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Workers' Educational Association

Phillipson's Directory 1910

Affiliated with the Central Association in London. Rushden Branch
President, Mr. W. Hensman;
Treasurer, Mr. L. Perkins;
Secretary, Mr. Geo. Wingrove, 52, Wellingborough Road.

The Association is non-sectarian and non-party political, and its chief object is to arouse among the workers greater interest in further education, and to direct their attention to the facilities already provided.
(1) By organising University Extension and other Lectures; Reading Circles and Discussion Classes; Visits and Excursions of an Educational Character.
(2) By encouraging attendance at Evening Classes; to ascertain the needs and wishes of workers in regard to education; to express to local authorities the needs and feelings of workers in regard to further education; to provide, either in con­junction with local authorities or otherwise, facilities for studies of interest to workers which may have been hitherto overlooked.
Membership 1s. per annum.     

Rushden Echo, 2nd September 1910, transcribed by Peter Brown

Rushden Workers' Outing
Education and Pleasure
Visit to The Kettering District

The members of the Rushden branch of the Workers' Educational Association were on Saturday the guests of the Kettering and District Natural History Society. A representative gathering assembled at the Kettering Free Library, where the botanical exhibits were first examined under the guidance of Messrs. Wallis and Chester. These consisted of wild flowers growing in the Kettering district, and were carefully selected and arranged. The order, Latin name, and familiar local name of each plant was given. The geological and Archaeological collection was viewed under the direction of Mr. Bellamy. The fossils were beautifully arranged and so systematised by Mr. Wallis as to be easily understood, even by the uninitiated.

After the above introduction, the W.E.A. representatives, led by their Kettering friends, journeyed to Warkton by way of the magnificent avenue of elms planted by John, Duke of Montague. There are many gaps in the avenue and one extremely large gap. These were made during the great storm some years ago, and it seems almost incredible that such stately trees could have been uprooted by the wind.

Warkton Church was reached and the famous statuary viewed, Mr. Bellamy giving a few interesting particulars about each. The one representing the Fates seemed the favourite in spite of its inferior position with regard to light and shade. The ancient church was also examined and the curious Early English arches of a transitional character duly noted, their resemblance to Norman arches being very plain.

Leaving Warkton the party made for Weekley, via the Ise Brook and Washwell Lane. The carious statue of

"Stone" Moses

which marks the site of a spring was pointed out and its history duly enlarged upon. The ancient Weekley school with its curious inscription over the doorway aroused the interest of the party, as also the Hospital, or ancient almhouses, now unfortunately in bad repair. A good view was here obtainable of Boughton Hall, one of England's "stately homes.”

Weekley Church was next examined. This is of a somewhat later date than Warkton Church and contains many interesting relics of the Montagu family, including the tomb and monument of the first Duke who received his [lines missing] in which Charles I once held his Parliament during the Puritan rebellion. The Eleanor Cross was much appreciated hut time did not permit a visit to the church which is the oldest m the neighbourhood.

The return journey was now begun and the party proceeded to Newton with its curious title

"Puddding Bag Newton,"

in allusion to the main road leading to it proving a cul-de-sac. The carious Tresham dovecot was pointed out, which, with Rothwell Market Hall and Rushton Triangular Lodge, are associated with the name of Sir Thomas Tresham, of Gunpowder Plot fame. Newton Church had not sufficient attractions to warrant a stay, and Weekley Hall wood was made for. A very enjoyable tramp through the wood with its beautiful vistas down the "ridings" brought the party to the ironstone quarries. Here are remains of Roman pottery, which were duly searched for, and several specimens were collected. Time had passed quickly, especially as there bad been very frequent stoppages to examine and collect botanical specimens to replenish the stock at the Free Library. The party arrived at the Cross Keys Coffee Tavern about 7 p.m., having covered a distance of some nine or ten miles of most interesting country, and here partook of a welcome meal.

After tea Mr. W. W. Rial proposed a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Bellamy and the Kettering Natural History Society for the enjoyable afternoon's outing which they had provided.

This was seconded by Mr. George Wingrove, supported by Mr. H. Desborough, and carried with acclamation.

Mr. Bellamy responded and thus brought to a close a most enjoyable excursion.

Rushden Argus, Friday, July 13, 1928, transcribed by John Collins

Adult Education at Rushden
Governors of the Intermediate School
Support move for free use of schoolrooms

When the Rushden and Higham Ferrers Branch of the Workers’ Educational Association met recently provisional arrangements were made for the next autumn and winter session of adult education at Rushden and final arrangements were left to a second meeting. This was held on Monday in the Intermediate School, Mr. C. H. Blunsom (president) presiding, supported by Mr. E. Freeman (secretary).

Reports were received from the secretaries of the various sections on the progress and enrolment for classes. It was stated that there was  an enthusiastic group for  the proposed new class on modern literature. Mr. H. E. Bates, Rushden’s young author, who is interesting himself in this class wrote that he had about 20 names of intending pupils. Several others were handed in during the evening.

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