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Sunday School Anniversary Party

Rushden Echo, Friday, July 6, 1928, transcribed by John Collins

A GARDEN PARTY was held at The Laurels, Wellingborough-road, the residence of Alderman and Mrs. C. W. Horrell, on Saturday afternoon in connection with the Sunday school anniversary of the Park-road Wesleyan Church. Unsettled weather interfered with the attendance, but there were long bright intervals and the whole programme was gone through. The tea was arranged by Mesdames S. E. Lawman, C. S. Wooding, J. Perkins, A. E. Bates, J. Dickens, E. Miller, G. Parker, and J. Nix. Miss F. Buttling’s pupils of the Intermediate School gave a most attractive display of Morris dancing, and Mr. J. Nix conducted community singing, the Arioso Band supplying the music. Other attractions included clock-golf, tennis, and novelty games and competitions organised by Miss A. O. Capon and the junior department. The secretary for the general arrangements was Mr. S. E. Lawman.

Rushden Echo, cJuly 1930

WESLEYAN SCHOLARS — For the first time for many years, brilliant weather graced the Sunday School Anniversary at the Park-road Wesleyan Church last week-end. A garden party was held on Saturday, at the "Laurels" by kind permission of Ald. and Mrs. C. W. Horrell, beginning in an informal manner which well suited the heat of the day. Tea was partaken of on the lawn by over 100 guests, and at the tables Mr. W. E. Capon (Sunday School Superintendent) said that he first wished to thank their host and hostess for lending their grounds, and also the ladies who had prepared and served tea. Continuing, he said that they had set out to raise £50 during the week-end, and already they had £12 in hand, collected during the past weeks, while Mr. S. E. Lawman and Mr. A. E. Bates had jointly collected £14 10s., so that there was the possibility of over that amount being raised altogether. Also their thanks were due to Mr. A. Sanders and Mr. A. Head for the use of their lorries for transporting the tables, forms, etc. After tea, elect golf, tennis, bowls, and various other games were freely indulged in, these being looked after by the Sunday School teachers. A confectionery stall under the charge of the Misses A. Roberts and N. Partridge was well patronised, as was an ice-cream stall attended by Miss H Foskett. The tennis final was played off, Miss Freda Head and Mr. A. Skeeles beating Miss Lily Skeeles and Mr. Reg. Wooding. Later in the evening a gymnastic display was given by a number of young men, led by Mr. J. Craker. During the afternoon and evening Mr. J. W. Pearson's orchestra rendered musical items. On Sunday the customary early morning prayer meeting was held at 7.45, and the morning service was conducted by the Rev. E. Hardwick. B.Sc., of London, who at one time had been stationed in the circuit, where he had been greatly esteemed. The Girls' and Boys' Brigades were on parade, and Bibles were presented to several of the senior scholars. The anthem by the choir was "Arm, soldiers of the Lord." [continues]

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