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Newton Road Infant School
Information 1985
The School is for children aged 4 to 7 years, and the maximum planned to accept into the 4+ age group for 1985/86 is 70.

Head teacher: Mrs R E Almond, M.Ed., Dip.Ed.

Chairman of Governors: Mr A Mantle

Home — School Liaison
Parents may visit their school at any time to discuss the admission of their child, preferably bringing the child with them. In the term preceding the term of admission parents are invited for a meeting when the aims and policies of the school are explained and discussed and the arrangements for admission are given. During the following weeks, usually in May and June the children are invited to spend a half-day in school and on this occasion parents have the opportunity to raise any questions or concerns they may have with regard to admission.

Discussions about a child's progress and the school curriculum are possible any day with the Head Teacher. Obviously it is better to make an appointment but urgent matters can be dealt with immediately. During the Autumn Term a Parents' Evening is arranged when parents are encouraged to come along for an individual consultation with the class teacher about their child's progress and to see some of the activities in which he/she has been engaged. An Open Evening is arranged in the Summer Term.

Parents may best support their children in school by taking an interest in all they do, by bringing them to school on time and ensuring that they have the things they need for school at the right time. One way in which parents may help with reading is to read to and with their children. The school encourages this action by providing library books and home readers for the children to take home if they choose to do so.

A number of parents come into school to help on a voluntary basis, usually under the direction of the teacher in the classroom. They are involved in a wide variety of activities and this is seen as beneficial to the parents, the teachers and the children.

Pre-school children together with their parents, are welcomed into school one afternoon each week to the Rushden Toy Library. The toys, which may be borrowed, have been selected with a view to assisting a child's development through play.

The long term aim of this school is to help each child to develop his/her full potential and to assist him/her towards an appropriate degree of self responsibility. Within that context, children are helped to acquire social, academic and physical skills they are encouraged to make choices and to pursue some individual interests. To assist in the achievment of these aims, the school has developed written guidelines in the main areas of the curriculum and these are adapted and modified to meet current needs.

The following criteria are used in framing the aims, objectives and content of the curriculum in this school.

(i) the curriculum is planned and developed at this stage as part of the continuing education for all children from 3 to 18 years including those with special needs.

(ii) the curriculum seeks to match each individual child's stage of development rather than his/her chronological age.

(iii) the curriculum aims to be practical and thus take into account the research and experience of educationalists that points to more effective learning at this stage of development when all the senses are used and when tasks are seen to be relevant to everyday life.

The curriculum may be defined as all the experiences to which a child is exposed at school.

Language and Literacy
Oral communication: the school aims to help children to acquire talking and listening skills in order that they may express themselves clearly, follow instructions and make relevant contributions to discussions.

Reading: the school aims to develop the skills necessary for reading, both for pleasure and to obtain information.

Written Language: the school aims to help children to acquire the skills necessary to express their own ideas both fact and fantasy, and to write legibly.

Literature: the school aims to give the children wide experience of stories, poems and rhymes both traditional and modern.

The school aims to enable each child to develop an appreciation of the nature of space, shape and dimension and number skills in the manipulation of, spaces, shapes, dimensions and numbers and the capacity to enjoy mathematics.

Social and Environmental Studies
The school aims to develop and foster the children's interest in a wide variety of people, starting from themselves within their environment, and moving to embrace people of other cultural groups, and to make them aware of other aspects of their environment and its care. Whenever possible, the childrens experiences are extended by educational visits and visitors to the school.

The school aims to help children to develop a scientific approach to learning through observation and investigation and acquire skills which enable them to form hypotheses and to draw conclusions in the exploration of their environment.

Art, Craft, Design and Technology
The school aims to develop the children's urge to be creative by offering opportunities to use a wide range of materials with which to express themselves and to encourage their appreciation of the creativity of others.

The school aims to provide the children with opportunities to participate in singing and music making and to develop an appreciation of a variety of music.

The school aims to give children opportunities to interpret experience and to express themselves through movement, role play, imaginative play and mime.

Physical Education
The school aims to give a variety of experience in gymnastics dance and games and to develop the skills to enable them to realize their potential according to their individual ability.

Religious Education
The school follows the county's agreed syllabus for Religious Education called "Religious Education in Northamptonshire", published in 1980. Parents should be aware of the provision in the 1944 Education Act allowing for exemption from Religious Education which states: "If the parent of any pupil in attendance at any county school or any voluntary school requests that he is wholly or partly excused from attendance at religious worship and religious instruction in the school, then until the request is withdrawn the pupil shall be excused such attendance accordingly." — Section 25.

