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Newton Road Schools - notes

The Wellingborough News, 15th February, 1895, transcribed by Gill Hollis

Rushden Newton-Road Schools – We hear that these schools are filling in a way which more than justifies their erection. Already some 350 scholars are on the registers, and there is every prospect of a further increase.

The Rushden Echo, 29th April 1898, transcribed by Kay Collins

Examinations— The examinations for certificates allowing children to work half-time took place on Saturday at the Newton-road Board Schools. There was a large number of candidates.

The Rushden Echo, Friday May 27, 1898 transcribed Sue Manton

Newton Road Mixed School – Yesterday (Thursday) afternoon a very interesting ceremony took place at these schools, consisting of the presentations of medals to those scholars who made the highest attendance during the past year the recipients were:-

Girls   Boys    
Mabel Gross Edith Denton Ernest Boon Frank Sugars George Flavell
Annie Smith Edith King Frank Burgess Fred Denton Fred Caldwell
Elsie Baxter Mabel Cox Willie Denton John Pentelow Horace Percival
Edith Hills Elsie Carvell Bertie Neville William Packwood Harry Crick
Laura Odell Lily Norman Joseph Knight Bertie Crick William Whitney
Nellie Pentelow Ethel Clarke Bertie Ward Herbert Bayes Valentine Carrington
Elsie Percival Lizzie Harlow Ernest Darnell Harry Cirsely Ernest Hobbs
Nellie Curtis   Horace Knight Leonard Bennett Leonard Brawn
        Ernest Bayes

Mr. Jenkins (the headmaster) presided and the presentation of the medals was made by Mr. J.T. Colson, the chairman of the School Board.

The Rushden Echo, 10th June 1898, transcribed by Kay Collins

Rushden School Board - Tenders For The New School

The following tenders have been received for the erection of the new infants' school on the Newton-road:—

Mr. H. Sparrow
Mr. T. Swindall
Mr. G. Henson 
Mr. T. Wilmott
Messrs. Hacksley  
Mr. F. Houston  
Mr. R. Marriott

The school is to be built in Tibbs' field, adjoining the present schools. The tenders have been before the committee, and will be considered by a meeting of the whole Board.

Although, of course, no definite decision has been arrived at, it is probable that the lowest tender will be accepted.

Rushden Echo, 10th November 1899, transcribed by Kay Collins

Presentation—This evening Mr Jenkins, head-master of the Newton-road Schools, has a pleasing function to perform in connection with the boot and shoe class. The students of this class, to show their appreciation of the services of Mr Swaysland, their instructor, have subscribed for a present, and Mr Jenkins has been asked to hand it to Mr Swaysland at the class. Taking into account the great success of the Rushden students last season, the recognition of their instructor’s work is thoroughly deserved.

Rushden Echo, 3rd March 1916, transcribed by Kay Collins

The Red Cross committee have taken up the scheme of the National Egg Collection for Sick and Wounded Soldiers. Half a million eggs are wanted weekly. A start was made this week, Newton-road mixed school (Per Miss Source) collecting 211 and Newton-road infants (per Miss Scott) 166. The eggs have been sent to headquarters by Mrs. Walter Robinson, secretary of the local Red Cross Society.

Rushden Echo, 28th April 1911, transcribed by Kay Collins

Newton-Road Mixed School
H M Inspector’s report on Newton-road Mixed School was as follows:- “This is distinctly a good school. The discipline is praiseworthy, most of the teaching is skilful, and the condition of the school generally in the matter of results is highly commendable. As before mentioned the use of one of the classrooms for teaching of cooking hampers the instruction and organisation. In reading and arithmetic it would be well to consider the advisability of breaking up the large classes in two or perhaps more sections. Although the powers of oral expression and original composition are carefully cultivated in many respects; a greater effort in this direction is desirable, and great care should be taken by the class teachers not to discourage individual effort, by breaking in with questions leading up to the answer before the child has had time to make his effort. Notwithstanding these slight shortcomings, whioch are common to most schools, this large and important department is in the very first line of schools of its kind, and it is a distinct pleasure to visit it and to discuss the work with its able head teacher.” [education committee]

Rushden Echo, 20th December 1912

Further Presentations were made today to Mr. Catlin on his leaving Newton-road school. The girls presented him with a tobacco pouch, and the boys gave him a pipe in case. Alfred Wildman handed the gift to Mr. Catlin, and Mr. Perkins asked him to accept it on behalf of the football team. Mr. Catlin suitably replied.

