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Rushden Echo, 15th July 1921

Wellingborough & Kettering News, February 7th, 1880, transcribed by Kay Collins

WYLDES - WRIGHT—On the 3rd inst., at the Congregational Church, Wellingborough, by the Rev. Thos. Grear Frederick Wyldes, youngest son of Mr. Jabez Wyldes, of Yelden, to Sarah Priscilla, youngest daughter of Mr. Joseph Wright, of Wellingborough.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, April 10th, 1880, transcribed by Kay Collins

Sharnbrook Petty Sessions—FRIDAY, APRIL 2nd, Before John Martyn, Esq., and L. G. Stileman Gibbard, Esq.

TRANSFER OF LICENCEThe licence of the Chequers Inn, Yelden, was transferred to Thomas Wagstaff, and the Chequers Inn, Keysoe, to Wm. Brook.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, October 23rd, 1880, transcribed by Kay Collins

Sharnbrook Petty Sessions FRIDAY, OCT. 15th
Before Lord St. John, L. G. S. Gibbard, and E, S. Watson, Esqrs.

Fowl Stealing—Joseph Harry Parish, and Henry Baxter, were charged by Supt. Carruthers with entering a hen-roost at Yelden, on the night of the 9th inst., and stealing therefrom ten fowls to the value of 16s.,the property of Thomas Sparkes, farm bailiff, of Silverston.

The principal witness was John Charles, labourer of Yelden, who said that on the previous Saturday night he and the two prisoners went to the fowl-house and killed several fowls, which the two prisoners took away in a bag.

The prisoners said that Charles killed the fowls, and had them.

Prisoners were committed to prison for six weeks.

Wellingborough News, 22nd April 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins

Sharnbrook Petty Sessions
Friday, April 14th.—Before Mr. H. H. Mr. T. Bagnall, and Mr. L. G. S. Gibbard.

Joseph Ekins, labourer, Yeldon, was summoned by Supt. Carruthers for being drunk and refusing to quit the Three Compasses public house at Dean, when requested by the landlord, on the 10th inst.—Fined 2s. 6d., and 8s. 6d. expenses.

Wellingborough News, 15th July 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins

SHARNBROOK PETTY SESSIONS Friday, 7th inst.—Before Mr. H. H. Green and Mr. E. S. Watson.

John Coleman, bricklayer, of Wymington Huts, was charged with trespassing in search of game at Yelden on the 11th ult. He was fined £1 and 9s. 6d. costs.

Wellingborough News, 26th August 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins

Before Messrs. H. H. Green and E. B. Watson.

Robert Lines (14), of Newton Bromswold, was charged with stealing a quantity of onions, value 1s., from a garden, at Yeldon, on the 6th inst., the property of Thomas Wagstaff, innkeeper. He was committed to prison, for seven days, with hard labour.

Wellingborough News, 18th November 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins

A BRIDGE WANTED—A correspondent writes us complaining that two cottages in this village are completely isolated owing to their being no bridge across the brook. He states that the bridge which used to cross the brook "swam away in July," and that subsequently some old doors were laid across. Three weeks ago, however, another flood occurred, and "the old doors gave way and away they went after the old bridge." Since then there has been no bridge of any kind. Our correspondent concludes by expressing the hope that some improvement may be devised to remedy this state of things.

Wellingborough News, 11th February 1887, transcribed by Kay Collins

(Under Distinguished Patronage) will be held in the


FEB. 17th & 18th, 1887,

In aid of the Fund for the Proposed Road across Yelden Fields.


CONVEYANCES will meet the Trains at Higham Station, London and North-Western Railway.

Wellingborough News, 3rd June 1887, transcribed by Kay Collins

YELDEN JUBILEE CELEBRATIONAt a meeting held on Tuesday, the collectors reported that the subscriptions amounted to £20, and the general opinion was in favour of celebrating the Jubilee with a dinner and supper, combined with various amusements.

The Rushden Echo, 1st April 1898, transcribed by Kay Collins

ElectionMr. J. G. Eads, farmer, has been elected to the Bedford Board of Guardians without opposition.

The Rushden Echo, May 27th, 1898, transcribed by Kay Collins

Yelden—A woman struck by Lightning—During a severe thunderstorm on Sunday, the wife of a groom named Charles, was struck by lightning. One of her hands was discoloured and Mrs. Charles has completely lost the use of it.

Rushden Argus, 3rd April 1903, transcribed by Greville Watson

ACCIDENT—As Mrs. Hodgkin, of Yelden, was passing by the new premises in course of erection in High-street [Rushden], on Saturday, the boards which enclose the building were blown by the rough wind, and fell upon her with such force as to throw her to the ground. She sustained a severe blow upon the head in falling, and was also considerably shaken, but was able to proceed home later in the day. On Sunday, however, it was found necessary to summon Dr. Crew, of Higham, the shock having been of a serious nature.

