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Tradesmen's Club 1878

Wellingborough News, 15th June 1878, transcribed by Kay Collins

TRADESMEN'S CLUB—On Monday, the fiftieth anniversary of this club was celebrated. The society was established on the 7th May, 1828, and had then seven members, one of whom, Mr. S. Knight, senr., is a member still. The present number of members is 94, and the rules say that the number shall not exceed 100. Members who have belonged to the club six years, pay a subscription of 1s. a month, and receive 10s. a week in case of sickness. The capital amounts to £931. About forty-six of the brethren dined together on Monday, and afterwards marched in procession round the village, headed by the National School Band. A capital tea was provided in a barn, kindly lent for the occasion, by Mr. Treen. There was a large attendance, and the band played at intervals. After tea a public meeting was held, presided over by Mr. John Gross. He said they had met together to celebrate the jubilee of one of the best clubs in the county, and adduced facts to show that it was worthy of support. He then proposed "The Founders of the Rushden Tradesmen's Club," coupling with it the name of Mr. S. Knight, whom he regarded as one of the most straightforward men in Rushden.—Mr. Knight responded, and gave an interesting account of the formation, of the club. He did not know of any society that had done better. He hoped soon they would be able to increase their sick allowance to 12s. a week. During the fifty years he had been a member he had only been on the club two weeks—(applause),—and he was rejoiced to know that so many young persons now belonged to this society.—In response to the toast of "The Past Officers," Mr. W. Sanders said, although not so old as Mr. Knight, he joined this club a month after it started, and had taken a part in the good work which it had accomplished.—The toast of "Success to the Rushden Tradesmen's Club" was received with enthusiasm.—Mr. Perkins responded, and pointed out the manner in which the members of the club had conducted their business and saved money.—"The health of the Chairman" was cordially drunk, and the whole proceedings passed off in a very satisfactory manner.

Wellingborough News, 22nd March 1884, transcribed by Kay Collins

TRADESMEN'S SUPPER—On Monday evening the annual tradesmen's supper took place at the Wheat Sheaf Inn, when between forty and fifty attended. The spread was excellent in quality, and abundant in quantity and was served up in Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt's very best style. Among those present were Mr. Daniel Dickens, who presided, Messrs. S. W. and W. Knight, J. Tomlin, F. Dickens, A. Meadows, C. Lewis, A. Parker, A. Ginns, Rhodes, H. Chettle, Calloway, A. Laughton, C. Wright, W. Smith, C. Wilby, W. Pantling, Hollis, Willis, Cox, Pack wood, C. Lawrence, and F. T. Edwards. The cloth being removed, the Chairman in very appropriate terms gave the "Queen and Royal Family," which was most enthusiastically received, the company singing "God save the The Queen." The next toast was "The Army, Navy, and reserve Forces," coupled with the name of Mr. Pantling, who very ably responded, giving some of his ideas of the soldiers' life from experience. Mr. Edwards sang "The three jolly smiths," followed by a humorous one by Mr. Barker, after which the Chairman gave, "The town and trade of Rushden," in appropriate terms. He expressed his opinion that occasions like that had a beneficial tendency in bringing the different tradesmen together. They took more interest in each other’s welfare. The toast was coupled with the name of Mr. Calloway, who very ably responded, and contrasted the trade of Rushden with that of many other towns and villages. He believed they had thorough business men in Rushden, and so long as they remained he did not fear for the trade of the place. He expressed a hope that they might continue prosperous in trade, and that some day they would rise to become a borough town. Mr. Rhodes followed with the song "Hearts of Oak," and Mr. Lewis having also sung, Mr. Barker recited, "Patent Medicines." Mr. Edwards followed with "Work and wait." The health of the host and hostess and their daughter was drunk with musical honours, and suitably responded to by Mr. Herbert, who reminded the company that it was St. Patrick's Day, and both his and the Chairman's birthday. He thanked them for the way they had drunk his health, and hoped to meet them on many such occasions. Songs by Messrs. Jolly, Dawson, Knight, Packwood, and others, and recitations by Messrs. West, Barker, and others were given; and short speeches were delivered by several present, including Mr. C. Lewis, who said he had been in business 42 years in Rushden, and there were very few that commenced business when he did that were left now. This brought an enjoyable evening to the limit of time, although an extra hour had been granted, and as a parting compliment the Host placed a dozen of wine on the table, which having been consumed, the National Anthem was sung.

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