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Transcribed by Kay Collins 2011
Old Baptist Church
"Top Meeting"
The Pledge Book

Many of the entries are signatures and the X is the mark of
those who could not write. Several names are crossed through.
The members who signed a Tobacco Pledge are at the end of the book.

Rushden Temperance Society Pledge Book NRO Ref: YZ 9698 Pledge Book
We voluntarily agree to abstain from all intoxicating liquors except for medicinal purposes and in a Religious Ordinance
J Whittemore Dec 9th 1840
Frances  Whittemore
Elizabeth Linnitt Dec 10th 1840
Louisa More
Elizabeth Knight
Emma Knight
Elizabeth Blowfield
John Cave
Hannah Linnitt
Esther Bayes Left dead
Louisa Branson ?
Hannah Elstow
John Chettle
Mary Chettle
Edwin … Chettle
Samuel Chettle
Elizabeth Chettle
Patience Chettle
The Temperance Society was formed
Dec 9th 1940
J Whittemore Dec 9 Thomas Brawn 43
Mrs Whittemore Dec 9 / 40 Sarah Brawn 43
John Cave Samuel Knight
Fisher Chettles Ebenezer Knight 43
Benjamin Chettles
withdrawn Nov15/61
William Claridge Samuel Knight jun
Charles Bayes Ann Knight 43
Minnie Skinner Elizabeth Knight
William Colson Ann Sargent 42
Jabez Colson Eliza Sargent 47
James Knight sen James Knight jun 
John Knight John Sargent sen 47
Maria Knight William Thompson
Hannah Linnitt 40 Maria Thompson
Jane Cave William Wright
Mary Day Colson Jane Chettles Colson
Edwin Knight Edmund Sharwood
Naomi Sargent 45 Thomas Sargent 42
James Sargent 42
John Sargent jun 44
Elizabeth Knight sen
Frances Knight
Joseph  Bayes Elizabeth Ann Maria White
Jane Knight Ebenezer White
Fredrick Knight George Smith
Sariah Skinner Charles Burton May29 55
Emma Skinner Edwin Chettels May 23 54
Samuel Skinner Thomas Burton Jun 26 54
John Cox Thomas Willmot March 54
Ebenezer Cox James Willmott Aug
Thomas Maddocks Martha Spence Sep 26 54
William Maddocks Joseph Chettle Sep 27 54
Mary Ann Cave Thos Brightwell Dec 22 54
Paul Cave Caroline White Apr 11 April 4
Amos Cave Martha Lovell [IS]
Alfred Denton John Jaques X Jan 16
Sariah Skinner William Gross
Edwin Thompson Angelina Wilkins
Thomas Lucas Higham Mary Freeman
Joseph Sharwood John Wood July 10th 55
George White aged 8 years Dec 26 1854 Elizabeth Green 3
John White aged 28 years Sarahann Skinner
Thos White aged 6 years Susan Brightwell
Maria White aged 31 years 1855 Christina Towers
Ellen White William Towers
…line White
William Gadsby June 22 55 Charles Eaton Sep 24  56
Samuel Denton Alfred Knight 1847
Edward Barlow William Knight 1848
Edward Barlow jun Mary Day 1856
Thomas Spencer Louisa Day 1856
George Joyce Harriett Day 1856
Mary Ann Barlow Sarah Ann
Sarah Wilmot Chas  Hewitt
Baker Denton Benjmain Mantle Oct 6 ..
John Whitehead Oct 7 56
Daniel Deiton Jan 27 1857
Mary Deiton Jan 27 1857
Charles Groome
Thomas Gadsby
Solomon Bayes Feb 16 1858 James Clayson X
F Cox July 27 1858 Mary Clark
Kather Cox July 27 1858 Martha Stevens X
Elen Baxter 1858 Mary Gess or Gross ?
Joseph Clayton April 20 1858 Anne Hall ?
