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Rushden Echo March 14 1941, transcribed by Gill Sear, 2008.
Temperance Women
Annual Meeting 1941

Pleasing Reports at Annual Meeting of Rushden Branch

Encouraging reports were given at the annual meeting of the Rushden Branch of the N.B.W.T.A.U., held on Tuesday afternoon and presided over by the president, Miss Scott.

A report by the secretary showed that the meetings had been well attended throughout the year. A satisfactory balance sheet was presented by the treasurer, Miss F. Denton, and Mrs. Young and Mrs. Cox reported on the Women's Fellowship meetings. The "Y" Department report showed good work under their leader, Miss Stapleton. Miss C. Hall's report of the Children's Department was satisfactory, and the Little White Ribboners' work was described by their leader, Mrs. F. Knight.

Mrs Palmer and Mrs Tuckey were appointed pianists.

Officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: President, Miss Scott; acting vice-presidents, Mesdames Tailby, Cox, J. Cunnington, Perkins, Newell and Blunsom; vice presidents, Mesdames Ladds, R. Cunnington, Young, Norman, E. Linnitt, Bridgment and Hall and Miss N. Clipson; secretary, Mrs North; recording secretaries, Mrs. J. Cunnington and Mrs. H. Burfield; treasurer, Miss F. Denton; hall secretaries, Mr. and Mrs. W. Gutteridge; tea committee, Mesdames F. Knight, T. Whiteman, C. Noble, E. Tuckey, Flood, Smith, Clark, Tassell, J. Cunnington. Newell and Bates: general committee, all officers, Mrs Stapleton, Mrs. E. Wrighton and Mrs. F. Knight: magazine secretary, Mrs. E. Newall; auditors, Mr A. Wright and Mr. F. S. Knight; representative on After-Care Committee, Miss Scott; represnentative on Red Cross, Mrs. A. Bates; representatives on Hospital Week Committee, Mrs. J. Cunnington, Mrs Linnitt, and Mrs Knight; County Band of Hope Union, Mrs. Cox and Mrs. F. Knight.

Tea was served at the close of the meeting.

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