Health and Safety
The school aims to give the children an awareness of the need to care for their own bodies through a healthy diet and personal habits and through an awareness of the causes of sickness and health and in addition to teach them to apply the knowledge and skills of safety education in the home, at play and on the roads as well as in school.

There is no formal programme of sex education. However, reference to sexual matters may be made as a result of the normal interest which young children show in the birth of babies or animals. Questions are answered simply and in a way appropriate to the child's development.

Children With Special Needs
Children who are seen to need special help in order that they may learn as effectively as possible, are usually helped within the school either by the class teacher or the head teacher. If the school considers that further help is necessary, a meeting will be held between the head teacher and the parents to discuss the help that may be available from other agencies.

Further details regarding the provision of education for children with special needs can be found in the Authority's publication "Schools in Northamptonshire — Information for Parents" which may be obtained from either the school or the Education Department.

New Technology
The school aims to develop the necessary skills to enable children to take advantage of new technological developments which may assist them in their learning. Children have the opportunities to use a computer and may have access to calculators.

School Organisation

1. The morning session in school is from 8.50 a.m. to 11.50 a.m. The afernoon session is from 1.20 p.m. to 3.20 p.m.

2. There are school colours; navy, blue and white, the wearing of which is optional. As far as possible, children need to be able to undress and dress themselves and this should be borne in mind when clothing children for school. Children dress in vest and pants for Physical Education, tee-shirt and shorts may be provided by parents if preferred. The children need plimsolls for outdoor activities and a shoe bag in which to keep them. Indoor activities are conducted in bare feet.

3. Lost property is kept in school for two or three months. Parents are asked to report any losses of personal property immediately. No responsibility is taken by the school for jewellery and watches worn in school. All school clothing should be clearly marked with the child's name.

4. SCHOOL MEALS — Cooked meals are served on the premises. The price is 60 pence per meal. Money is collected on Monday morning each week.

FREE MEALS — Forms to apply for free meals may be obtained from the Head Teacher or the Secretary. All matters relating to free meals are dealt with in confidence.

PACKED LUNCHES — Children may bring a packed lunch. This should be in a plastic container with the child's name and class. Cold drinks may be brought in tightly sealed unbreakable containers. Any changes in lunchtime arrangements should be notified in writing one week in advance. All queries relating to lunchtime arrangments are dealt with by the Head Teacher or the Secretary.

5. Children may have pint of milk to drink mid morning, the money is collected at the beginning of each week.

6. Children are encouraged to think of the needs and well-being of others and hence to develop self discipline. If children behave in an anti-social manner either towards each other or towards the resources of the community of the school the matter is discussed and the child is made aware that this is unacceptable. Punishment takes the form of withdrawal of privileges; in line with Authority policy, this school does not use corporal punishment. If a behaviour problem is either very persistent or serious the matter is discussed with the parents. The children are expected to be polite to everyone with whom they come into contact in school, and to be co-operative.

7. The school is concerned for the children's welfare at all times. Should a child have an accident in school first aid is available and an appropriate qualified member of staff can be consulted. If medical treatment is required the parents are contacted and the child may be taken to the appropriate medical centre or hospital. Similarly, if a child becomes ill at school he/she will be cared for until the parents can be contacted. For this reason parents are asked to give the school details of their phone number, place of work etc., in order that they can be contacted quickly should an emergency arise. If a child suffers from a chronic illness, for example asthma, it is possible for the appropriate medication to be kept in school. Other medicines are not administered in school, the child should either be kept at home or the parent may come in to school to give the medicine at lunchtime.

8. Children do not have set homework.

9. The school has six classes and as far as possible the children are grouped according to age with mixed ability and boys and girls in each class. Each class has its own teacher who has responsibility for teaching most subjects within that class. The work is arranged so that each child is involved in class activities and group activities and in receipt of individual tuition according to the needs of both the individual and the whole class. Groups may vary according to the needs of the child and the activity.

10. The School Nurse visits the school regularly for one afternoon each week and is available to parents at that time to discuss matters concerning the health of their child. During the child's first year in school, the nurse will test hearing and vision, assess development and measure growth. Parents are asked to give their consent and requested to attend the examination. If a child has any medical or developmental problems an appointment will be offered with the School Doctor. Some children may be referred to other specialists for treatment or advice.

Children are encouraged to care for their teeth both through diet and hygiene. Community Dental Officers regularly visit the school to carry out dental inspections.

The details given in this booklet should prove helpful to parents. However, if you should have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the school.

The information provided describes the school and its policy at the time of going to print and will apply also to the next academic year unless indicated to the contrary. Further details on specific points can be obtained from the school.

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