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Primitive Methodist Church
Wellingborough News, 1st July 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins

BAZAAR—On Monday a bazaar and sale of work in connection with the Primitive Methodists was held in the Union Church (kindly lent for the occasion.) Subsequently a public tea was held followed by the service of song entitled "Buy your own cherries," by the Goodey Family. At the latter the Rev. G. Newton presided, and the singers were heartily applauded. The following took part in the bazaar:—Mrs. Wooding, Mrs. Dickens, Mrs. F. Denton, Mrs. Mackness, Mrs. West, Mrs. Freeman, Miss E. Sears, Miss J. Maddams, Mr. G. Wooding, Mr. J. Cox, Mr. W. Dickens, Mr. W. Sears, and the Rev. G. Newton of Wellingborough. The proceeds were towards the expenses of furnishing the Primitive Methodist Chapel.

Wellingborough News, 30th September 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins

PRIMITIVE METHODISTS—On Sunday last, special sermons were preached in the above place of worship by Mr. A. Chapman, of Northampton, when the congregations were very good. The following Tuesday a sale of fruits and vegetables took place in the afternoon, and at 4 o'clock, a public tea was provided in the schoolroom when a goodly number sat down. A public meeting was announced to be held, but owing to the shows being so near the chapel it was postponed until some future occasion.

Wellingborough News, 6th December 1884, transcribed by Kay Collins

Mr. Thos. Barber at Rushden
Primitive Methodists, Rushden

TWO SERMONS will be preached in the Public Hall, on Sunday, December 7th, by Mr. THOS. BARBER, of Northampton, at 2.30 and 6 o'clock.

On Monday, Dec. 8th, TEA in the Chapel, at 4.30. Tickets 6d. each. At 7.30 a LECTURE in the Public Hall by Mr. THOS. BARBER. Subject: 'The Christ of the Gospels; Is He an Historical Personage?' Collections for the Trust Fund. Sankey's Hymns will be used.

Wellingborough News, 14th January 1887, transcribed by Kay Collins

PRIMITIVE METHODIST CHAPEL—On Saturday afternoon a public tea was held in the little room near the Green, after which Mr. John Birch, of Derby, delivered an address upon "The miner who wore clogs, kept a bulldog, and rode on John Wesley's back." Rev. W. J. Tomkins presided, and the address was enlivened by a song from Mr. Birch, who accompanied himself upon a banjo. On Sunday the hall was again engaged, when two sermons were preached by the same gentleman. A good congregation assembled on Sunday evening.

Rushden Argus, 28th February 1890, transcribed by Kay Collins

The Primitive Methodists had quite a “red letter” day on Saturday, the occasion being the opening of their new and comfortable little chapel in Fitzwilliam-street. The congregation have been under disadvantages in regard to their former habitations, and the permanent abode to which they have now removed will be all the more appreciated. Towards the cost of building the Rushden Methodists are expected to contribute half (£120), and about £70 of this amount has been subscribed. It is proposed to raise the remainder by means of a bazaar.

Wellingborough News, 7th March 1890, transcribed by Kay Collins

PRIMITIVE METHODIST CHAPEL—In continuation of the opening services at this chapel, two sermons were preached last Sunday by Mr. John Parker, of Finedon. The services were well-attended, and collections were made in aid of the Building Fund.

Wellingborough News, 8th August 1890, transcribed by Kay Collins

PRIMITIVE METHODIST SUNDAY SCHOOL—The annual treat to the scholars of the above took place on Bank Holiday. Tea was served in the chapel at four, a number of friends also sitting down. After tea games were indulged in in a field on the Wash brook-road, kindly lent by Mr. George Willmott, where the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves, and a hearty vote of thanks was passed to Mr. Willmott for the loan of the field. The children then returned to the chapel, where tea and other refreshments were provided.