Rushden Echo, 4th March 1910, transcribed by Kay Collins

The Employees of Mr F G Eads, farmer, were entertained to supper at the Chequers Inn by Mr T H Woodcock, agent to Mr Crawley. Mr B Waters catered efficiently, Mr Woodcock took the chair, and was supported by the Vicar (the Rev Howes Smith), Mr Eads, Ald. W Spong, Councillor Brazier, Mr Soames, Mr Harris, jun., Mr E H Horrell, and others. After the loyal toast came the toast of “The Landlord (Mr Crawley)” and “The Chairman”. Sincere regret was expressed at the fact that Mr Soames was about to leave the district. In Proposing “The health of Mr Eads,” the Rev Howes Smith said that that gentleman was highly esteemed by all who knew him. Mr Eads was an excellent employer of labour, and he hoped the happy relations between master and men would long continue. The toast was honoured with great enthusiasm, and Mr Eads responded. Songs were given by Mr Brazier, Mr Hodgkins, and others.

Rushden Echo, 9th September 1910, transcribed by Peter Brown

Shooting Club– A return match between E Company (Wellingborough) and H Company (Higham, Rushden and District) took place at Yelden on Saturday, resulting in a win for the Higham team by 88 points.

The Rushden Echo 30th July 1915, transcribed by Kay Collins

The death of Mr. Thoms, the rate collector for the parish of Yelden, was reported to the Bedford Board of Guardians at their meeting on Saturday last, and Mr. S. Westley, of Ravensden, was elected to the vacant position.

Rushden Echo, 26th October 1917, transcribed by Kay Collins

Yelden—Foreign Missionary services were held at the Wesleyan Chapel on Sunday. Mr. G. D. Chisholm, of Irthlingborough, preached in the afternoon. The evening service took the form of a missionary meeting, Mr. Chisholm presiding over a large congregation. Mr. W. E. Capon, of Rushden, gave a report on the work of the Wesleyan Foreign Missionary Society during the past year, and addresses on missionary effort were given by Misses Florrie Partridge and Nellie Groome, of Rushden. Miss Alice Partridge, of Rushden, sand a solo, and a duet was given by Misses. I. L. Scott and A. Partridge. Miss Scott officiated as organist. The collections were in advance of last year.

Rushden Echo, 25th July 1919, transcribed by Kay Collins

Yelden - Peace was celebrated on Saturday by the ringing of the Church bells, and in the morning a cricket match, married v. single, ended in a win for the latter. In the afternoon a tea was held in the top barn by the kind permission of Mr. Whitehead, all inhabitants of the village being invited. Sports to be held in a field kindly lent by Mr. Whitehead, had to be postponed owing to the rain. A concert was given instead, dancing taking place to music provided by Mrs. Adams and Miss J. Wicks. Songs were rendered by Miss Bates, “The hymns my mother used to sing” Miss Wicks, “When you come home” and Mr. Ekins, “Robin Adair.” Sports and dancing will be held tomorrow from 7p.m. to midnight.

Rushden Echo, 3rd July 1925, transcribed by Kay Collins

Yelden – Bedford Territorials are spending week-ends at the Rifle Range, making the journey to and fro by motor ’bus. Two or three minor accidents have occurred.

Northamptonshire Advertiser, 10th May 1935, transcribed by Kay Collins

Jubilee Day 1935 - Yelden Tea Party

Jubilee Day at Yelden commenced with the ringing of the Church bells. During the morning the children paraded round the village in decorated wagons, after which the Rector and his wife (Rev. And Mrs. R. Paddick) presented mugs and beakers to the children.

The afternoon was spent in sports for the children and a football match for the adults (married v single), a draw of two goals each resulted.

At the Institute, which had been decorated for the occasion, about 150 children and adults sat down to a meat tea, after tea the evening was spent at the Institute, where singing and games were indulged in. Those responsible for the arrangements must be complimented. The hon. secretary was Mr. J. Dilley.

Rushden Echo and Argus, 9th May 1947, transcribed by Kay Collins

They Picked Potatoes in April

POTATO picking in April and May is an unusual occurrence, but a task that has just been completed at Yelden.

Owing to the bad weather last year, the digging of 30 acres of potato ground had to be abandoned. The land belonged at that time to Mr. Hawkey, but the farm has since been taken over by Mr. J. Logan. Additional labour was brought in for the latest attempt, and the job completed by this week.

Although the majority of the potatoes were unsound, some were "Very good indeed," and a number of Yelden people have benefited. The ground has now been turned over for the setting of seed.

Rushden Echo and Argus, 25th May 1947, transcribed by Kay Collins

YELDEN - Camp—A number of the Chapel Sunday School boys left on Friday last to camp for a few days at Shillington, in charge of Mr. Payne and Mr. Smith, the Sunday school teachers.

Rushden Echo, 28th February 1969, transcribed by Kay Collins

The ‘Echo’ gets around

Dogs certainly make interesting reading. The recent ‘Echo’ feature on alsatians has literally found its way to all parts of the globe.

Mrs. V. Carpenter, who with her son Tommy, runs the Carpenter’s Kennels at Yelden told us this week that to her knowledge copies of the article had been sent to the Middle East, Germany, Memphis and Arkansas in America.

This is as well as copies of the article that are to be sent to some of the big alsatian breeders in this country.

It all proves that the ‘Echo’ does get around.

2 adverts
1980 advert in a programme for a cricket match

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