation of the depots achieved a record £1228 gross, net £855.59p.  The Committee acknowledges its indebtedness to Mrs Knight.

At the October meeting it was agreed to discontinue the practice of postal notices.  All members were advised that the Committee would meet on the second Wednesday in each month in the Health Clinic at 7.45pm.  Visiting Committee same evening at 7.15pm.

In conclusion the Executive and sub-Committees thanked the officers for the leadership given during the year and in their appreciation would include Mr D.J.W. Reeves for auditing the accounts, the Area Health Authority for the use of the Health Clinic and the Press.  The Committee is encouraged by the townspeople who have supported the work by gifts for the “At Home” and money contributions to the Seal Sale etc., and asks for continued support and interest during 1980.

Summary of Rushden Patients
Notifications of Tuberculosis during 1979
Notifications of other chest illnesses

Rushden Patients treated in Rushden Hospital during 1979
General Practitioners patients
Patients in Rushden Hospital 31/12/63 (2 T.B., 3 non T.B.)

Grants made to Rushden T.B. After Care Patients during 1979
Grocery vouchers of £2
Holiday Grants of £10 to each patient
Christmas Gift of £10 to each patient
Weekly Grant to patients - 7 pints milk, 6 eggs, £2 Grocery Voucher
A.M. Sharwood
Hon. Secretary  February 1980

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