William Packwood April 21 1858
Alfred Packwood April 21 1858
Susan Cooke X George Ansell
Eliz Wilmer X Samuel Patenall
William Wilmot Ann Claton
Edward Scholes Ebenezer Claridge
John Palmer
Robert Browning Feb 27 59 age 11 years
F Browning April 17 59 age 10 years
John Elstow July 15 59 age 14 years
Mary Ann Tarry May 29 age 20
Sarah Banks Jun 14 1860  Cambridgeshire
Anne Skinner Jun 14 1860 
Banks  Skinner 13
Betsy Allen 19
Thomas White
G H Skinner June 14 1860 18 years
Saml Chas Rootham
Thomas Leigh
Robert Browning October 27th
The Pledge
We voluntarily agree to abstain from all intoxicating liquors except for medicinal purposes and in a Religious Ordinance. Society formed Dec 9th 1840
J Whittemore Dec 9 40 Sarah Brawn 43
Mrs Whittemore Dec 10 40 Samuel Knight sen
John Cave Ebenezer Knight 43
Fisher Chettle Samuel Knight jun
Benjamin Chettle Ann Knight 43
William Claridge Elizabeth Knight
Charles Bayes Ann Sargent 42
Morice Skinner Eliza Sargent 47
William Colson James Knight jun
Jabez Colson John Sargent sen
James Knight sen Maria Thompson
John Knight William Wright
Maria Knight Jane Chettle Colson
Hannah Linnitt 40 Edmund Sharwood
Jane Cave Thomas Sargent 42
Mary  Day Colson James Sargent 42
Edwin Knight Elizabeth Knight sen
Naomi Sargent Frances Knight
Thomas Brawn 43 Joseph Bayes
Thomas Brightwell Dec 1st 1854
John Jaques Jany 16th 55
Susan Brightwell Sep 14 55
Samuel Brightwell Aug 25 56
Mary Parker Oct 6th 56 Higham
Samuel Ebbutt Sep 24 56 Irchester
Elizabeth Darnell Sep 24 56
Maryann Darnell Sep 24 56
Rebeckah Darnell Sep 24 56
Nathan Crick Dec 6 56
Elizabeth Clark
John Chettle March 31st 1857
Mary Chettle March 31st 1857 X
Eliza Chettle X
Edwin Chettle X
Danell Sharpe X
Sarah Sharpe X
William Willmot
Thomas Brown Jan 4 58
William Freeman Jan 4 58
John Packwood Jan 19 1858
Elizabeth Jaques Feb 22 X
George Litchfield 1858 22 Joseph Rice May 3 1858
Thomas Bayes John Willmott May 3 1858
James Warren Samuel Clayton May 3 1858
Baker Denton Sarah Willmor May 3 1858
John Piggott 10 Jan 1861 Wm Edwards July 23rd 1858
Joseph Bayes 57 S Cox Sep 6
John Bull 57 Priscilla Miller
Eliza Baker 57 Elizabeth Patenall
Maryann Brafield May 26th Martha Bridgeford Sep 29
Caroline White May 26th 1858 Thos Browning
Ann Sykes July 22 Jos Farrow
Elizabeth Sykes July 22 Geo Mackness
John Clayton J Piggott January 10th 1861
John Sears Sarah Percival X
Thos Newitt 2 months Sept 30 58 Ruth Noble X
Elizabeth Cantrell ? Mary Basiter ?
