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Rushden Echo & Argus, 4th August 1933, transcribed by Kay Collins
Presentations to Mr S Saddler

Local headmaster Honoured
Staff and Scholars
Sincere tributes to Mr S Saddler who is retiring from the headmastership of Newton-road Mixed Schools, Rushden, after many years’ service in the town, were paid at farewell gatherings at the Waverley Hotel, on Wednesday evening and at the schools yesterday (Thursday) morning. Presentations were also made on both occasions.

At the Waverley Hotel the company of about 30 included Miss E Saddler, B.A., and Mr A Allebone, C.C., chairman of the Rushden School Managers, presided.

Councillor J Allen, on behalf of the Newton-road staff, welcomed the members of the staffs of former schools of which Mr Saddler had been headmaster, namely, Alfred Street Boys’ and North End Mixed.

Letters were then read from Mr E C Newham, headmaster of Acton Wells Senior School, and Mr H J Blackwell, B.Sc., of Harrow, former members of the staff at Alfred street and North End, regretting their inability to attend, and expressing their sincere regard and respect for Mr Saddler for the help and training they had received under him.

Mr Allebone stated that Mr Saddler had given the Managers entire satisfaction in his capacity as headmaster of various schools in the town, and was held in the highest esteem and respect by Managers, parents and scholars.

A pleasing presentation was then made on behalf of present and former members of the staffs of the various schools in Rushden of which he had been headmaster.

“Kindly Feeling”

Mr Allen, as the one assistant associated with him in the various schools, referred to the kindly feeling and spirit which had always existed between Mr Saddler and his staff and said they could let the occasion of his retirement pass without some tangible recognition of the honour, respect, and love which had always existed between them.

Mr Allen then asked Mr Saddler to accept an electric lamp standard as a token of the respect, esteem, and love in which he was held by all teachers who had been fortunate enough to serve under him, with best wishes for health and happiness in his retirement.

Miss Watson added her tribute to the esteem in which Mr Saddler was held, stating he was a gentleman in truest sense of the word.

Mr W A E Sherwood, headmaster of South End school and a former member of his staff at North End, also added his tribute to the thoroughness and soundness of his teaching, and presented Mr Saddler with a framed photograph of the schools sports meeting. This was to be a reminder to him of interest in and his happy association with all the teachers in the district interested in the children’s sports.

Gift to Mrs Saddler

A pleasing presentation was then made to Mrs Saddler of a bouquet of flowers and a cut glass vase by Miss Osborne. Mrs Saddler suitable replied.

Mr Saddler, in replying, thanked those present for the gift he had received and said that they evidently thought that he was contemplating having a lot of books to mark!

He briefly referred to his career as a monitor, pupil teacher, and as a student in College, which he left as top man of his year. He referred to his career as assistant master at Leeds Higher Grade School and to his work as headmaster of Alfred-street, North End, and Newton-road. Any success attained, he said, was due to the loyalty and team spirit of his various staffs.

In conclusion he thanked all those who were associated with the kindly expression of respect and regard for him and he thanked them for their sincere wishes for health and happiness in his retirement.

A vote of thanks was passed to the Newton-road staff and a memorable evening closed with the singing of “Auld Lang Syne.”

Scholars’ Gifts

Further presentations were made at the Newton-road School yesterday morning, when the scholars gave Mr Saddler a Jacobean oak stool (made by schoolboys at the Handicraft Centre) and a box of handkerchiefs. George Ambridge and Kathleen Groome presented the gifts, the stool being inscribed: “Presented to Mr S Saddler on his retirement, July 1933, by the scholars of the Newton-road School, Rushden.”

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