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Rushden B.W.T.A. Committee 1900-01
Parapde passing temperance Hall
An early parade passing the Hall c1910

Aug 9th 1900

It was resolved to advertise for tenders for 6 dozen chairs for the room with samples and sealed tenders to be delivered by the 15th

Mrs. Darby and Mrs. F. Vorley undertook to see Mr. F. Corby and Mrs. C. Cunnington to ask for water butts.

Mrs. Parkin agreed to ask Mr. Knight for the loan of an instrument for the opening services.

Mrs. T Linnett, Mrs. Crick and myself were proposed as the sub-committee to arrange for platform furniture, blinds and cleaning of room. The date of opening was proposed and seconded by Mrs. Crick and Mrs. Darby for the 30th inst but two dates were to be sent to Miss Slack. This was carried.

It was unanimously resolved to invite Mrs. Alexander to perform the opening ceremony – Miss Sturgess to preside in the afternoon and Miss Slack and Mrs. Boles as the speakers for the evening meeting and to ask Mrs. Newman to take the chair. It was left to the secretary to provide some singing. It was agreed to take collection in the room. Arrangements to be made for the Coffee Tavern people to provide the tea.

Aug 23rd 1900

The last committee meeting was held by the kind invitation of Mrs. Amos Cave. We met at her house for tea, by which 12/- was added to the room fund.

It was unanimously decided to have a penny in the slot meter. We agreed to tell Mr. Martin he might provide 150 for tea.

Sept 13th 1900

A report of the result of the opening of the room was given, showing an addition of £10/8/9d to the building fund with another half crown given during the meeting.

After some discussion it was proposed by Mrs. Linnitt second by Mrs. Amos Wright, that the expenses connected with the opening should be paid out of the General Fund. This was carried unanimously. The question of Insurance was considered and on the proposition of Mrs. Norman, seconded Mrs. Brown, it was resolved to increase the amount to £250.

Mrs. Tailby informed the committee what the terms would be for a Banner, similar to the one that was borrowed, namely from 18/- to £1, to be in terracotta and white. Mrs. Crick proposed that we should have one, Mrs. Hartwell seconded this and it was decided to order it.

It was proposed by Mrs. J. Linnitt seconded by Mrs. B. Vorley that a social gathering should be arranged and we resolved to hold it on Wednesday September 26th in our own room. The proceedings to include the sale of articles left from the sale of work.

A Gramophone entertainment with a short address and refreshments, the latter to be obtained free of cost if possible and the proceeds to go to the Building Fund.

Mrs. Tailby put before the meeting the necessity of asking Mr. Denton the terms on which we are to hold the ground where the room is placed.

The Good Templars application was considered and we resolved that the charge for their ordinary business meetings should be 1/6d per night from October to March and 1/- per night during the summer months. The accounts to be paid monthly were appointed to ascertain the terms for the purchase of a piano.

It was suggested that a meeting for women might be held on Sunday afternoons under the auspices of the association and it was decided to bring the matter forward at the tea meeting on the 15th

Mrs. Crick suggested that the room should be opened one evening a week, when women could bring their own needlework and receive instruction in cutting out and,making up, also that little talks on practical subjects be given them, with some music. After discussion it was decided to bring this forward also at the gathering on the 15th.

The committee decided to have 500 slips printed for promises of weekly and monthly subscriptions to Room Fund.

The stove committee were asked to order some coal etc.

Mrs. Crick thought it was quite time we got in some crockery ware for tea. She and two others agreed to give one dozen each. The committee authorised Mrs. Crick and Mrs. Linnitt to order 6 dozen gilt and white pattern from Mrs. J.F. Knight.

The Secretary was instructed to get an estimate from Mr. Whittington for a box seat at the end of the room and also for boards and trestles to accommodate 6 dozen persons.

Dec 7th 1900

The advisability of changing the hymn books for the Sunday Service was considered and Mrs. B. Vorley proposed that we should have 4 dozen of “Sankeys”, this was seconded by Mrs. Knight and Mrs. Darby was asked to order them and have them sent to Mrs. Knight for the initials to be stamped upon them.

Jan 3rd 1901

As we had not sufficient crockery Mrs. Tailby proposed we should have 3 dozen more and 9 dozen teaspoons.

It was decided that the afternoon service on February 3rd should be devoted to the memory of our late beloved Queen. Mrs. Tailby was asked to give the address.

March 26th 1901

The 9th annual meeting was held on the 26th March 1901. A tea was provided at 4.30pm and at 7pm the business meeting was held commencing with a hymn and prayer by Mrs. Hulatt. The president in her address said that she thought we might congratulate ourselves in what we had accomplished during the year just past. We had built ourselves a room which cost something like £160 of which there remained a debt of only £38. We had formed a Y Branch which was flourishing and taking everything into consideration she thought we had every encouragement to go forward.

Mrs. Jowett, the President of the Y Branch was unavoidably absent but she sent a written statement, which showed a membership of 53 and that the girls were showing great interest in their meeting etc. The present was hopeful and they were looking forward to doing good work in the future.

April 4th 1901

It was proposed by Mrs. Vorley and seconded by Mrs. Sargent that a copper be arranged for and that Mrs. Crick, Linnitt, Brown and Wright be asked to secure a suitable one and also tea urns.

The Lantern Lecture was next discussed. It was proposed by Mrs. Sargent and seconded by Mrs. Knight that Mr. Yates be asked for the use of his Lantern.

Mrs. Jowett proposed and Mrs. Adnett seconded that the charge for the Lantern Lecture be 6d and 3d. Tickets to be either borrowed or bought.

April 12th 1901

The caretaker’s salary. It was proposed by Mrs. Knight, seconded by Mrs. Adnitt that it be raised to 2/- per week.

A letter was read from the secretary of the “Sunday Closing Special Campaign” requesting that a special meeting be called to forward a petition to Parliament on behalf of the above before the 1st of May. Not being able to call another meeting, it was unanimously agreed to have the petition read on the Sunday Night.

June 4th 1901

The question as to a Garden Fete was discussed and it was unanimously agreed to hold one on July 4th and to ask Mr. Cave for the use of his grounds. It was decided to have tea at 4.30pm and to make a charge of 2d at the gate after tea.

The arrangements for a Picnic was next discussed and it was proposed by Mrs. Knight and seconded by Mrs. Jacobs that we go to Pavenham on the 25th of July, if permission could be obtained. It was decided that the Coffee Tavern be asked to provide the tea and that the same charge as last year be made, 2/3d for the Brake Ride and Tea and 9d for the tea only.

A letter was read from the Y Branch asking permission to join with the B.W.T.A. in their picnic. This was agreed to and a letter was sent to Miss Ballard to that effect.

July 2nd 1901

Concluding arrangements were made regarding the Garden Party. It was decided to hold a Sale of Work during the evening. Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. White agreed to take charge of stall with help. Mrs. Wright and others to help at the gate, to take admission fee. It was carried unanimously the children who subscribed for Special Fund should have a free ticket for the tea on Saturday after which they were to receive a prize from the Temperance Society.

Final arrangements were made for the picnic. Mrs. Hulatt proposed and Mrs. Brown seconded that we have 25 cards printed for the Picnic. A meeting to be called on July 22nd to receive names of those coming to Pavenham. Time of starting to be 12 o’clock noon from the Coffee Tavern.

Aug 16th 1901

Decided to let the Relief Committee have room free. They are to recompense Mrs. Cox for trouble cleaning etc.

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