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Board of Guardians

The rules for Poor Law changed in 1834 and the new Poor Law Unions were
established with a Board of Guardians to take care of the needs of the poor.
Rushden was under the Wellingborough Union and those in desperate need
would be taken into the Union Workhouse at Wellingborough.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, February 21st, 1880, transcribed by Kay Collins

Wellingborough Union - Contracts For Provisions, &c.

NOTICE is hereby given, That the Guardians of this Union will, at their Meeting, to be held at the BOARD-ROOM in the UNION WORKHOUSE, on WEDNESDAY, the 17th day of MARCH, instant, receive TENDERS for the Supply of the Best Seconds Wheaten BREAD (4lb. loaves), FLOUR, MEAT, TEA, and other GROCERY Articles, and BEER and COALS, for the use of the Workhouse, and Best Seconds Wheaten BREAD (4lb. loaves), for the Out-poor of the several parishes of the Union, for Thirteen Weeks from the 27th day of March instant.

A sample loaf of Bread, and samples of such of the articles of Grocery as are practicable, and samples of the Beer, must be sent with the Tenders, and all the articles of Grocery that may be contracted for must be delivered at the commencement of the quarter, free of charge,

Tenders for Bread to be made separately for the Inmates of the Workhouse and for the Out-poor of each of the Districts.

The Contractors for Bread for the Out-poor will be required to provide weights and scales at all times when delivering Bread. Forms of Tender may be had of the Clerk of the Board.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, April 17th, 1880, transcribed by Kay Collins

THE ELECTION OF GUARDIANS took place on Saturday last, the votes being counted on Monday. The following are the results: Messrs. G. Denton, 368; S. Knight, 358; W. Claridge, sen., 263; G. Skinner, sen., 230. The two first were elected.

Rushden Echo, 25th March 1904, transcribed by Kay Collins

Lady Guardians
The ratepayers of Rushden will be called upon next Monday to elect five Urban Councillors and five representatives on the Board of Guardians. With reference to the election of Guardians we trust that all parties will see to it that Rushden returns the two lady candidates—Miss Bayes and Mrs Arthur Ashby. During the past three years most useful work has been performed by Mrs Charles Smith and Miss Bayes, the two lady Guardians from Rushden. Mrs Smith is unable to see her way clear to continue in office, but an excellent successor has been found in Mrs Ashby. There is a great deal of work on the Boards of Guardians that women can do far better than men, and there is a good deal that men cannot do at all. It is of the greatest importance, therefore, that there should be a proportion of ladies on the new Board, and the other parts of the Wellingborough Union are looking to Rushden to do its duty in electing the two lady candidates. Both Mrs Ashby and Miss Bayes have in a good many ways shown their practical sympathy towards the poor, and can be depended upon to watch carefully over the interests of the unfortunate people who have to apply for relief as well as to guard the interests of the ratepayers. There are seven candidates for the five seats to which Rushden is entitled on the Board of Guardian, and while the voting next Monday will doubtless be largely on party lines, Liberals supporting Liberals, and Conservatives voting for Conservatives, yet we trust that every elector—Conservative or Liberal, Labour or Independent—will feel it his duty to reserve a vote for each of the two lady candidates, and place them, irrespective of party, at the head of the poll.

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