Wellingborough News, 14th November 1890, transcribed by Kay Collins

THE PRIMITIVE METHODISTS have during the past week been holding a series of revival services. The pulpit at the little chapel in Fitzwilliam-street was occupied during Sunday and also on Wednesday evening by the Rev. Richard Baxter, the superintendent of the Wellingboro’ Circuit, and the services throughout have been well attended.

The Rushden Echo, Friday May 27, 1898 transcribed Sue Manton

The Primitive Methodists of Rushden having recently enlarged their chapel in Fitzwilliam Street are now contemplating another development. Arrangements are being made to secure the services of a hired local preacher for pastoral and pulpit work in Rushden.

The Rushden Echo, Friday July 1, 1898 transcribed Sue Manton

The Rev. J.T. Parr at Rushden
The well-known Primitive Methodist minister, the Rev. J. Tolefree Parr, of Surrey Chapel, London, visited Rushden on Tuesday and gave a sermon and lecture in aid of the building fund of the Primitive Methodist chapel, Fitzwilliam Street. In the afternoon he preached on “The man with one talent.” He said the fate of this man haunted them and they realised that he made a huge mistake. As a rule I was not the man of high endowments, the man of ten talents, who neglected to use his powers. It was rather the man of ordinary capacity and feeble powers who neglected to use his one talent. Because he could not shine in a conspicuous place he did not think it was worth shining at all. Yet it was by the efforts of the thousand and one men with the ordinary talents that any satisfactory progress would be made towards the millennium. This man’s mistake was the outcome of wrong ideas. Nothing conduced to wrongness of life so much as wrongness of thought. He also mistook himself his own capacity. The more he looked at his one talent, the more microscopical it became, until at last he wrapped it up and hid it. He also mistook his relations and duties, and made the further mistake of being morbidly self-conscious. This man’s mistake was disastrous. Loss and suffering followed. It was the law of all life that a faculty that was not used was lost. Tea was provided in the school-room, and in the evening Mr. Parr gave a masterly lecture on “John Bull: Father and Son” Mr. Abel, of Northampton, presided. Extreme pressure on our space prevents a full report this week, and rather than condense the lecture we withhold our report till next week.

Rushden Echo, Friday September 30th, 1898 transcribed Sue Manton

Primitive Methodists
The harvest festival services in connection with the Primitive Methodists were conducted on Sunday. Mr. John Jaques was the special preacher in the morning and Mrs. Barratt conducted the evening service. In the afternoon the choir, under the conductorship of Mr. Jesse Holt, gave and able rendering of the cantata “Jesus of Nazareth”. Miss Daisy Devenish played the accompaniments on the pianoforte. In the evening the choir rendered the anthem “Sing O Heaven”. There were good congregations at all the services. The decorations were prettily and neatly executed and reflected great credit upon those who had spent their time and money in the effort. The pulpit bore a pretty fringe of corn and flowers and on each side was arranged a choice selection of fruit on a white background. The wall at the back of the pulpit was lavishly adorned with floral devices arranged very prettily around the text “Praise the Lord, O my soul and forget not al his benefits”, the letters being neatly cut by Mr. Jesse Holt. The wall and gas chandeliers wore floral trimmings and altogether the chapel presented a very pretty appearance. The floral garnishing was done by Mrs. Burton, Mrs. J. Stubbs, Mrs. Paragreen, Miss Smith, Miss Lawson, Miss Rowney, and Messrs. J. Twelvetree, J. Armstrong, J. Burton, J. J Holt, Moon and others. On Monday a public tea was held in the schoolroom a good number sitting down. After tea, the fruit and vegetables were disposed of under the hammer of Mr. J. Stubbs.

Rushden Echo & Argus, 8th February 1901

Primitive Methodist Band Of Hope— Last night, after an address by the president (Mr. T. Holt) an excellent blackboard lesson was given by Mr. T. C. Clarke on "The right way and the wrong way—the way to success and the way to failure." He said that total abstinence led to success and drink to the path of failure. Master E. King recited, and solos were given by Miss Ethel King, Mr. J. Holt, and Mr. T. Griggs There was a good attendance, and Mr. Clarke was warmly thanked.

