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Higham Ferrers and Rushden
United Clubs Ambulance Association

Rushden Argus, 8th November 1912

Presentation of a Wheel Litter
Annual Meeting - Clubmen’s Tea and Dance

A meeting of club ambulance men was held at the Athletic Club, Rushden, on Saturday, to take tea and to present to the Clubs’ Educational Association a wheel litter, purchased by funds obtained by an archery tournament.
[details of the Annual meeting here]

Litter Presented

Mr J. G. Mobbs, of Kettering, then presented the wheel litter to the Higham Ferrers and Rushden United Clubs Ambulance Association. He congratulated them on purchasing such an efficient litter, and said it was a great credit to them to have done such a noble thing.

Mr. W. Hinde, on behalf of the Clubs Educational Association, received the litter for use by the Ambulance Association, in a bright worded speech.

Mr. J. Hill

Mr. J. Hill gave “Success to the Ambulance Work of the Club.” He said they were frequently twitted regarding the work, but that night they were doing something which the public could see and appreciate. (Applause) The ambulance movement is one of the foremost things advocated by the Clubs Union. It had always been the policy of the union to keep a plentiful supply of ambulance equipment in the clubs. He was proud to see that, not only had they given their time in learning ambulance work, but also their ..., and provided for all, clubmen and non-clubmen, with a splendid new litter. Dr. Baxter told him it would be impossible to measure the good work done by the ambulance men in Rushden and district. He told him (the speaker) of two lives which had been actually saved by the members. He also spoke of certain intricate injuries which the men had qualified to treat and actually did treat. (Applause) He also told him that there were two shoe operatives in Raunds who were able to perform certain difficult operations, which only medical men and surgeons were supposed to be able to do. Further, he said, he would not hesitate to place either of those men in charge of such operations. (Applause) He hoped that meeting would not merely encourage ambulance work in that district, but that it would have a reflex all round. There was no reason why they should not become so proficient that it would not matter if the doctors did not accept service under a certain scheme.

Mr. S. Stokes (Burton Latimer) and Mr. A. Upton (Rushden) also spoke.


Mr. Hill then made the following presentations:- Certificates (first aid), W. Coleman, A. Foster, E. Crofts, and F. Bird; re-examination certificates, T. Jaques, E. Linnell, A. Beeby, Len Garrod, A. King, and C. Fairey; medallion, W. Morris; labels, H. Dixon and A. Upton.


On the initiative of the chairman, Dr. Greenfield was very heartily thanked for his excellent instruction.

Thanks to the visitors, the secretary, and chairman concluded a very profitable evening.

Subsequently a free dance was held, Miss Attley providing the music and Mr. C. Blundell acting as M.C.

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