Rushden Echo, 14th July 1916, transcribed by Kay Collins

Y.L.U. – Last night the following programme was given by the Newton-road Infants in the Park-road Wesleyan schoolroom in aid of the National Children’s Home and Orphanage: Song, The cheerful dandelion; game, Fair Rosie; recitation, Rainbow Fairies, Mary Clark; game, How d’ye do, my fair maid; recitation, The Land of Nod, Edna Hodgkins; game, I took a walk; recitation, If, Bertie Green; song, Once I got into a boat; game, I see you; recitation, A child’s song in spring, Maisie Bettles; ribbon dance; recitation, The new moon, Edward Durham; duologue, Where are you going to my pretty maid?, Amy George, Bertie Green; maypole dances.

Rushden Echo, 22nd March 1918, transcribed by Kay Collins

Rushden Children’s Self Denial—Mrs. Patenall, the matron of the Auxiliary Hospital at Higham Ferrers, has received a letter from Mrs. E. Newman, teacher at Newton-road School, Rushden, as follows: “Enclosed please find P.O. to the value of 25s. 3d. as representing the pocket money of the children of Standard V., their savings during Lent. We would be extremely grateful if you would accept the same for cigarettes or other little comforts for the soldier.” The Matron has sent a letter acknowledging the gift.

Rushden Echo, 14th February 1919, transcribed by Kay Collins

SKATING took place in the fields near Higham Wharf on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Although the river had only frozen a little at the edges, the fields were covered with good solid ice. Gay crowds in large numbers—novices and experts— were skating most of Sunday. On Monday, owing to several of the factory engines not starting, there was a big number of adult skaters at the Wharf.
Newton-road Schools, Rushden, had to close on Monday morning through the children absenting themselves for sport on the ice. Skating has been kept up all the week.

Rushden Echo 16th September 1921, transcribed by Susan Manton

Tribute to Mr. L. Perkins - The League of Nations Pageant

A meeting of the Rushden Council School, School Managers was held on Tuesday, present Mr. J.T. Colson (presiding) Rev. P.E. Robson, Messrs W.B. Sanders, B. Vorley, F. Green, E. Freeman and L. Baxter.

It was decided to close the schools on Feast Monday and Tuesday and to alter the times of the afternoon session (from the present 2pm to 4.30pm) to 1.45 to 4.15pm on and from October 3rd.

A report was received from Mr. W.J. Hands, H.M. Chief Inspector, on the Newton Road Mixed School, according to which it appeared that the discipline and tone of the school was excellent. So much work was being done in the school that it was said to be difficult to single our any one class for special mention. The report gave high praise in respect of the arithmetic, drawing and illustrative hand work, also the clearness and distinctiveness of the reading and recitation.

Accompanying the report was a letter from Mr. J.L. Holland B.A., secretary of Education, congratulating the school mangers and head teacher on the excellent report.

It was resolved that the congratulations of the Managers be extended to Mr. L. Perkins B.Sc. on the excellence of the report, the Rector speaking in eulogistic terms of Mr. Perkins work and personality.

At the invitation of the rector, the Managers agreed to attend officially the League of Nations pageant in Rushden tomorrow week.

Rushden Echo, 27th June 1924, transcribed by Kay Collins

A Great Sensation was caused in the playground at Newton-road Schools on Wednesday when a swarm of bees passed through just as the children were at play. Mr Perkins and the staff quickly got the children into school, and fortunately no one suffered, but for several minutes the playground was literally alive with bees. The swarm has now settled in the chimney of a house situate in Cromwell-road (Mr Wood’s corner shop). They have not yet been evicted, and are proving to be unwelcome visitors.

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