Rushden Echo, 25th March 1904, transcribed by Kay Collins

Mission—Still another mission is being held in Rushden—this time at the Primitive Methodist Chapel, Fitzwilliam-street. The missioners are Mr and Mrs J Smith, uncle and aunt of the famous Gipsy Smith, and they are assisted by their daughter, Miss Smith. The mission began on Sunday last and will be continued for 14 days. Brief and unconventional addresses have been given by the missioners, who have also sung solos. There have been large congregations.

Rushden Echo, 14th May 1909, transcribed by Kay Collins

Mr. J. J. Holt, formerly organist at the Primitive Methodist Chapel, Rushden, who left a few years ago for Canada, and has been spending the winter here, has now returned to Canada, leaving on Wednesday. Most of the Rushden Primitive Methodists assembled at the M.R. station to bid him farewell.

The Argus, 30th Spetember 1910, transribed by Kay Collins

The Primitive Methodist Church—On Saturday in connection with the above, a public ham tea was held to which about 100 sat down. The tea was arranged by the ladies connected with the church. Afterwards preparations were made for the harvest festival, which took place on Sunday. The church was profusely decorated for the occasion. In the porch was a large motto, "Give unto the Lord" and other mottoes in church were "Peace and plenty" and "Praise the Lord." The special preacher was Mr. H. Craven, of Wellingborough. In the afternoon a musical service was held, which should have been presided over by Mr. J. Jacques, but at the last moment he sent a letter saying that through indisposition he was unable to attend, and Mr. B. Craven acted in his stead. The adult school choir were present, and under their conductor Mr. T. T. Clarke, gave some fine renderings during the afternoon. Appended is the programme:—Selection, ''The Crusaders," choir; quartette, "Nearer, my God, to Thee," Messrs. Bailey, Howes, Clarke, and Banister; selections, "Crossing the plain," choir; song, "The mighty deep," Mr. Coles; selection, ''Break forth joy," choir; song, "The City of Rest, Mr. Ingram. Mr Craven gave an address during the afternoon. Miss Betts at the close of the musical service thanked the choir, and assured them that they had had a real musical treat and hoped it would not be long before they paid them another visit. Mr. Parker accompanied on the piano for the choir and Master Spriggs on the harmonium for the hymns. In the evening the place was packed when Mr. Craven delivered an excellent sermon on "The fruits of the earth”.

The Rushden Echo, 7th December 1917, transcribed by Kay Collins

P.S.E.—The first of a series of Pleasant Saturday Evenings was held in the Primitive Methodist Chapel on Saturday last, when a capital programme, arranged by Miss Elsie Sears, was given. Songs were given by Mdlle. Beifnot, Miss L Sears, Miss N Twelvetree, and Mrs E Sears, mandolin solos by Miss D Robinson and Miss Ivy Robinson, who also associated themselves in mandolin duets, and recitations by Miss Carter and Miss R Young. Refreshments were served at moderate charges.

Rushden Echo. 11th January 1918, transcribed by Kay Collins

The Members of the Primitive Methodist Chapel have themselves been renovating the interior of their building. In the renovated premises on December 29th a concert was given by the West-street, Wellingborough Choir, as reported in our last issue. The chair was taken by Mr. T. Surridge. The programme consisted of selections by the choir, solos by Miss Lickerish, Miss Spencer, Miss L. Sears, and recitations by Mrs. Payne. The result of this effort was £6 5s. 0d.

Rushden Echo & Argus, 27th July 1934, transcribed by Kay Collins

Long Service
The Rev W Marshall Johnson and the Rev J W Brough presented a diploma for long service to Mr J Paragreen, of Rushden, at the Fitzwilliam-street Church on Sunday.
Mr Paragreen has been preaching at the ex-Primitive Methodist Church, Northampton, and at the Fitzwilliam-street Church, Rushden, for the past 48 years.

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