James Parker his X John Hangner
John Tailby Eliz Wills ? Nov 1 62
Susna Eliz Foskett William Parett
C S Wallis Joseph Jolley Irchester 21
E Tailby
Sarah Hobs
signed June 14th 1859
Joseph Freemman Thos Whitehead his X
Eliza Bridgment X Joseph Clayton
James Flawn William Clayton
Eliza Litchfield X William Blades
Sarah Bridgford X Titus Willmott
Ellen Yong X Wm Denton his X
Joseph Allen X Samuel Knight
Thos Bitts X Thomas Lack X
Joseph Brawn X Elizabeth Latham 13 years
Elizth Baxter Caldecot Edward Latham 9
Sa Enos Crick May 20th 1859
Enos Crick
Jethro Warren his X
Ellen Palmer her X
Ann Piggott
W Neuts ? her X
Arthur Knight 1863 John Groome Feb 2nd 68
George Hawkes Feb 2nd X
1868 William Millton Feb 4 X
Thomas Bridgford Oct 19 Joseph Groome May 9
Araham Groome January 26th 1870 Thomas Patenall May 11th 68
Emma Risely May 11th 68
Elizar Eless Pod[ing] aged 10 Anne Wilby May 11th 68
June 27 1870 Elizebeth Middleton July 12th
Emmor Purkins Podd[inton] aged 6 years Thumas Dors July 14
William Gromme July 14
Henry Harris
William Knight
William Campion
Emily Knight age 2 ? 1868
June 2nd 1870
Jeremiah Chettle Age 11 years
Priscilla Chettle May 20th 1859
Arthur Chettle Enos Crick
Ernest Albert Chettle
Mary Ann Sykes June 4th
William Sykes
August 30th 1870
Abraham  Groome
William Henry Allen Oct 1st
Abraham Groome March 3rd 1871
Arthur Valentine March 3rd 1871
Mary Ann Harris aged 10 years April 25
Martha Harris 8 years April 25
Mary Ann Sykes aged 7 years
Minney Sykes aged 5 years X
John Cave aged 10 years
Thomas Alibone age 13 years
Thomas Willis age 12 years Jan 18
John Groome age 21 Mar 18 72
Cornelius Robins age 24 Mar 18 72
Jesse Darnell age 23 April 18 1872
Samuel Linnitt age 14 April 18 1872
Benjamin Sears age 14 April 30 1872
Charles White aged 12 years Jan 16 X
Abraham Groome September 8th 1873
Naomi Perkings aged 7 years Nov 24 X
Eliza Greasley January 3
Frederick Collins May 13 1874 age 24
Abraham Groome June 2 1874
Thomas Olifant ? aged 16 75
Benjamin Mantle Feby 10th 1875 age 30
Charles Palmer Feby 10th age 20 1875
Alfred Bull Feby 10th age 18 1875
Abraham Groome September 20th 1875
George Smart Jan 2nd 1877
Arthur Knight Oct 6 77
Thomas Fisher age 18 Feb 2nd
Eliza Gilbert age 19 March 20
Charles Iliffe April 6th
Charles Knight Rushden
Arthur Buthan age 18 Jan 2
David William Percival age 17 Jan 2
Edwin Ladds age 25 July 1st
John Henry Mantle Nov 10th 79
William Charles Aug 11 1879
Gei Pung Aug 1 1882
Eleanor Pung Aug 1 1882
J H Saxby  Oct 2 82
John Hny Riddly October 2 1882
G Green Feb
*a hole is cut out of the page
William Bridgeford Age 30 next Birthday Jan 14
Henry Tye Age 31 February 4th
Rosa Ellen Childs June 7 1884
Annie Childs June 7
William Bridgeford Age 11 next February 1884
Lancelot Bridgeford Age 9 next February 14 1885
Oliver Abblet age 7 years Feb 16 85
Charles Gilbert 11 years Feby 16 85
*a hole is cut out of the page
Rice H J age 9? Apr 7
Age 27
Henry Rice April 7th/85 Aged 27 85
Thos Nunley May 5th 1885
John Nunley May 5th 1885
Mary Ann Nunley May 5th 1885
William Wildman Feby 26 1886
*several blank pages follow
The Pledge
We the Undersigned Neame do Voluntarily agree to abstain from using of Tobacco in Chewing and Smoking, also of Cigars and of taking Snuff and discountenance them both as very injrious to the health of Men or Women. May the 10 1840
J Chettle Hawker 38 Rushden
Wm Colson Cordwainer 22 Rushden
Jonathan Whittemore 40 Rushden
William Ward Smith
John Niclenson ? currier 27
John ...
Ebenezer Knight Feby 16 1847
William Colson March 1st 1847
John Sargent March 1st 1847
Seargant Knight Dec 16 1853
John White December 26th 1854
resigned October 1855
John Wood July 10th 1855
NRO Ref: YZ 9698
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